Jeb Bush

Conveniently Latino

About three weeks ago I had already grown Officially Tired of Election 2016, so I imagine the next year and a half will be torture for me. If there is any real difference between Republicans and Democrats, it is only in the sense that there are different types of cancer. The only official ...

Rape Culture…or Rape DNA?

The April edition of International Journal of Epidemiology contains an article called "€œSexual offending runs in families: A 37-year nationwide study."€ A summary of the article runs as follows: Close relatives of men convicted of sexual offenses commit similar offenses themselves more ...

The Sin of Chivalry

A very common sexist stereotype is that women are absurdly hypersensitive. Funny enough, these days that stereotype persists mostly due to the absurdly hypersensitive real-life behavior of feminists. Supposedly it's feminists"€™ job to defeat anti-female stereotypes rather than validate them, ...

The Most Selfish Suicide Ever?

It's gotten to the point where every time that some crazed psycho deliberately crashes a plane into a mountain, some dimwitted enabler will rush to the smoldering crash site to explain that the poor guy who killed everyone was depressed. German and French investigators claim that last Tuesday, ...

Black People Don”€™t Drink Coffee

Black people don"€™t drink coffee. There"€”I"€™ve said it. I"€™m generalizing, of course. Yes, I realize you have a black friend who drinks a lot of coffee. You"€™ve even seen him drink coffee with your own eyes"€”many times. But I"€™m talking about trends here. And the trend is that ...

Little Five Points, GA

Blood at The Vortex

It was still dark outside last Saturday morning when I was driving to get breakfast at a diner. A story came on the local radio news saying that two males in their early thirties had been murdered overnight behind the Vortex Bar & Grill in Atlanta's Little Five Points neighborhood. The Vortex ...

Nonwhites Can”€™t Be Racist Cuz My Teacher Told Me So

Although it was released over three years ago, there were audible sounds of indigestion online recently at the discovery of a textbook called Is Everyone Really Equal?: An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education. The book is intended for all students of high school age and above. ...


Is it a Hate Crime to Call Madonna a Shriveled-Up Old Hag?

Geriatric whore Madonna, that Italian slut who sucked and fucked her way to the top of the pop charts sometime wayyyyy back in the early 1980s and has been pooping out hits ever since, fell flat on her 56-year-old ass last week during a performance at the Brit Music Awards. This rapidly led to ...

First They Came for the Albinos

Is there a man among us willing to shed a tear for the poor persecuted albinos of modern East Africa? No? Tough crowd. OK, how about if I were to sketch out a convoluted and highly dubious scenario in which African albinos were the ancient progenitors of modern Caucasians, that they were driven ...

When Do Brownies Become Brownshirts?

There's a fun new group for socially aware prepubescent girls of color in Oakland called the Radical Brownies. This fledgling organization is not affiliated with the Girl Scouts of America and was formed in December by a black woman and a Hispanic woman who describe themselves as "€œqueer women ...