White elites are currently fantasizing that they can use the People of Color mob of young looters to overthrow Trump, somewhat like in Georgia in 2003 and Ukraine in 2014. Serious people in Washington and New York take seriously warnings from abroad that the American Empire can endure four years ...
Opinion journalism in the respectable outlets has increasingly come to be dominated during the Great Awokening of the past half-dozen years by young Women of Color with soft major degrees who take whatever topic is in the news—global pandemic, Ukrainegate impeachment, a tribal elder being smirked ...
Conservative nationalists in the U.S. are knuckleheadedly booting away their most persuasive case yet for rebuilding America’s industrial base: the shameful tale of how the Chinese were allowed to hoard almost all the facemasks. As many on the right have already forgotten, in one of the more ...
Last Friday, the day after two whites in Georgia were arrested in the vastly publicized killing of the black jogger/prowler Ahmaud Arbery, a young black gunman murdered two octogenarian whites, Paul and Lidia Marino, while they were visiting their son’s grave at a veterans’ cemetery in ...
In 2017, 158,000 Americans died from what we call deaths of despair: suicide, overdoses, and alcoholic liver disease and cirrhosis. This is the equivalent of three full 737 MAXs falling out of the sky every day, with no survivors. The new book Deaths of Despair: And the Future of Capitalism by ...
When faced with a new conundrum with no certain answer, the single most valuable political principle is precisely what many people simply can’t abide at this moment: freedom of speech. During the novel coronavirus crisis, when nobody has proved infallible, we need, more than ever, an open ...
One of the more interesting television series of the past decade is Occupied, an intelligent Norwegian nationalist political thriller now available on Netflix. It’s both an anti–European Union tribute to the Norwegian people and the near-utopian country they have built, and a clear-eyed ...
The good news is that we actually have flattened the curve. Even in New York City, few hospitals are overwhelmed, and in much of the country, such as California, the situation is better than epidemiologists were predicting only a month ago. For example, in Los Angeles County, home to 10 million ...
With some good news emerging recently in the battle against the coronavirus, it’s time to think in depth about how to reopen the economy, as the governments of Denmark and Austria, two intelligently run countries that shut down relatively early, are currently planning to do. Obviously, we ...
The Associated Press reported this week: In the critical month of February, as the virus began taking root in the U.S. population, CDC data shows government labs processed 352 COVID-19 tests—an average of only a dozen per day. At a time in which the failure of the Centers for Disease Control to ...