American culture reached Peak Beta last week as three privileged white-male pundits wrote essays declaring that privileged white males suck. Lifelong morbidly obese bitchy lesbian Roger Ebert apparently dismantled the presumably elaborate series of pulleys and harnesses that enable him to orally ...
Greece, the cradle of Western Civilization, seems destined to become either the West's coffin or the site of its rebirth. The nation's debt crisis, combined with the fact that it's a primary entry point for illegal immigration into Europe"in 2010, nine of every ten "migrant" outlaws ...
The International Workers’ Disco Party known as May Day came early to Cleveland this year, but instead of starting with a bang, it began with a profoundly dumb silence on the evening of April 30. That’s when five bumbling young males were allegedly unable to detonate eight pounds of the plastic ...
Although it remains unclear exactly what buggery has to do with ethical reporting, Professional Homosexual Dan Savage was there to unravel the mystery to a group of Seattle teens on April 13 at the National High School Journalism Convention. When he started ripping into the Bible"calling it ...
All the right people hate Ted Nugent. And when I say all the right people, naturally I mean all the left people. His pinko antagonists were screeching like freshly castrated mink at an overcrowded fur farm last week regarding comments the wild-eyed and possibly insane rocker/hunter/gun fetishist ...
Although yesterday, April 15th, is an annually observed National Day of Mourning, this year it fell on a Sunday, a holy day when no federal postal workers must be roused from their beauty naps. So our omniscient guardian angels at the Internal Revenue Service have postponed the filing deadline ...
As I type this from my heavily black neighborhood, I hark back to my wigger days and recall something that Chuck D from black-nationalist rap group Public Enemy said to me wearily when I interviewed him back in 1990: You tell people what you are, and people still don’t believe you. I ...
Rick Santorum has been the Republican primary season's Surprise Moral Warrior. He has already won eleven states, and depending on how he performs in Wisconsin tomorrow, he may continue to battle the icy Mormon cyborg Mitt Romney for the nomination. Based merely on those who hate Santorum, I ...
According to the police report of his fatal shooting on the night of February 26, Trayvon Martin stood exactly six feet tall. In death, he has become a hundred times larger. I believe that's because crass opportunists are using his corpse as a political Macy's Parade balloon. I could be wrong, ...
waktu seluruh orang sibuk bersama aktifitas & aktivitas masing-masing, itu mesti dipakai sbg kesempatan yg baik bagi pembisnis buat mampu menambah area target pasar mereka, mengingat bahwa, terhadap musim ketika ini, makin tidak sedikit kastemer yg mengininkan semuanya jadi praktis & ...