The Week’s Wormiest, Germiest, and Spermiest Headlines JOHN CLEESE SAYS LONDON IS NO LONGER AN ENGLISH CITY Like everyone who states the obvious these days, Monty Python founder John Cleese is being pounded on social media. His crime was simply to observe that London is no longer an English ...
The Week’s Most Busted, Disgusted, and Maladjusted Headlines PICKUP ARTIST SWALLOWS THE “GOD PILL” Daryush Valizadeh—don’t ask us to pronounce it, because we don’t know, either—is an American-born writer of Persian and Armenian ancestry who is better known as “Roosh V.” ...
The Week’s Most Global, Immobile, and Ignoble Headlines YOUTUBE’S 14-YEAR-OLD GIRL COMEDIC GENIUS TAUNTS YOUTUBE EXEC If BuzzFeed’s supremely wormy Joseph Bernstein has a problem with you, then you are clearly talented and are doing something right. As the astronomically banal ...
The Week’s Most Curious, Furious, and Spurious Headlines LAURA LOOMER CRIES SO HARD ABOUT HER SOCIAL-MEDIA BAN, HER NEW NOSE ALMOST FALLS OFF Whiny Alt-Lite yenta Laura Loomer—best known for staging a hoax about her tires being slashed, interrupting theatrical events in classic SJW style, ...
The Week’s Most Dissipated, Obliterated, and Eviscerated Headlines GEORGE WASHINGTON MURAL TRAUMATIZES STUDENTS Nonwhite children at George Washington High School in San Francisco were horrified to encounter a 1936 mural that depicts, as fate would have it, George Washington, who just so ...
The Week’s Most Perverted, Diverted, and Disconcerted Headlines SPORTS TEAMS BAN KATE SMITH FOR “PICKANINNY” AND “DARKIES” SONGS Kate Smith was a fat white woman beloved for decades by Americans for her rendition of “God Bless America,” which she belted out with the gusto of a ...
The Week’s Most Defamatory, Inflammatory, and Confirmatory Headlines IS FRANCE BURNING? One needed the sentience of a rock to be able to ignore the deep symbolism behind the specter of the Notre Dame Cathedral burning last Monday in Paris—here was a presumably ineffable symbol of France, of ...
The Week’s Stingiest, Mingiest, and Whingiest Headlines JULIAN ASSANGE ARRESTED Master hacker and exotic dancer Julian Assange has been holed up in London’s Ecuadorian Embassy since 2012 when they offered him refuge from some rather flimsy rape charges regarding a 2010 incident in Sweden. ...
The Week’s Most Wheezing, Teasing, and Displeasing Headlines AMERICA LOSES ITS RELIGION According to the recently released General Social Survey, Americans who identify with no religion now edge out Catholics and Evangelicals, and all three groups leave mainline Protestants in the ...
The Week’s Most Screwy, Gooey, and Jewy Headlines BLACK/GAY/JEWISH HATE-CRIME HOAXER WALKS FREE Just when you thought the arc of the moral universe was bending toward justice in the case of fabulist actor/hate-crime hoaxer Jussie Smollett, that arc bent over, grabbed its ankles, and was ...