The most feral and violent contingent of anti-Trump protestors appears to consist of unabashed Mexican supremacists falsely accusing Trump of being a white supremacist. They are so irreparably dim that they appear to believe that by stomping on cars, throwing rocks at police, and sucker-punching ...
Muhammad Ali, widely regarded as the world’s most famous man, died Friday at age 74. Born Cassius Marcellus Clay, he was a titan both as a boxer and a provocateur. Because we live in an era much weaker and more sensitive than it was during Ali’s prime, his death is being eulogized with ...
A horrifyingly racist Chinese detergent commercial threatens to drive even deeper wedges between the black and Asian communities, further impeding their righteous mission of uniting as people of color toward their natural common enemy"namely, the white community. In what is being billed as ...
Should being a rapist disqualify a man from the nation’s highest office? What if he merely says mean things about chicks? From what I’ve been told, this is supposed to be important"possibly the most important issue facing the American electorate this November. Hillary Clinton is ...
The currently approved conceptual framework for American race relations dictates that whites"all of them, simply by dint of being white"are oppressors. Any deviation from this rigid script, no matter how deeply rooted in fact, must be immediately annihilated like a blood-engorged tick. We ...
It is unlikely that The Grim Sleeper will ever become nearly as famous as other LA serial killers such as The Night Stalker, The Hillside Stranglers, or The Manson Family. Is it because he’s black? Last Thursday a jury convicted Lonnie Franklin, Jr. of ten murders and one attempted murder. ...
Last week California lawmakers shot down a proposal to declare May 26th “John Wayne Day” in honor of the iconic actor’s birthday. At issue were comments that “The Duke” had made in a May 1971 interview with Playboy. At the time of the interview, Wayne was reputedly the ...
The Mediterranean isle of Sicily has long been a lily pad for those who seek to hop between Africa and Europe. Over the millennia its ownership has changed hands between conquering Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Greeks, Vandals, Ostrogoths, and Muslim Arabs, the latter of whom ruled Sicily ...
As everyone with two brain cells to rub together is well aware, a tremendous amount of social injustice exists in this so-called world of ours. To rectify this unfortunate situation, many among us who are devoted to enforcing equality by all means necessary have taken to wielding our smartphones ...
Ladies, gents, and everyone who can’t decide what the hell they are, I believe we’ve found the Ethnomasochist of the Decade. Karsten Nordal Hauken describes himself as a "socialist, feminist, and anti-racist." That’s three strikes right there. He is a member of ...