Louis Vasquez (courtesy of Covina Police Department)

The Problem With Race Wars Among Minorities

I can only guess that the reason you don"€™t hear much about black-versus-Hispanic violence in America is that you"€™re not supposed to hear much about it. It's the sort of thing that swims upstream against the dominant narrative with the tenacity of a thuggish, heavily tattooed salmon. In the ...

Feminists to Trannies: Stay off our TERF

As a connoisseur of leftist cannibalism, I enjoy watching the internecine squabbling of groups competing for the top spot on the hierarchy of oppression as if they were puppies stepping on one another's necks straining for a tug on the warm teat of sympathy. Male-to-female transsexuals"€”who, as ...

Something’s Lousy at Dalhousie

I"€™m sure that Canada was settled by tough people, but what the hell happened? Being fond of neither Canada nor Canadians, I jump at any chance to malign and defame that fundamentally useless patch of ice that's perched jealously to the north of this great land that true, red-blooded, ...

James Goad

An Interview With James Goad

James Goad is the Chairman of the Worcester City branch of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP). Despite the best efforts of many to dismiss the UKIP as a "€œfringe"€ group, it beat both the Labour and Conservative parties in the UK's 2014 European elections. The UKIP is one of those ...

The Little Bomb That Couldn”€™t

BREAKING NEWS!!!"€”A bomb may...or may not...have gone off near a Colorado Springs office of the NAACP last week, and it may...or may not...have been a hate crime. I"€™ll provide further details as they come in. The alleged racial terrorist attack reputedly happened last Tuesday morning. The ...

The Human Impulse to Dehumanize

British TV personality Katie Hopkins was born with a very unfortunate nose. Her proboscis is roughly the size of a toucan's beak. Blonde-haired and with sparkling blue eyes, the poor maiden would actually be visually fetching if it weren"€™t for her giant, crooked, sloping honker. What's more ...

The 14 Most Annoying People of 2014

For even the most mildly sentient among us, living in the modern world is like being crucified on an old rugged cross of perpetual annoyance. Public discourse"€”if you can call it that"€”has devolved into a ghastly assembly line of vapidity, vanity, shaming, shamelessness, stunted thinking, ...

Domestic Furrorism

Excuse my language, but what the heck kind of world do we live in where a bunch of adults can"€™t get together for good times and fellowship dressed as anthropomorphic animals without some twisted soul trying to gas them to death as if they were all Jews in Nazi Germany? It makes me sick. It ...

A Rolling Stone Gathers No Rape

Despite what basic common sense would dictate, we are repeatedly spoon-fed the mantra that we live in a "€œrape culture."€ And despite ample evidence to the contrary, we are told that women never lie about rape. Despite the Tawana Brawley rape hoax and the Duke Lacrosse rape hoax and the fact ...

Since When Are Egyptians Not White?

I don"€™t care what color the ancient Egyptians were, but then again, I"€™m not an Afrocentrist. But if one day in the distant future after a series of debilitating strokes I were to become an Afrocentrist, it would be necessary for me to picture the ancient Egyptians as black. I"€™ll explain ...