Nearly five hundred years ago, as the story goes, those sexually repressed Pilgrims"wearing tight religious apparel that restricted crucial blood flow to their genital regions"gathered one autumn day to thank Jehovah God for giving them sustenance. After scarfing down their fire-roasted ...
Bill Cosby is the first black person that I ever remember my family liking. Then again, it's not as if we knew any black people personally. Even though Cosby and I grew up a mere 10 miles from one another"me in a brick suburban row home and he in North Philly's brutal Richard Allen housing ...
I suppose that since I find Lena Dunham to be a disgustingly entitled pig monster, I am a sexist, a fat-shamer, and, hell, even an anti-Semite. None of this changes the fact that I find her to be a disgustingly entitled pig monster. As the "brains" behind the inexplicably acclaimed HBO ...
A video that shows a Jewish woman being sexually harassed while walking on New York City streets has engendered tremendous outrage"not so much for the fact that she was sexually harassed, but because there weren"t enough white guys doing it. Watching the two-minute clip"which was ...
I am perhaps unique among modern Americans in the sense that I find so-called "hate groups" to be tremendously amusing rather than appalling. Flailing about uncowed and unashamed as they do amid the suffocating current climate of toxic niceness, I"d even call them ...
Full disclosure: I am neither a Christian nor a lesbian. Still, I doubt that Sam Houston would have given a man who claimed to be a woman the key to his outhouse. Annise Parker, the openly lesbian mayor of the nation's fourth-largest city, is currently locking horns with Christian pastors who ...
This month marks 50 years since Mario Savio stood atop a police car at UC Berkeley and gave an impassioned speech to throngs of young pampered radicals that launched what is now preserved in amber and lionized as the "Free Speech Movement." Barefoot and presumably smelly, Savio famously ...
Our crumbling and fidgety nation is still reeling from last week's news that a Liberian national apparently lied his way into the USA for Ebola treatment. While many of us fear that our wise and beneficent overlords in the federal government are being fatally or even apocalyptically lax in allowing ...
Asexuality: It's not just for plants anymore. Nay, it is now a designated sexual identity for humans who aren"t horny. But it is much more than merely an individual identity. Because the Internet makes everything exasperatingly social, asexual individuals now also comprise a community. Even ...
There was something pathetically nostalgic at the specter earlier this month of fast-food workers demanding compensation to the tune of $15 an hour for performing jobs that require almost no skills beyond not being in a coma. It recalled a halcyon age very long ago when management depended on ...