George Jones

The Tolerance That Is Only Skin Deep

Country singer George Jones, who to my ears had the greatest voice ever recorded, died on Friday. A genius of phrasing and nuance, Jones had a stratospheric voice that captured human heartbreak with bottomless poignancy. I once read that when he was a kid, Jones's father would wake him up in the ...

David Sirota

Let’s Hope the Next Bomber is a Liberal Journalist

Observing the noxious media aftermath following last week's Boston Marathon bombings, it has become abundantly clear that we, as a nation, need to start racially profiling liberal writers. I first heard about the bombings from a little old white lady at a gas station down the street last Monday ...

Kermit Gosnell

The Pro-Death Movement

I once read that all societies throughout history were consistent in that they deemed it wrong to kill another human being...but they were wildly inconsistent in how they defined the term "€œhuman being."€ Such universal contradictions are compounded by the monotheism under which much of the ...

Language as an Assault Weapon

Come now, all ye tired, poor, and huddled masses of illegal immigrants and bomb-tossing Islamists"€”according to the Associated Press Stylebook, you don"€™t even exist anymore. Despite the fact that you are now officially unpersons, America's useful idiots and dhimmis-to-be welcome you to our ...

The Long Stomp Through the Institutions

Why is it that those who pride themselves on slaughtering sacred cows always seem to have a herd of them in their own barnyard? As a politically unaffiliated agnostic iconoclastic skeptic asocial lone wolf with perhaps a spicy dash of intermittently explosive personality disorder, I can"€™t ...

Sherry West

The Irrational (Yet Perfectly Understandable) Nature of Blood Vengeance

On a sunny September afternoon when I was eight, I was standing on the concrete steps outside our suburban Philly house when I heard my mother unleash a piercingly loud animal wail from inside. She"€™d received a phone call that my oldest brother, a deaf mute, had been stabbed to death while on ...

Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Selfishness of Virtue

As a blinkered young leftist back in the late 1980s, I subscribed to The Nation magazine for a year or two. Since I was a plumber's son who put myself through journalism school by driving a cab on weekends, I naively identified with any media outlet that claimed to speak on behalf of the working ...

Rand Paul

Where Does Rand Stand?

Starting shortly before noon last Wednesday, the curly-haired and elfin-faced Kentucky Senator Rand Paul spent thirteen hours filibusterin’ Barack Obama and Eric Holder’s balls about whether the federal government claimed the right to kill American citizens on US soil without trial. His ...

Lech Walesa

Lech Walesa’s Polish Sausage Fest

Lech Walesa, the burly and walrus-faced former union organizer and president of Poland, inflamed the world of flaming homosexuals and their enablers with comments he made Friday evening on a Polish television station. If his screeching critics are to be believed, the man who may be more responsible ...

Jermaine Jacksun (né Jackson)

The Jacksun Also Rises

Ever since childhood I"€™ve heard that the blacks were good entertainers. As I lurch deeper into adulthood, I confess that I find few things in life more entertaining than the names black people give themselves and their children. Besides basketball, I think we can all agree that coming up with ...