October 13, 2015

Source: Shutterstock

Until earlier this year, when I started detecting the unmistakable odor of social justice worker-ry wafting off Cracked.com. Labored, unfunny, finger-wagging screeds about Confederate flags (boo!) and gay “€œmarriage”€ (yay!) began popping up. Old classics got face-lifted (note the removal of “€œretarded”€ from this headline…). Other fans noticed too.

Then, over the weekend, someone I”€™d turned on to Cracked.com sent word of an outright fan revolt:

Having agreed to participate in one of Reddit’s notorious “€œAsk Me Anything”€ forums, David Wong quickly got pissed that the “€œanythings”€ were mostly variations on “€œWhat was the catalyst that began Cracked’s transformation from a witty satirical site to a second-rate version of Salon?”€

He tossed a tantrum, and got kicked out of his own interview, but not before getting whacked by a virtual armada of ax-wielding Annie Wilkeses.

Wong, of all people, should be able to comprehend the profound attachment total strangers can develop toward media properties, be they Saturday-morning cartoons, talk-radio shows, or, in this case, a satirical website: “€œThey raped my childhood!”€ was a commonplace cry of betrayal”€”about sacrilegious Scooby-Doo and Star Wars reboots”€”in the Cracked.com comments until management, well, cracked down on that insensitive expression.

Call this fan fury irrational, trivial, and immature”€”then ask yourself how you”€™d react if Taki’s turned sharply left tomorrow. In these increasingly suffocating times, Cracked.com was one of the last online oases of politically incorrect fun, fact-checking, and even wisdom of a sort. That’s not nothing. Watching helplessly as it transforms into just another scolding, SJW-snatched body is the eighth reason the 21st century is making me miserable.


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