A rally in Virginia on Saturday intended to “Unite the Right” ended in chaos and bloodshed. The way events unfolded suggests that the main battle plan for the powers that be in America has nothing to do with illusions such as “left” and “right”—nah, instead, their primary goal appears ...
Antonio Garcia Martinez says he has seen the future, and it made him flee for the woods. Whereas he had previously toiled as a strategist for Goldman Sachs, an advisor for Twitter, and a product manager for Facebook, now he hides among the tall timber somewhere north of Seattle with a gun and a ...
It's official: Atheists now occupy a lower place than Muslims in the "progressive stack," meaning that in the Sacred Church of Equality, Muslims are now considered holier than atheists. If you doubt my assertion, riddle me this: When was the last time you heard a Muslim accused of ...
Is there any evidence in the past 50 years of anyone, anywhere being charged with a “hate crime” for mocking Christianity? If there is, I haven"t seen it. I can"t recall anyone ever getting slapped with a hate-crime enhancement for insulting Christianity. If you make jokes about ...
A Canadian child born last November is thought to be the first person in the world issued a government health card without a gender designation. Prediction: This child will grow up to have severe and perhaps incurable emotional problems. The baby's mother, one Kori Doty, is a chick who thinks ...
The current year is 2017, people, so why are we still segregating male and female athletes? Don"t they know that gender is a social construct and everyone's equal? Legendarily ill-tempered tennis champ John McEnroe outraged gender-deniers across the planet last week when he said that black ...
In case you weren"t aware because you"re some kind of bigoted and closeted asshole, this is Pride Month. Across our rainbow-colored planet, men who enjoy shoving other men's penises in their anuses strut on city streets publicly declaring to the world that they"re proud of what they do. ...
The Resistance has opened fire, and it appears to have very poor aim. Last Wednesday a fat white perpetually disgruntled 66-year-old Midwestern Bernie Bro 99%er fired roughly fifty bullets at around 20 Republican politicians and their assistants on a flat baseball field. He only managed to injure ...
"The Jewish Question" is a phrase that has been around since at least the 1750s, and it is deceptive in its simplicity. There are so many questions one could ask about Jews, it's more like an exam than a question. Beyond obvious inquiries such as "Did they kill Jesus?" and "Do ...
Evergreen State College is nestled far away from reality in the misty paradise of Olympia, Washington, a mossy and supernatural village which is run by lesbian elves and transgender circus performers. The school bears the dubious distinction of being "one of the least selective universities in ...