Lindsay Lohan is taking public embarrassment to absurdly new heights. At a party celebrating young Hollywood, she was lambasted by Perez Hilton, but barely seemed coherent enough to realize the insult. She then got into a Twitter spat with her father, saying "he verbally/literally HURT my ...
Oscar winner and True Blood star—who happens to be engaged to her HBO co-star—shocked seemingly the entire world when she revealed, via a PSA for Give A Damn Films, that she is bisexual. View the original PSA video (which also featured Clay Aiken and Cindy Lauper) ...
While you were sleeping, more women were claiming they"ve slept with Sandra Bullock's (hopefully soon-to-be ex) husband Jesse James, and although his mistress count hasn"t reached a Tiger-level of absurdity, things don"t look good for the "Vanilla Gorilla." First, the overly ...