I despise moralism with every last corrosive drop of my stomach acids, and it’s hard to think of a subject that induces more howling moralistic outrage than abortion. Moralistic arguments are never about facts, they’re about crushing your opponent’s windpipe to prove that you’re more ...
Why the hell are these mass shooters always straight white males? Well, for starters, because they’re not. According to a study of mass shootings in the USA between 1982 and February 2019, 62 out of 110 shooters were white, which comprises 56% of the total. Since non-Hispanic whites accounted ...
Last week the cancerously large social-media website Facebook and its narcissism-enabling photo-based subsidiary Instagram banned a group of high-profile individuals it deemed as “dangerous” and “violent.” Now, smack me upside my bald-ass skull and call me Pappy Yokum, but maybe I ...
Locals often refer to San Francisco as “The Golden City,” but I’m assuming that was back when the homeless were merely urinating all over the streets. These days, the city is in deep shit—much of it human. In fact, the epidemic of humans using San Francisco’s sidewalks as toilets has ...
Can a gay man whose surname begins with the word “Butt” become America’s next president? Say hello to Pete Buttigieg, who is so kind and helpful that his Twitter page phoneticizes his Maltese surname as “BOOT-edge-edge” so you don’t have to spend half a day trying to figure out how ...
From outward appearances, the four little black kids singing a song called “We Are Provided For” seemed happy. Along with two other Children of Color, they had been adopted by a married white lesbian couple named Sarah and Jennifer Hart. This odd menagerie consisted of three siblings adopted ...
According to a recent poll, Joe Biden and Beto O’Rourke stand first and fourth amid the ocean of weird-ass Democrats who are potential nominees for president. The problem, though: They’re both white. This wouldn’t ordinarily be a problem, except I get the sense that the main message the ...
“No one here gets out alive!” the immigrant driver allegedly yelled to a bus full of 12- and 13-year-old schoolkids near Milan last Wednesday while barreling down a highway and plowing through a police roadblock. He had taken a detour en route to a sporting event and, according to what ...
50. With another 50 or so wounded, many in critical condition, the final fatality count may rise. That’s a lot of dead Muslims. But at the risk of sounding intensely crass, there are a lot more where that came from. Globally, the Muslim population swells by millions yearly. There are ...
Last Thursday, House Democrats, freaked-out by the fact that a hijab-wearing Muslim upstart Congresswoman suggested that there exists a “political influence in this country that says it is OK to push for allegiance to a foreign country,” shoved an anti-“hate” resolution through the chamber ...