Imagine for a moment that you are an intelligent and self-sufficient Martian living in a plush, temperature-controlled trailer home somewhere amid the vast frozen plains of that lonely red planet. Also imagine that through the miracle of advanced Martian technology, you have Internet access"it ...
First they came to ruthlessly pillage the comic-book world, so I suppose it’s only natural"in their inimitably unnatural way"that the social-justice warriors would also lay siege to the dark, musty, Cheeto-scented world of video games. I was unaware of “Gamergate” until ...
Jenny McCarthy, easily the finest female specimen ever to appear on estrogen-addled daytime-TV squawkfest The View, recently upset the eternally offended Gay Lobby by insinuating what most of the Western world has insinuated for decades"that Hillary Clinton has a taste for female flesh. Even ...
A society's understanding of history is shaped not so much by what they"re told, but by what is hidden from them. After a white police officer shot and killed the undeniably black Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO on August 9, the story blew up in the nation’s face and has dominated ...
I awoke this morning to the creaking sound of the Western mind closing shut. I felt it squeezing in on me like a car crusher. Public discourse is more controlled and political dissent more squashed than at any point in memory. Try as I may, all the evidence suggests we are on the brink of an ...
There is only one real political question: Are people equal or not? All political distinctions"whether left or right, individualistic or collectivist, libertarian or totalitarian"depend on how you answer that question. It strikes right at the root. Everything else is a distraction. If you ...
I generally don’t care about the Middle East, but since no one ever seems to shut the fuck up about it for more than five minutes, I will state for the record that I think modern Israel was a bad idea from the get-go. Sylvester Stallone couldn’t have scripted a cornier and more ...
Every time I hear that we live under a "patriarchy," I close my eyes, click my heels, snap my fingers, and wish that it were true. But when I open my eyes, it's obvious that men in the West are demoralized and in a pitiful state of disarray. Men have very little group consciousness, if any, ...
Last week was a trifecta for Cultural Marxism in the comic-book world. Archie Andrews was shot to death trying to protect a gay senator, Captain America became black, and the Mighty Thor had a sex change. Archie Andrews, the freckle-faced, milkshake-drinking ginger who has epitomized American ...
If you"re generally a busy bumblebee like I am, you don"t have time to sit around all day socially constructing things. Thus, I am so glad that there are volunteers who do this work for me"and at no charge to boot! Merely keeping up with the latest culturally acceptable semantic terms ...