The Invisible Nutsack

We are told, often with ill intent, that we live in a patriarchal culture. Our schoolteachers, who always seem to be female, lecture us that males enjoy unfair privileges merely for being born with an "€œoutie"€™ rather than an "€œinnie."€ We are also told, on buttons, T-shirts, bumper ...

The Night America Yawned

I just watched the Super Bowl, and boy, am I bored. What's worse, I am left with an empty, restless, lonely sense of ennui and purposelessness in the pit of my soul, which hovers mere inches above the pit of my stomach. Watching the Weather Channel would have packed more thrills and suspense. If ...

Barbarians at the Mall Entrance

What do you call it when thousands of dark-skinned, slum-dwelling youths conspire on Facebook to suddenly show up at a swank, tony, mostly white shopping mall? Some might call it a party. Others would call it a nightmare. In Brazil, they call it a rolezinho, AKA a “little ...

Unacceptably Fat

The results are in: Fat people overeat because our fat-fearing society "€œfat-shames"€ them, which then causes them to overeat. This doesn"€™t explain how they got fat in the first place, but let's not get picky. According to a new study called “The ironic effects of weight ...

Amy Chua

Eye of the Tiger People

I suppose it would be impolite"€”vulgar, even"€”to refer to Amy Chua as a cunt, but it seems like the most apt descriptor for her. She is best known for her 2011 book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, which I didn’t read but I assume somehow argues that throwing your daughters into a steel ...


Let's get this out of the way first: "€œPIV"€ stands for "€œpenis in vagina."€ I was unfamiliar with the term until last week, and I usually pride myself on keeping up to snuff on the latest abbreviations, neologisms, and acronyms of the psycho-feminist academic hinterlands. What most ...

Ethan Krupp

The 13 Most Annoying People of 2013

As someone who's offended by nothing but annoyed by everyone, I found no shortage of people this past year to stoke the angry embers of my irascible soul. Try as I may to shield my eyes from the countless blinding petty indignities and massive vexations of everyday existence, each sunrise seemed to ...

Phil Robertson

When Ducks Cry

As Americans huddle by their fireplaces and space heaters this week to either celebrate or avoid the Christmas holiday, the nation's hottest cultural controversy hinges on whether anuses are more desirable than vaginas. This latest bloody clash in the national Kulturkampf pits dick-hunters versus ...


Santa Claus: Still White

Although Santa Claus doesn"€™t exist, I am nevertheless convinced that he is white. I take it as a matter of faith that he is as white as his beard and as white as the polar ice caps. As a pale male of exclusively Northern European descent, I also choose to believe that Santa Claus is a man"€”a ...

Nelson Mandela

Mandela: What the Obits Omit

When the kind-faced mocha Yoda named Nelson Mandela passed into the great beyond last week, the world joined hands like one big giant Coca-Cola commercial to canonize and lionize and deify and sanctify his memory. The torrent of treacly encomiums and mawkish panegyrics hurled at Mandela’s ...