From The Jackie Robinson Story

The Return of Skepticism

McKinsey & Company, the famous management consulting firm, has published a number of wildly popular reports during the Great Awokening—such as 2015’s “Diversity Matters,” 2018’s “Delivering Through Diversity,” 2020’s “Diversity Wins,” and 2023’s “Diversity Matters Even ...

King Felipe VI of Spain

Scientific Racism?

As floods of genomic data pour in on ancestral variations among humans, the Establishment increasingly double dumbs down on the question of whether or not race even exists. For example, last year The New York Times’ genetics reporter Carl Zimmer asserted: In the 18th century, European ...

Buy My Book

My anthology Noticing is coming out in paperback this week from Passage Press for $29.95. Please buy it. Also, I’m continuing my book tour with a speaking event in Los Angeles this Friday evening, before stops in Austin, New College in Sarasota, Fla., the West Virginia exurbs of Washington, ...

San Francisco City Hall

The Year Zero of American Architecture

Why do some buildings make us happier than other buildings? Tom Wolfe offered an eye-opening explanation in his 2003 collegiate novel I Am Charlotte Simmons: “the existence of conspicuous consumption one has rightful access to—as a student had rightful access to the fabulous Dupont Memorial ...

The Times They Are a-Changin’

Why is Trump ahead in the polls over Biden, even though several traditional measures of electoral viability suggest the incumbent should be in good shape? For example, the Dow Jones average was over 38,000 on Monday. I can recall when Dow 36,000 was considered an ironic joke. A fairly sensible ...

The Blame Game

One of the stranger aspects of the long-running American affirmative action debate is that both supporters and critics of racial quotas seldom admit in public how scarce blacks would be in cognitively elite institutions without the now traditional massive thumb on the scale in their favor. Liberal ...

What’s the New Current Thing?

I’m not much in the business of making predictions about the future, because it’s hard enough to understand what’s happening in the present. I don’t forecast the next big thing so much as try to notice the current thing. My goal is to be a historian of the present. Back in May 2013, I ...

Raleigh, North Carolina

The Kansas City Question

Last week’s Super Bowl parade shooting in Kansas City in which one was killed and 22 wounded was another validation of both Coulter’s and Sailer’s Laws of Mass Shootings. Ann devised her insight back in 2015 after two Muslim terrorists of Pakistani origin murdered fourteen at a government ...

Nayib Bukele

Latinos and the Law

El Salvador president Nayib Bukele was reelected with almost 85 percent of the vote following his massive crackdown on gangs that saw the Central American republic’s official murder rate plummet to historic lows. Bukele’s success raises interesting questions about Latinos’ propensity toward ...

Nature and Nurture in the NFL

This Sunday’s Super Bowl between the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs includes a fun cast of characters, such as Christian McCaffrey, Patrick Mahomes, Nick Bosa, Travis Kelce, and Taylor Swift, straight out of countless posts I’ve done over the years about stereotypes, exceptions ...