May 31, 2016

Source: Bigstock

To stick with the Southern Gothic metaphor, though, trannies are more like Max Cady in drag. The villain in Cape Fear skirts (pun intended) around the law relentlessly, never doing anything you can actually arrest (or better yet, kill) him for. His mission: to destroy a normal, law-abiding family”€”precisely because they are normal and law-abiding”€”in a twisted, selfish campaign for “€œjustice.”€

This is the part where I”€™m supposed to cuck out and put in that transsexuals are clearly mentally ill and deserve our compassion. That they”€™re being exploited as exotic human pets and fashion accessories by everyone from teenage weirdos on Tumblr (forgivable) to powerful media gatekeepers, greedy surgeons, and political power-grabbers (not). 

Yeah, fuck that. I don”€™t care.

In order to ostensibly protect “€œtransgender and other gender-diverse”€ individuals, the new Canadian law criminalizes “€œhate propaganda and hate crimes.”€ So how’s this?

I hate trannies. I think other people should hate trannies, too.

Does that work?

Hate is just a human emotion. If gays are allowed to tear apart and (ineptly) rebuild 5,000 years of civilization in the name of “€œlove,”€ why shouldn”€™t I be allowed to stomp on their sand castles in the name of “€œhate”€?

At this juncture, I”€™ll get lectured by conservatives that “€œwe”€ don”€™t believe in breaking the law. That if we object to an unjust piece of legislation, we”€™re supposed to work diligently to overturn it blah blah soooo sleepy zzzzzzzz

The left has gotten every item on their agenda over the past 60 years through the “€œRosa Parks”€ model. As my fellow Canadian blogger Kate McMillian likes to say, “€œ”€˜Not showing up to riot”€™ is a failed conservative policy.”€

I dare the police to arrest me first the day this law is passed. If they don”€™t do so spontaneously, then I challenge some chippy little tranny to press charges.

I can”€™t possibly plead “€œnot guilty.”€ I won”€™t even insist that I was “€œjust citing statistics”€ or “€œperforming a thought experiment”€ or “€œbeing satirical.”€ Those are all typical (and irregularly effective) defenses in situations like this one. They also don”€™t apply here.

I have no defense. I don”€™t even want one.

Come and get me, you fairies.

When I get out, you”€™ll be able to stick me right back in again, because by then Justin & Co. will also have “€œoutlawed Islamophobia.”€

So let’s see if you have the balls.


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