Last Wednesday The New York Times announced that it had hired 30-year-old Sarah Jeong as their lead technology writer, praising her “verve and erudition” and forgiving the fact that the sourpussed, pan-faced, smug-beyond-all-reason kimchee-nibbler sometimes dyes her hair pink. Jeong was born in ...
Living as we do in a racist society that acts like white people are the greatest thing since sliced bread—even though everyone knows George Washington Carver invented sliced bread—we are often left with the impression that sub-Saharan Africa is a backward land of hopeless poverty and ...
In the tiny sheltered pampered enclaves of coastal American cities, some parents are refusing to reveal their children’s biological sex to anyone—including relatives and the infants themselves—until the toddler is old enough to decide for himself or herself. Instead of babies, they are ...
The 20-foot balloon depicting a scowling orange Donald Trump in diapers was intended to depict Trump, rather than his critics, as infantile. The “Trump Baby” balloon was the most visible symbol of the days-long diarrhea fest that the haggard and perpetually sourpussed English left dubbed a ...
On July 2, Facebook’s indefatigable legions of Hate Robots censored a post as “hate speech” because it dared to contain a passage from the Declaration of Independence: He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the ...
You say you want a revolution? That’s funny, because you seem like the type of person who cries over a broken fingernail. Late-stage identity-based leftism is Revenge of the Nerds writ large, which seems amusing until you realize how much revenge the nerds really have in them. Every racial and ...
Word has it that tiny brown children are screaming at our southern border, but you probably can’t hear them because too many other people—in most cases, much paler and larger people—are drowning them out by screaming even louder about how evil the whole rotten situation is. Mind you, public ...
I hate to concede the possibility that Bob Dylan was ever right about anything, but I will not deny that the times they are a-changin’. Still, what neither Dylan nor anyone who finds him remotely worthwhile seem capable of conceding is that the times may be a-changin’ due to the fact that the ...
For anyone who takes cheer in the idea that all this “progress” we’ve been making the past generation has led to increased happiness, think again: The nation’s suicide rate has spiked nearly 30% over the past 20 years. According to a CDC report released last Thursday, suicide rates have ...
No matter how many times we, as a society, tell everyone it’s wrong to compare black people to apes, some people simply can’t seem to stop themselves. The latest head to roll under the Guillotine of Social Justice is that of Roseanne Barr, who surrendered her career last week after tweeting ...