February 27, 2015
In an email entitled “We are NOT Charlie Hebdo,” a woman named Sara Flounders says, “We are saddened at the participation of French working people…”
This is right out of the Frankfurt School playbook that Pat Buchanan talks about in The Death of the West. He points out that the Marxists became frustrated by the “working people” who were not taking up their cause, so they switched recruitment to intellectuals. This brought us critical theory and, eventually, political correctness. This is starting to look a helluva lot like Marxists duping angry blacks into being pawns for their socialist agenda. It can”t be easy convincing cop haters that the best solution to their problems is a communist dictatorship. How do you get someone to promote a police state while screaming about police transparency? Pay them.
In January, the Washington Times discovered: “George Soros Funds Ferguson Protests, Hopes to Spur Civil Action.” The article points to $33 million in one year that the “liberal billionaire” spent on protests, and there is such a huge swathe of left-wing causes in the mix, it becomes clear that what he’s really looking for is civil unrest. Riots are good for business if you”re in the business of controlling people.
The government doesn”t hate these protests. It loves them. It also funds them. In the summer of 2013 we learned the Department of Justice was dedicating money “to provide technical assistance for the preparation of possible marches and rallies” in the name of Trayvon. This isn”t about police brutality, it’s about dismantling capitalism and promoting big government. The irony here is, when this utopia happens, it’s the police who will be in the driver’s seat and poor blacks who will be under their thumb.
In the end, I feel sorry for many of these protestors. About half appeared to be hapless pawns with their brains up their ass and their hearts in the right place. It looked like the other half were too dumb to be brainwashed and got a check instead.
There’s a lot of fascinating information to be gleaned from this cacophony of bottom-feeders, but O”Keefe is right. What really matters is big fish such as Sharpton and Soros. They”re the ones who need to be exposed, and I”m not sure why more people aren”t getting off their asses and doing it. Journalists today, especially on the right, seem content with tsk-tsking each other for audacious selfies or rude Tweets. Why weren”t they at these meetings? Why has it taken this long to get a behind-the-scenes look at Sharpton’s corrupt world?
I asked James these questions after the Post cover story and he barked, “I”m tired of conservatives bitching and whining. People need to take action, break some news, or shut the fuck up.”