I’ll believe we have an unbiased media the moment they start using the term “far left” as frequently as they use “far right.” But don’t hold your breath, because you will surely die waiting. The blood hadn"t even dried from Friday night's carnage in Paris ...
A study published last Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences revealed that between the years 1999 and 2014, white Americans aged 45-54 were the only demographic to show a consistently higher mortality rate. American whites of all other age groups experienced a decline in ...
A friend of mine recently told me of his pal's ethical struggles during a visit to the formerly English nation of England. Names have been changed to protect the phobic: My friends Kevin and Sally went to London last year for the first time to check out one of the major cultural centers of the ...
Last Tuesday night I was walking down a poorly lit Brooklyn street en route to meet a friend for dinner when suddenly I noticed a black male strolling alongside me. He wasn"t walking ahead of me or behind me"he was about three feet to my right as if we were best pals and we"d been ...
Due to the fact that within my dark soul lies buried a deep vein of self-loathing that has yet to be fully mined, I spent last Tuesday night watching the Democratic presidential debate in its entirety. Even though CNN's Anderson Cooper is an acolyte of the loathsome twat-monster Hillary Clinton, ...
Of all the cruel psychological tricks that humans play on one another, gaslighting is among the worst. The term was popularized in the 1944 film Gaslight, wherein Charles Boyer attempts to convince Ingrid Bergman that she is insane and actually didn’t witness the tail end of her aunt’s ...
Just like menstrual cramps and labor contractions, feminism comes in waves. Apparently we’re at the end of the third wave and on the cusp of the fourth. I don’t know what any of this means, either, so I looked it up. It is generally agreed that in the USA, the first wave of feminism ...
Karl Marx was not a Catholic, but Pope Francis is lookin’ more like a Marxist every day. This became clear as a little glass bell to me last week when progressives were fairly wetting themselves over the pontiff’s first trip to America. All last week, try as I may to avoid them, I ...
I’m not even sure what the “Jewish Question” is, but I’m almost certain that the answer is, “You’re an anti-Semite.” At least that’s the stock retort lobbed like a Molotov cocktail at anyone who dares to articulate the undeniable mathematical fact ...
Perhaps my favorite mental pastime is studying the long, stupid, twisted arc of how social taboos develop. What’s especially fascinating to me is how what’s considered sacred and profane can completely flip sides in only a generation or two. When I was a kid, it was considered socially ...