There are more Hispanics in America than blacks. Why aren’t they bitching about this year’s Oscars like blacks are? Don’t misunderstand me, dearest friends"I’m glad they’re not bitching. Or at least it doesn’t seem like they are. They could be bitching all ...
Another day, another dead British rock star who famously flirted with fascist symbolism. Two weeks ago it was Lemmy, and now comes word that David Bowie has finally floated away into outer space for the last time. Ground Control has forever lost all contact with Major Tom. Most of the eulogies ...
When it comes to sexual equity in the workplace, the biggest “gender gap” of all is the fact that men suffer around 92% of all job-related fatalities. According to Bureau of Labor statistics from 1992-2014, women laborers accounted for 43% of total hours worked, yet they suffered a ...
If the death of Lemmy Kilmister from iconic heavy metal band Motörhead teaches us anything, it’s that society currently considers it far more respectable to be a drug addict than a Nazi. The term “motorhead” is British slang for what in America would be known as a ...
I’ve noticed a trend: The more that white people apologize, the more they get mocked. The more they concede, the more that is demanded of them. The more frequently they make gestures of goodwill, the more they get emotionally sandblasted with malicious rhetoric about how ...
No matter what one may think of transvestites trannies transsexuals transgender people, it’s hard to deny that they are tremendous entertainers. Few other allegedly oppressed identity groups can provide such topnotch excitement as one whose members inject bleach into their testicles and ...
Lawdy, lawdy was there an eruption of sanctimonious gasping and self-righteous snorting and pearl-clutching and face-fanning and catching the vapors last week when Donald Trump proposed a temporary ban of all Muslim immigration to the United States. The highly visible public displays of ...
This past summer when Dylann Roof killed nine black churchgoers in Charleston, SC, US Attorney General Loretta Lynch"a black woman"expressed zero concern about protecting neo-Confederates against a looming public backlash. But last week, a mere day after two radical Muslims slaughtered 14 ...
The weekend before last, Donald Trump egged on a frenzied crowd of sweaty Alabama rednecks as they beat, kicked, and bludgeoned a peaceful Black Lives Matter activist, while last Monday night five peaceful Black Lives Matter protestors in Minneapolis were shot by a group of armed white supremacists ...
Irredeemably dissolute actor Charlie Sheen revealed last week that he tested positive for HIV four years ago. The Mirror alleges that since then, Sheen has “slept with more than 700 [people] including call girls, strippers and porn stars as well as more than a dozen men and ...