The Week's Most Erratic, Dramatic, and Traumatic Headlines O-BOMBING IRAQ In 2008, Barack Hussein Obama ascended to the US presidency on chocolate butterfly wings not solely due to the fact that he is 50% black, but also because of his staunch opposition to the Iraq War. On Thursday, he ordered ...
The Week's Geekiest, Freakiest, and Cheekiest Headlines EBOLA COMES TO AMERICA! The USA is a nation of immigrants, and this includes viruses capable of causing widespread death. On Saturday, with a level of fanfare not quite approaching that of The Beatles when they landed on these shores in 1964 ...
The Week's Bloodiest, Muddiest, and Cruddiest Headlines THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE: A WHITE SUPREMACIST? White people in the Anglosphere are so mentally beaten down these days that they dare not make a peep about being white without automatically welding it to an apology signed in their own blood. ...
The Week's Most Hideous, Insidious, and Perfidious Headlines ISRAEL PISSES OFF THE WORLD In response to the thousand or so glorified firecrackers that Hamas has lobbed into Israel from Gaza, Israeli ground forces entered the open-air concentration camp to commence bombing hospitals and murdering ...
The Week's Most Compulsive, Convulsive, and Repulsive Headlines ALL THE DUMB YOUNG SOCIALISTS Forty-two percent of the so-called "millennials""that socially conscious and factually stunted cohort of Americans aged 18 to 29"favor socialism over capitalism, according to a new study ...
The Week's Most Dysgenic, Pathogenic, and Schizophrenic Headlines BORDERS? WE DON"T NEED NO STINKING BORDERS As the Brown Flood from America’s southern border continues unabated"and evidently enabled by the Powers That Be"the majority of Americans who never wanted this to happen ...
The Week's Most Unpleasant, Putrescent, and Adolescent Headlines NIPSTERS: MAKING HITLER HIP AGAIN If you"re a dedicated white nationalist who laments the fact that the left dominates the media, education, public relations, and youth culture, this may be the news you were waiting to ...
The Week's Most Baneful, Painful, and Disdainful Headlines U.S. GAMBLES $6 TRILLION ON IRAQ, LOSES The United States military spent eight years tearing Iraq to pieces in order to "stabilize" it, only to see the country tearing itself to pieces again. Last week as Barack Obama flitted ...
The Week's Most Contrarian, Barbarian, and Proletarian Headlines BIG BROTHER's FIRST TWEET The Central Intelligence Agency"which applies its intelligence in a constructive manner that includes torture, secret prisons, drug smuggling, coups, extrajudicial executions, hypnosis, behavioral ...
The Week's Most Despotic, Chaotic, and Psychotic Headlines WHITE COP WINS DISCRIMINATION LAWSUIT A federal jury has awarded a white police lieutenant from Long Island $1.35 million in a discrimination lawsuit. The plaintiff, Christopher Barrella, was a 23-year veteran of the village of ...