Keith Ellison

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Offensive, Apprehensive, and Hypertensive Headlines WILL A BLACK MUSLIM HEAD THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE? As further evidence that it remains painfully clueless about what led to its stunning electoral defeat in November, the Democratic Party is ramping up their minority ...

Washington D.C.

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Carcinogenic, Schizophrenic, and Estrogenic Headlines SIEG-HEILING ALONG THE POTOMAC Ever since Donald Trump scored an unexpected electoral victory earlier this month, mainstream journalists have been desperately clawing to prove that he flew into the White House on the wings of ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Deluded, Denuded, and Polluted Headlines TWITTER PURGES ALT-RIGHT ACCOUNTS Since leftism is based on the implausible and transparently fraudulent notion of innate human equality, it finds itself engaged in a perpetual wrestling match with basic reality. The international media ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Glorious, Meritorious, and Victorious Headlines SPECIAL POST-ELECTION EDITION: FEAR OF A TRUMPOCALYPSE Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States. We won"€™t even bother to pretend there was any other news this week. There may have been other news"€”we simply ...

Lena Dunham

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Austere, Unclear, and Insincere Headlines BARKING MANATEE LENA DUNHAM CALLS FOR THE EXTINCTION OF WHITE MEN Lena Dunham is an unforgivably overweight and savagely unattractive alleged comedienne who blithely makes false rape accusations and once wrote glowingly of diddling ...

Anthony Weiner

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Phallic, Gallic, and Microcephalic Headlines HILLARY GETS SCHLONGED BY WEINER After a week that had already seen her lead over Donald Trump in the polls rapidly shrinking, Friday’s news that the FBI was reopening its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email ...

Hillary Clinton

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Unreliable, Unverifiable, and Unjustifiable Headlines JOURNALISTS PUT THEIR MONEY ON CLINTON Despite reams of evidence that American media is tilted heavily leftward, everyone knows that the idea of a "€œliberal media"€ is a paranoid myth peddled only by elderly white ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Global, Immobile, and Ignoble Headlines DREAMING OF A WHITE PUMPKIN As the air grows cooler and the days grow shorter, we gather together this holiday season to confront the uncomfortable fact that Western education has become a stinking cesspool of insanity and nonsense. Witness ...

Bill Clinton

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Spastic, Drastic, and Plastic Headlines BILL CLINTON’S FEMALE ACCUSERS GO BONKERS ON SOCIAL MEDIA While the bombshell news story over the weekend was the possibly campaign-sinking release of a tape where Donald Trump says the words “pussy” and “tits,” ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Dysgenic, Unhygienic, and Inauthentic Headlines UNITED NATIONS: "€œSTOP TRUMP"€ The United Nations is a wonderful organization that was built upon World War II’s ashes and exists to assure that Adolf Hitler never, ever EVER rises from the grave. And as everyone on Planet ...