The Week’s Soggiest, Foggiest, and Groggiest Headlines STEVIE WONDER: CLIMATE DENIERS ARE BLIND Last Tuesday—undoubtedly guided onstage by his handlers—Grammy-winning sight-deprived musician Stevie Wonder joined other superstars in a telethon designed to raise money for the victims of ...
The Week’s Most Artificial, Superficial, and Prejudicial Headlines BEING TOUGH ON BORDERS (ELSEWHERE) Without borders there is no nation, which is why those who oppose American borders obviously despise the American nation. While celebs yip and yap all over online media about how we should be ...
The Week’s Most Cynical, Inimical, and Atypical Headlines KEITH OLBERMANN CONTINUES LOSING HIS MARBLES A long, long time ago in a country much unlike the USA in 2017, Keith Olbermann was a sportscaster. Then at some point, televised sports became a bully pulpit for Cultural Marxism. These days ...
The Week’s Dippiest, Drippiest, and Yippiest Headlines ANTIFA V. BLACKS Antifa (pronounced “an-TEE-fa”) is a group of psychopathically self-righteous masked pussies who live with their parents and refer to all non-members as “fascists,” whereupon they proceed to club the accused Nazis’ ...
The Week’s Most Curious, Spurious, and Injurious Headlines “GOY, BYE!”: BANNON RESIGNS Seen by many as the Trump Administration’s gin-blossomed face of anti-globalist populist fury, former Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steve “The Great Manipulator” Bannon resigned as White House ...
The Week’s Most Historic, Euphoric, and Dysphoric Headlines IT’S OFFICIAL: DNC EMAILS WERE LEAKED, NOT HACKED With zero evidence but the sort of unblinking righteous fury that is the hallmark of fanatical morons, this lavender-tentacled thing that calls itself “The Resistance” has insisted ...
The Week’s Weakest, Bleakest, and Meekest Headlines BALTIMORE TRIES TO MAKE MURDER ILLEGAL FOR ONE WEEKEND Two years ago, Baltimore’s mayor said she was giving rioters “a space to destroy.” It worked! Baltimore’s residents are doing a bang-up job of destroying their once ...
The Week's Rowdiest, Dowdiest, and Cloudiest Headlines SPERM COUNTS PLUMMET ACROSS THE WEST It should come as no laughing matter to those who fret about the demographic decline of "The West""a place that is synonymous with "white people""that a recent meta-study finds that ...
The Week's Flabbiest, Scabbiest, and Crabbiest Headlines MAYWEATHER & MCGREGOR MAKE HURTFUL AND INSENSITIVE COMMENTS TOWARD ONE ANOTHER On August 26, MMA superstar Conor McGregor will enter the boxing ring against Floyd Mayweather, Jr., who is coming out of retirement after an undefeated ...
The Week's Most Nationalistic, Chauvinistic, and Voyeuristic Headlines TRUMP INVADES POLAND Poland is a proud nation in Eastern Europe which has endured endless invasions and centuries of suffering. This is why Poles, unlike the fatally naïve soft weenies of the Anglosphere, realize that ...