Spaying the Queen’s English

There are no fishermen left in Washington State. As of July 1, they are all now “fishers.” There are no longer any “firemen,” only “firefighters.” The state’s “clergymen” have been banished to make room for a genderless “clergy.” All ...

The Underbelly of Disbelief

What is thought to be the first public monument to atheism in the United States was unveiled Saturday in the hardscrabble, Bible-believin"€™ town of Starke, FL. A 1,500-pound granite bench etched with pro-atheist and anti-biblical quotations, it sits within spitting distance of another monument ...

Paula Deen

The Spit-Roasting of Paula Deen

Deep-battered and Southern-fried celebrity chef Paula Deen is crying tears made of butter after admitting in a court deposition that a long, long time ago she said the word "€œnigger."€ The story became yet another tedious and barf-inducing racial scandal last week. It led to the Food ...

Scenes From a Nashville Convenience Store

I didn"€™t expect to see so many derelicts in Music City USA. I thought the home of country music would be a little Last week I fled the Atlanta metro area to spend three days in Nashville for my birthday. As a Philly-born expat who's lived in all four corners of the USA, ...

Cannibalism Among the Oppressed

When big-bootied FLOTUS Michelle Obama was heckled last week by a grizzled lesbian activist who sort of resembles Glenn Beck with AIDS, the entire progressive coalition nearly came crashing to the ground. Mrs. Obama was speaking about somethin’-somethin’ black when the activist ...

The Art of Not Working Yourself to Death

Though it's medically possible to work oneself to death"€”especially among the Japanese"€”I know more people who are digging their own graves by not working at all. Day after day, more and more people around me seem to be turning off, tuning out, popping pills, and joining the Anomie Army. The ...

Institutional Stockholm Syndrome

Last week saw prolonged riots in Sweden and a surreal midday beheading in England, while the paid parrots of the Multi Cult spared no effort in blaming everyone but the rioters and the murderers. Sweden has long been held up by naïve proponents of statist socialism as a blonde, suntanned ...

The Progressive Glossary

I’ve recently been made aware of a strange new tribe who refer to themselves collectively"€”they do everything collectively"€”as “progressives.” I think they used to call themselves “liberals” until it became clear that they don’t care much for liberty. Males ...

Jason Richwine

The Bitter Taste of Richwine

Spring is in the air, which means that it’s time for another insane moral panic regarding the Great Egalitarian Unmentionable: The idea that true diversity of the cognitive kind exists between human ethnic groups. The latest polite-‘n’-erudite researcher to be guillotined by the ...

The Crying Rape Game

Meg Lanker-Simons, who I"€™ll presume hyphenates her surname to prove she's not beholden to the patriarchy, is a bespectacled female wildebeest who grazes the campus of the University of Wyoming, always on the lookout for sexual harassment but never quite able to find it. On Thursday she will ...