Angela Merkel

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Frumpy, Grumpy, and Trumpy Headlines TIME MAGAZINE’S MERKEL CIRCLE JERK TIME magazine has selected German Chancellor and part-time nude model Angela Merkel as its “Person of the Year,” because to call her “Man of the Year” would be sexist, even though ...

Tyson Fury

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Barbarian, Contrarian, and Totalitarian Headlines NEW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMP DEEMED A "€œBIGOT"€ A self-described Irish Gypsy named Tyson Fury became the world’s new heavyweight boxing champion by winning a unanimous decision against Ukraine’s Vladimir Klitschko, ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Sleaziest, Cheesiest, and Queasiest Headlines A SUDDEN SPURT OF WHITE STUDENT UNIONS From November 20-22, thirty-one separate groups representing college campus “White Student Unions” or some variation thereof were created on Facebook, that social-media colossus that causes ...

Woodrow Wilson

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Grating, Race-Baiting, and Nauseating Headlines PURGING WOODROW WILSON FROM PRINCETON America’s black college students and their guilt-wracked white enablers will apparently not rest until the only thing that universities teach is that white people are evil. The latest in a ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Atomic, Islamic, and Tragicomic Headlines UGLY MUSLIM WOMAN: "€˜I DON"€™T DATE WHITE MEN"€™ Last Friday evening in France, Islamic extremists"€”some of whom are thought to have been among this year’s tidal wave of Syrian refugees to Europe"€”slaughtered at least ...

Derrick Stafford and Norris Greenhouse, Jr.

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Ruthless, Truthless, and Toothless Headlines TWO BLACK LOUISIANA COPS CHARGED WITH MURDER IN SHOOTING DEATH OF SIX-YEAR-OLD WHITE BOY According to the Washington Post, last week a six-year-old white boy from Louisiana became the youngest victim of 834 fatal shootings by law ...

Adolf Hitler

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Fascinating, Lacerating, and Exasperating Headlines KILLING BABY HITLER Simply because The New York Times was, is, and always will be the most respected and trustworthy publication in the solar system, it recently asked its readers what is undoubtedly the most pressing question of ...

missing asset:

The Week That Perished

The Week's Dumbest, Numbest, and Glummest Headlines BIBI ABSOLVES ADOLF Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who just so happens to be Jewish, sparked a thunderous outcry of digital “oy, gevalts” last week when he claimed that Adolf Hitler merely wanted to expel Jews from Germany ...

Stone Mountain carving

The Week That Perished

The Week's Dreamiest, Steamiest, and Seamiest Headlines M.L.K. RETURNS TO THE MOUNTAINTOP The Right Reverend Holy Martin Lucifer King is a huge inspiration to rainbow-colored children across this great planet, and the fact that he was a plagiarist and a communist and a prostitute-basher and had ...

Louis Farrakhan

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Timeless, Mindless, and Spineless Headlines JUSTICE...OR ELSE WHAT? The Honorable Righteous Bean-Pie-Slingin’ Minister Louis Farrakhan"€”who helms an organization that preaches white people were created by an evil scientist and will be annihilated by a giant flying saucer ...