A hundred years ago, the sun never set on the British Empire. These days, England’s rulers are blowing out the candles and telling the citizens to enjoy the darkness. Last week brought news of yet another sexual grooming scandal of underage girls perpetrated mostly by Muslims with roots in the ...
If you oppose globalism in any way, you must be some kind of Nazi. At least that’s the message I’m getting from the slavishly pro-globalist press. It’s long been my suspicion that this extended, cringeworthy, and now years-long display of wantonly reckless public diaper-shitting known as ...
As one of the very few writers whose work resulted in a government-sponsored attempt at censorship, I can say quite confidently that the government is no longer the biggest threat to free expression in America. It’s the corporations. One of my countless gripes about the grotesquely empty public ...
Hey, what the heck is wrong with white guys these days? It’s easy to find people eager to answer that question. I’ll spotlight four recent essays—two from white authors, two from black authors. This is Jerrod Laber. He is 100% hu-white right down to the bone, from his blue eyes to his thin ...
On Valentine’s Day, a 19-year-old former student of a Miami-area high school walked onto his former campus with an AR-15 style rifle and murdered 17 people, making it the third-largest school shooting in American history. Why did he do it? Well, it depends on whom you ask and exactly what they ...
When you watch a Martin Scorsese movie, you can tell he grew up in Little Italy around mobsters. When you watch a Quentin Tarantino movie, you can tell he grew up watching Martin Scorsese movies. And that’s Tarantino’s main problem—he’s empty. Hopelessly postmodern. Incurably ironic. ...
Last week, billionaire NBA team owner and star of TV’s Shark Tank Mark Cuban urged social-media giants Twitter and Facebook to verify that behind every one of their accounts lurked “a real name and real person”: It’s time for @twitter to confirm a real name and real person behind every ...
In the 2016 Wisconsin Republican primaries, businessman Paul Nehlen (pronounced “kneelin’”) challenged soulless autocrat Paul Ryan but managed to snag only 15.9% of the vote. This year he is challenging Ryan again, with one big difference—in the interim, he has pushed the Overton Window so ...
There is no one I hate more than someone who tries to tell me whom I hate. For a quarter-century now I’ve made it very clear that most of my hatred—and there’s quite a lot of it, I never run out—is intra-racial. While those who have a death grip on media and education would love to pretend ...
Right at the moment when I was ready to flush all hope down the toilet, along comes Donald Trump with a comment about shitholes. At a White House meeting on Thursday with a handful of congressional reps who are trying to push an immigration bill that would let the Dreamers stay in exchange for ...