Why do so many immigrants come to America only to bitch about it? Well, I mean, apart from the obvious answer, which is that conditions here are far better than they were in the hellholes they were fleeing, plus they get lots of free stuff and cuddles here. What does it say about a person's ...
I hope I don’t offend anyone by saying that people are sensitive these days. Like a hypersensitive black gay snail, Vester Flanagan II left behind a slimy trail of perceived grievances, slights, and microaggressions that culminated in last Wednesday morning’s live televised murder of a ...
One of the most annoying terms in the progressive lexicon"right up there with “rape culture,” “social construct,” and “problematic”"is “safe spaces.” As far as I can discern, “safe spaces” are where black students go to hang ...
While mainstream pop culture and institutional academia busy themselves celebrating and sprinkling glittered confetti upon the “transgendered”"a group that mainly seems to consist of men with deep voices and penises who insist that they’re women"there’s another ...
So was Donald Trump referring to Megyn Kelly’s nose or her vagina? That was the most urgent question in American politics over the weekend. And that tells you everything you need to know about the state of modern American political discourse. The backstory: Trump had come roaring into ...
Stone Mountain is a 1,700-foot-tall grey dome rock located about a half-hour due east of downtown Atlanta. On its northern face is the largest bas-relief carving in the world"bigger even than the carving at Mount Rushmore. It depicts Confederate heroes Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and ...
Last week President Barack Hussein Elijah Muhammad Obama visited his alcoholic deadbeat dad’s homeland of Kenya, where he found it incumbent upon himself to lecture the nation’s president for not being nice enough to gaybirds and lezzies. At a press conference with Kenyan President ...
As a humble and dedicated yoga bro in training, my already easily bruised feelings were grievously harmed recently upon learning that what I believed was my benignly tolerant gesture of cultural outreach toward an ancient Eastern physical discipline was instead yet further evidence that I remain a ...
The Confederate battle flag was taken down on Friday outside South Carolina’s Statehouse, and barring another Civil War, it is never going up again. This extensively publicized event was egged on by South Carolina’s nonwhite governess and greeted with high holy hosannas from those who ...
I’ve never seen a Star Trek movie and I"ve only seen one episode of the original TV series"the one with the Tribbles. Otherwise, the evidence leads me to suspect that subliminal messages littered throughout the various media comprising the Star Trek franchise have contributed greatly ...