Imagine if an award-winning American journalist had spent three weeks in Eastern Germany and written a feature article about secret bunkers where neo-Nazis were training to usher in a Fourth Reich. I think most Americans would believe it, and even if the story turned out to be entirely ...
On December 9 at about 4AM, a student at Columbia University filmed another student committing the unpardonable sin of declaring that he loves being white. The video lasts less than a minute as a clearly intoxicated and upset scrawny white boy flails about while screaming: Europeans built the ...
Black comedian Chris Rock has hosted the Academy Awards twice—in 2005 and 2016. Before hosting his first Oscars, he joked that the only black men who watch the film industry’s self-congratulatory “fashion show” were gay. Despite the fact that this joke was common knowledge—Matt Drudge ...
A new study from Yale and Princeton shows that only white liberals are dumb enough to think they can appease black people by acting dumb around them. The study is called “Self-Presentation in Interracial Settings: The Competence Downshift by White Liberals” and was authored by Cydney H. ...
If—like me—you were alarmed and horrified over the Thanksgiving holiday to hear that cartoonist Charles M. Schulz of Peanuts fame was an unrepentant racist, you will be relieved—like I was—to learn that this is the furthest thing from the truth. The truth is that Charles M. Schulz was, ...
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) has an annoying habit of reminding people that we don’t live in the 18th century anymore. He seems to think that the Second Amendment was written to protect the right to own muskets, but that the Founding Fathers couldn’t have anticipated the alleged horrors wrought by ...
Last Tuesday’s deeply anticipated/dreaded “Blue Wave” that threatened to engulf the midterm elections turned into an underwhelming Blue Trickle, and white women are getting blamed for it. If you recall, they also got blamed for electing Donald Trump when exit polls suggested that 53% of the ...
Don Lemon is a black man, and the evidence is overwhelming that black people are very bad at math. This may help explain—although it does not excuse—the fact that when the gay black CNN anchor insisted last week that the “evidence is overwhelming” that white men are “the biggest terror ...
Amid the reams of personal information that have been released about MAGAbombing suspect Cesar Sayoc since his arrest on Friday, I have yet to find a word suggesting he’s ever had sex with a woman. Then again, I haven’t found a word suggesting he’s ever had sex with a man, although he ...
Surely by now you've heard the story about that hate crime involving a criminal gang of fascist white-supremacist neo-Nazi alt-right bigots who swarmed peaceful protestors in Upper Manhattan a couple Friday nights ago and beat them senseless while calling them faggots. If you’re a regular ...