David Cole

David Cole

Former GOP operative David Cole is the author of Republican Party Animal (Feral House, 2014). He’s been profiled by CBS News, The New Yorker, and The Guardian for his work as a Holocaust researcher. His book is currently banned by Amazon, but he survives (for the moment) on Substack.


Years ago I wrote about how, among “race realists,” there are essentially two extremes: David Duke and Jared Taylor. Team black and team Jew. To paraphrase the Taylor position (and I stress that I’m paraphrasing here; my friend Jared is far more erudite than I): “Jews are white. Yes, they ...

Blacks Can’t Hold Their Hitler

I see the coming election not so much as a contest between Trump and Harris (wacklemore vs. cacklemore), but rather as a test of theories. The Darren Beattie Theory: What matters in an election isn’t issues. Fuck issues. Voters prefer to mindlessly worship a charismatic leader who says batty ...

MAGA Does a Hitler!

Trump’s been called “Hitler” for, what, nine years now? And always unfairly. Even with the dude’s many (many) faults, he’s not Hitler. And in my nine years of covering Trump in this column, I’ve always been quick to slam the Hitler analogies. Well, congratulations, J.D. Vance, for ...

Dachau, Germany

“Gimme Yo Cats, Bitch!”

If occasionally my columns seem to wander, it’s because sometimes the story itself wanders. A columnist can write by-the-numbers drivel (see Townhall), or he can take you on a journey, like a delicate water lily swept along by a river lazy yet purposeful. Damn, I’m getting faggoty in my old ...

Humane Holocaust? Tucker’s All In!

I know Tucker Carlson reads me and I know he’s aware of my Holocaust work. Last week Tuck interviewed someone I knew nothing about, a rabbit-looking dweeb named Darryl Cooper. Apparently he’s some blogger who, in between digging burrows, opines on “dangerous” topics. “There’s the ...

White Saviors Go Judas Over Jews

Crime stories are part of the “racial America” beat, and it helps if you don’t let them get under your skin. That’s difficult with black-on-white crime, because of the blatant sadism often exhibited by the perpetrators. Making whites drink drain cleaner, making them bathe in bleach before ...

Candace Owens

The Golem Wore Panties

In June, Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson separately went on odd tangents about how the U.S. shouldn’t have dropped the A-bombs during WWII. So I wrote a piece about it and figured, why not sit on it till August and run it the anniversary week of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Genius! And then I spent ...

Jew Better Get Used to It

What can we get used to? That’s a pivotal question for people, and communities. How much reluctant acclimatization is possible? To what extent can we learn to live with things we find abhorrent? I like to think I know what I can’t get used to. In 55 years (56 on Sept. 2—buy me a birthday ...

Weird and Wacky

I would be a Republican if they would. Which means that I like the Barry Goldwater Republican Party, even the Reagan Republican Party. I want a mean old man to watch my money. I don’t want a Republican to be funny. I don’t want him to be charming. That’s Bill Maher from 1999. Maher’s point ...

The Gentile/Jew Death-Tango

Jacque Fresco is a man who requires no introduction. Wait...hold on...I screwed that up. Lemme start again. Jacque Fresco is a man who requires a lengthy fucking introduction. Because nobody knows who he is. And that’s the point. Fresco lived to be 101, and in that century-plus-one of life, ...


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