The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Aggravating, Exasperating, and Humiliating Headlines Public shaming was a psychological cornerstone of communist societies. Although framed as “self-criticism” in both the Soviet Union and Red China, it most often manifested more as craven submission to group ...

Dominique Strauss-Kahn

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Lascivious, Invidious, and Ridiculous Headlines GOMORRAH IN THE WEST, SODOM IN THE EAST Pterodactyl-faced ex-Congressman and Big Apple mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner has been caught sexting again, this time under the undeniably seductive pseudonym of “Carlos ...

Helen Thomas

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Scintillating, Titillating, and Debilitating Headlines THE DEATH OF HELEN THOMAS Former UPI journalist Helen Thomas, who seems to have personally monitored the administration of every president since Millard Fillmore, died on Saturday at age 92. Feisty, scrappy, and ...

The Week That Perished

The week’s most inflammatory, defamatory, and masturbatory headlines 1. “TWEET, TWEET,” SAID THE STOOL PIGEON Twitter, the premier website for the world’s shrinking attention span, has yielded to pressure from French authorities to hand over data that will enable “the ...

The Week That Perished

Homosexuals pounced upon the word "€œgay"€ decades ago and seized it as their own, gradually changing its meaning from "€œhappy"€ and "€œcarefree"€ toward something that now denotes "€œangry"€ and "€œintolerant."€ Today's militant gays resemble the militant gay-bashers of ...

Rachel Jeantel

The Week That Perished

George Zimmerman’s murder trial is a rapidly unspooling farce that could likely result in a massive tragedy. When Trayvon Martin's slaying became an international moral panic last year, the media's blind barking supplicants to the Global Cult of Equality stoked racial tensions by first ...

The Week That Perished

Father’s Day has been called “the Rodney Dangerfield of Holidays” and was essentially created as an afterthought to Mother’s Day. It wasn’t declared a national holiday until 1972, while Mother’s Day has been legally enshrined since 1914. Americans spend 55% more ...

President Barack Obama

The Week That Perished

It’s official: Big Brother is watching you. And despite previous denials, he’s finally been forced to admit it. The term “leaks” seems insufficient to describe a pair of revelations regarding US government surveillance last week. They were more like floods, or perhaps even ...

The Week That Perished

SPECIAL “DELIVER US FROM CHAOS” EDITION The past week brought a near-catastrophe in the celestial realm, a deadly calamity in the meteorological realm, and news of a potential pandemic in the biological realm. And here on the ground where human beings rub elbows and battle over ...

Hillary Clinton

The Week That Perished

Last Week's Most Captivating and Infuriating News Stories HATEFUL COMMENTS FROM THE RIGHT (FINALLY!) After enduring decades of accusations that they relentlessly spewed out boiling rancid vats of hateful vitriol"€”accusations that were long on hyperbole but short on evidence"€”two right-wing ...