August 07, 2018
Source: Bigstock
This Jewish delusion of being among the “99 percent” is what compels Jews in the West to promote suicidal policies. Some of us really believe that once the “white Christian power structure” is toppled, we’ll lead what replaces it. Which is nonsense. In truth, we’ll be the first ones tossed into the sea. Just ask the Jews of France how welcome they feel now that “people of color” own the streets. This is a Jewish community that largely survived the Nazis, but it’s not surviving the immigrant invasion.
Speaking of Nazis, here’s an irony for the ages: It was Hitler who made the Jews white. Prior to the Holocaust, if you said the word “Jew” to a gentile, the first image that might come to mind would probably not have been a wealthy banker or media mogul, but rather a swarthy shtetl-dweller, a peddler, a rag salesman, Yiddle with a fucking fiddle. There’s a reason 1930s audiences loved Geezil from the Popeye cartoons. He was the stereotype.
But then along came Hitler, who damn near wiped out lower-class Eastern European Jewry. By the 1970s, the caricature of the poor “ethnic” Jew made no sense anymore. If you wanted to stereotype a Jew, you made him an upper-class intellectual nebbish with mother issues, not a lice-infested street vendor. But way too many Jews still see ourselves as the dispossessed, and that illusion informs our politics. We don’t want to face the reality that we’re actually the elite now—so we tell ourselves ghost stories about how Trump wants to put us in camps. That way, we can reassure ourselves that “Okay, maybe we’re a little well-off, but the white Christian powers-that-be want us dead, so we better throw in with our comrades-of-color.”
Take a hack like The New York Times Magazine’s Emily Bazelon. She recently attacked her “fellow whites” for their innumerable flaws. And when a few evil right wingers pointed out that she’s Jewish, she doubled down, stating that she “benefits” from her “whiteness” and therefore whites are “stuck” with her. Yet it took me exactly five seconds to Google-search “Bazelon” and “as a Jew” to reveal column after column in which she refers to Judaism as her “identity” and declares herself a “Jewish liberal.” I knew I’d get those results, because I know Bazelon’s type. She’ll identify as white to attack whites, but—like most Jews—she doesn’t want to lose her “special” identity, her “mark of the oppressed.”
When being seen as a Jew might contribute to “negative” images, most Jews are fine with being white. For example, in the hundreds of news articles every year about how “white” the entertainment industry is, or how “white” the boardrooms of our newspapers are, Jews love being counted as white, so that our disproportionate representation doesn’t stand out. But in our political activism, we cling to our Jewish identity so we can claim the moral authority of being among the “persecuted.”
It’s a balancing act that works fine at the moment. But as leftist Jews continue to push for the “browning” of America, they’ll soon find themselves unable to pull it off anymore. Leftist Jews in Europe helped engineer a situation in which they are now surrounded by millions of Muslim immigrants who actively hate them. In a way, that’s not a nightmare scenario for us. We kind of like being hated. Well, if not “like,” let’s just say that we draw strength from it. But here in the U.S., leftist Jews are working overtime to flood this country with brown folks who don’t care about us. People who see us as white, and who see the Holocaust as a white-on-white crime from a distant land.
We may not mind being hated, but ignored? Dismissed as a unique and exceptional group? That we do not like. But that’s exactly the future we’re forging. And by the time we come to regret it, it’ll likely be many years too late.
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