July 18, 2024

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

Source: Bigstock

Gee whiz, how soon they forget, and how the headlines change quicker than a pole dancer’s favors from a sucker tossing twenty-dollar bills to the one with the C-notes. I am referring to last week’s captions about Biden’s mumbling and rambling, the creepy whispering, the misnomers and forgetfulness, the whole hullabaloo that had nothing to do with Biden being unable to perform his duties, but whether he was able to beat the enemy of mankind, Donald J. Trump.

It all changed quicker than you can say John Wilkes Booth, Oswald, or Crooks, for that matter. Until last Saturday it was a modern Hitler who threatened our way of life, according to our objective media, the Democrats, and the Hollywood types, if you know what I mean. I’ve been in this business more than fifty years now, as a columnist for Esquire, The Spectator, London’s Sunday Times, the New York Post, and so on. I learned long ago that the fix is in, and will not soon forget what a billionaire publisher told me long ago: “One controls the editorials, but 90 percent of the hacks are left-wing even in conservative publications.” The networks are even worse. Trump had been demonized by our media like no other, Biden’s condition had been covered up, and only when it became obvious to even John Doe did our commentators, starting with the Times, ring the alarm bells.

“It all changed quicker than you can say John Wilkes Booth, Oswald, or Crooks, for that matter.”

They rang them because the Fourth Estate saw the alternative, Donald J. Trump, becoming the 47th President of the United States. Then the “incident” happened. (That’s how the Biden White House first called the Pennsylvania outrage.) According to a friend of mine, it was bound to happen after the violent language used by Trump’s opponents in order to marginalize him. Here are a few examples: A democratic Congressman from New York by the name of Dan Goldman called for “Trump to be eliminated as he’s unfit for democracy.” ABC’s George Stephanopoulos said—after the attack, mind you—“Trump spread violent rhetoric.” And The New York Times referred to it as a shooting, rather than as an assassination attempt. And let’s not forget Biden’s recent remarks that he did not read from a teleprompter: “We should put Trump on our bull’s-eye.” Better yet—worse, actually—a bum writing for the London Times, one David Aaronovitch, once tweeted that “Biden should have Trump murdered.” Nice.

Needless to say, the entertainment industry, especially the late-night half-wits who interview dumb Hollywood blondes, have had a whipping boy in Trump since 2016. The fact that Trump has been impeached, arrested, and now shot makes no difference. Federal prosecutors, judges, election officials, rival politicians, and journalists have all been trying to discredit him and his campaign and prevent a second term. The government has tried to jail him, has attempted to bankrupt him, has fought to keep him off the ballot, and has tried to confiscate his businesses. If this is American democracy, I’m a pregnant penguin.

They say that language has an impact, and the media has been using the fascist mode whenever it mentions Donald Trump. The attempt on Trump’s life is bound to cool the anti-Donald rhetoric, at least it should. Unlike Presidents Lincoln, McKinley, Garfield, and Kennedy, Andrew Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, and now Donald J. Trump got up after getting shot. Andrew Jackson, although 67 years of age, chased after his assassin with a walking stick and almost beat him to death. Teddy finished an hour-long speech with a bullet lodged in his chest. Reagan made a quip. Trump raised his fist.

Biden has asked his fellow Americans to lower the temperature. I agree, but he should tell that to a bitter old bag like Maureen Dowd of the Times, or some of her fellow African American columnists whose anti-Trump zeal is matched only by their lack of writing talent. Which brings me to what the left sees as its endgame: to have no opposition whatsoever in print or digitally while it peddles its lies. The plan is called the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM), a cross-industry initiative that targets media conservative outlets such as Takimag. It uses lofty verbiage about protecting the public, but in reality its function is to censor conservative writing and speech. It is masterminded by a sleazebag named Rob Rakowitz, a self-appointed phony who proclaims to be feeling “frustrated by the extreme global interpretation of the U.S. Constitution on speech issues.” In other words, the Founding Fathers should have known better, and it’s Rob Rakowitz who will now teach us all about free speech. The New York Post exposed this scumbag, but his destructive message has gotten through to the unwary. Rakowitz reminds me of Goebbels, who also felt frustrated by free speech, but at least Goebbels bedded beautiful women. Rakowitz looks as awful as Dr. G but most likely never gets laid. It is not the proper time to say this, but the next time you see the acronym GARM, reach for your gun.


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