Marine Le Pen

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Hurried, Worried, and Curried Headlines FRANCE VOTES ON WHETHER TO COMMIT SUICIDE Today French voters go to the polls in the first round of their presidential election. The outcome may determine whether France still has a chance of remaining French. Almost as if he was ...

Massive Ordnance Air Burst

The Week That Perished

The Week's Snappiest, Crappiest, and Unhappiest Headlines "€œMOTHER OF ALL BOMBS"€ ACCUSED OF SEXISM Fulfilling Donald Trump's campaign promise to "€œbomb the shit out of"€ ISIS, US forces dropped an 11-ton Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) bomb on an Islamic State stronghold in eastern ...

Don Rickles

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Abusive, Intrusive, and Exclusive Headlines HAS TRUMP GONE FULL NEOCON? We regret to inform our readers that last Thursday, Donald Trump authorized the US military to fire 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian airfield that was suspected of launching a chemical-weapons attack ...

Maxine Waters

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Dogmatic, Prostatic, and Schismatic Headlines CONGRESSWOMAN's HAIR COMPARED TO JAMES BROWN's, WORLD RECOILS IN RIGHTEOUS HORROR"۬Since 1991, Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters has represented much of southern Los Angeles, a wonderfully vibrant community which has gifted the ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Frightening, Enlightening, and Whitening Headlines CANADIAN GOVERNMENT OFFICIALLY CONDEMNS "€œISLAMOPHOBIA"€ Canada is a nation that hates America because America is much more famous than Canada. Its prime minister, the alleged bastard son of Fidel Castro,  wears goofy hats ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Tickly, Sickly, and Prickly Headlines RACHEL MADDOW DROPS A BOMBSHELL ON HERSELF MSNBC's Rachel Maddow is easily the manliest broadcaster currently on television, with her free testosterone levels at any given moment measuring roughly 400% those of her lesbian coworker Chris Hayes. ...

Jorge Ramos

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Spoiled, Soiled, and Uncoiled Headlines UNIVISION ANCHOR: "€œTHIS IS NOT A WHITE COUNTRY"€ Emmy Award-winning Univision TV anchor Jorge Ramos is often referred to as the "€œWalter Cronkite of Latin America,"€ and we"€™re not sure what that says about Walter Cronkite or ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Cynical, Inimical, and Rabbinical Headlines PRESS COVERAGE OF TRUMP: 88% HOSTILE Because President Donald J. Trump is a realistic and intelligent man, he despises the press. Even though they started this war with him, yet they seem to lack both the honor and the insight to ...

Marine Le Pen

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Melodious, Odious, and Incommodious Headlines LE PEN REFUSES TO WEAR HEADSCARF In a bold "€™n"€™ brilliant act of political theater that will undoubtedly draw parallels to Rosa Parks, Joan of Arc, Charles Martel, Mahatma Gandhi, and maybe even the bra-burning feminists of the ...

John McCain

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Corrosive, Implosive, and Erosive Headlines McCAIN DANCES AN IRISH JIG FOR HIS GLOBALIST OVERLORDS John McCain is a decrepit and senile leprechaun who failed in his quest for the presidency, which is why he seethes with sclerotic resentment for President Donald J. Trump. Of ...