August 30, 2016
Source: Bigstock
Because I can”t help noticing that the loudest voices decrying the burkini are male. (Okay, not all: This Canadian Muslim woman wants all such cloaking devices declared unconstitutional.)
Don Surber, for instance, calls it “an abomination to Western civilization” in a post helpfully illustrated by a photo of a young bikini-clad Brigitte Bardot.
Whereas a defense of the burkini by its (female) creator left me abashed, in spite of everything I know about taquiya:
Sport is so important, and we are Australian! I wanted to do something positive”and anyone can wear this, Christian, Jewish, Hindus. It’s just a garment to suit a modest person, or someone who has skin cancer, or a new mother who doesn”t want to wear a bikini, it’s not symbolizing Islam.
As Mortimer points out, lots of other Muslims, being so awfully good at hijacking, don”t care about her good intentions. No inventor has the power to command that kind of deference or control, and besides, she’s just a woman.
By the way, do you know what it said on the ticket the cops gave the Muslima on the beach? She was cited for not wearing “an outfit respecting good morals and secularism.”
Okay, maybe something got lost in translation. Then again, topless women have been France’s symbol for (their peculiarly Gallic notion of) “liberté” since Marianne.
That’s likely what inspired this droll post at The Daily Bonnet, the Onion of Anabaptists:
French Police Arrest Mennonite Women for “Not Dressing Sexy Enough” at the Beach
Before you laugh (or after you do), remember:
Today’s satire is tomorrow’s social policy.