Perhaps I am a little paranoid, but I feel that I am often, and increasingly, under moral siege by small coteries of people who believe themselves to be so well-meaning that anyone who differs from them must be a moral defective.

A prime example of moral bullying is the Paralympics that have just opened in Paris. In public, there are everywhere expressions of enthusiasm; in private, I hear very little enthusiasm expressed for them, and even severe criticism of them. Many people find them distasteful but would no more say so publicly than an atheist would declare out loud in Mecca that there is no God, and that therefore Muhammad could not have been his prophet.

If you were to say openly that the Paralympics are distasteful, and even absurd, you would at once be accused of all sorts of character defects, if not of actual crimes (the distinction between moral defect and crime is eroding fast in the Western world).

“If you were to say openly that the Paralympics are distasteful, you would at once be accused of all sorts of character defects, if not of actual crimes.”

If you deprecate the Paralympics as a public spectacle, you will find yourself accused of gross insensitivity to the needs of the handicapped (or whatever is the correct label for them this month), of wishing to hide them away, of ableism, of stereotyping, or even of promoting actual violence against them. If you point out that many people you know feel the same as you, you will be told that this only goes to show how much work remains to be done to change attitudes toward the handicapped.

Let us imagine for a moment Olympics for over 80s or even over 90s: They could certainly be arranged. It might even amuse some people to see old people run a hundred yards, fall over, exhaust themselves, or set world records that are five or ten or twenty times longer than those set by athletes in the prime of life. Could anything be funnier than watching 85-year-olds trying to box? Or a 90-year-old high jumper?

Is it not a triumph of the human spirit for the very old to continue to compete as younger people do? Is there no prejudice against the old, that they are incapable of doing what the young do, that they must sit dribbling in armchairs, simply waiting to die? Do we not hide the very old away because they are not as pleasing to look at as the young? What better way to destroy this stereotype of and prejudice against the old than a grand festival of sport to be call the Gerontolympics? (The age categories might be contentious.)

It should be obvious, I suppose, that no one could object to old people (as old as you like) playing tennis or pursuing any other athletic activity that they choose, though I think that many might be inadvisable for them. Good for them if they can still hit a ball over the net in their ninth decade! But this does not entitle them to public notice, or implicitly to demand our interest and admiration just because they have overcome or not succumbed to undoubted handicaps.

In the days when circuses still had performing animals—dogs that jumped in succession through fiery hoops, seals that balanced beach balls on their noses and batted them to each other, elephants that paraded round the arena in a circle trunk-to-tail, lions that jumped from obstacle to obstacle at the crack of a ringmaster’s whip—there were achondroplastic dwarfs who ran round being absurd, with boots half as long as they themselves were tall, with faces thickly painted, in ridiculous costumes, humiliating themselves for a laugh from the audience. Even at a very young age, this left me feeling uneasy: Were the dwarfs as intellectually and emotionally stunted as they were physically stunted? Did they not have feelings like ours, among which was a desire for dignity? Being by nature pusillanimous, I am sure that I laughed as everyone else laughed; I kept my reservations to myself, and perhaps was not unique in this.

But who now would laugh at such dwarfs? Surely the magnificent portraits of the 17th-century court dwarfs in the Prado Museum in Madrid painted by Velasquez should be enough to persuade anyone of the full humanity of such dwarfs, and that laughing at them as they made themselves ridiculous for exiguous pay was cruel in the extreme.

In the 19th century, Honoré Daumier, not only a great artist—one of the greatest, in my opinion—but a great man, whose immense humanity was evident in all his work, which certainly did not exclude humor, produced a picture of a woman so fat that she was exhibited at a fair as a freak by a thin and weedy manager or impresario, her infinitely sad way of making a living. True enough, fatter people are now to be seen in every American town or city, but at the time her obesity was so extraordinary that it was worth paying money to stare at, as a freak of nature. Although Daumier had a wonderful appreciation of life’s comedy, here he is not laughing: He is implicitly criticizing the thoughtless sensationalism and exhibitionism of his time.

For myself, I wonder whether we have progressed very far from Daumier’s time. Of course, I know that people will object to the comparison, and say the two cases are very different, indeed completely so: that we of the enlightened 21st century, unlike the benighted 19th-century gawping clientele of the fat lady and her manager of Daumier’s picture, are motivated by—well, by what exactly? Our concern for the sorrows of the handicapped? Our desire to deny that there are tragic situations that are not amenable to or simply dissoluble by a little ideological goodwill?

My best friend as a small child was a paraplegic, one of the last children to suffer the effects of polio before immunization became general. We were inseparable; and my friends and I included him in everything we possibly could include him in, for example in games of cricket, as far as he was able to participate. But neither he nor I would have thought to include him in a competitive team, nor demanded or wished for the recognition of others for our broad-mindedness, our lack of prejudice, our failure to stereotype him. The Paralympics are yet another manifestation of dissolution of the boundaries between the private and the public—the former being where real and genuine feeling resides.

Theodore Dalrymple’s latest book is Ramses: A Memoir, published by New English Review.

What is Euvabeco? Chances are you don’t know because it is one of those acronyms used by the powers that rule us in draconian style since Covid and who are hardly at all subjected to scrutiny or asked what they mean by such things.

Euvabeco, or EUVABECO, because sometimes the logo is capped, sometimes not, stands for something you really ought to know about if you are concerned by what your government intends to force into your body, by various incentives and encouragements, in the near future.

But you will only find out if you go onto some fairly obscure websites, following the trail of one site leading you to another until eventually you happen upon the explanation.

Can you guess what Euvabeco is? I’ll give you a clue. It’s a health measure being trialed in five E.U. countries, billed as “empowering” for the ordinary citizen. Oh dear.

“Oh yes, we’re going beyond Covid with this vaccination lark, just like all the anti-vax conspiracy theorists said.”

Dystopian rule by powers hiding ill intent behind mysterious titles for products hailed as transformative was foreseen in Philip K. Dick’s 1969 sci-fi novel Ubik, in which each chapter is introduced by a commercial advertising “Ubik” as a different product serving a specific use. What is Ubik? Nobody really knows.

The last chapter is introduced by a voice that is Ubik itself, claiming that it has created and directed the universe, and that its real name is unknown and unspoken. Maybe Ubik stands for ubiquitous.

Whatever it stood for, I like to think Dick was sounding the alarm about what happens when corporations and governments collide, and corporations win. Others have different theories.

But while such novels were popular then, and now, it seems that once the reality of what they foresaw was upon us, we didn’t seem to care much about doing anything about it.

I cannot find any robust questioning of Euvabeco, which, if you haven’t worked it out, stands for European Vaccination Beyond Covid-19. Oh yes, we’re going beyond Covid with this vaccination lark, just like all the anti-vax conspiracy theorists said.

If you want to know how, you must read a website called

Euvabeco, in the first instance, is the piloting of a European-wide Vaccination Card that will “enable” people to have all their vaccines in one “easy” digital place. If you’re not in the E.U., and you’re excited about this, don’t worry as it’s going to be Schengen-wide, so that means not only E.U. countries but countries like Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland too, eventually.

If you’re in America, I simply do not know what Kamala intends on vaccines. I’m not psychic, although reversing what she says might work. But I would imagine it will be something that will “enable” you.

My guess is, whoever has been running America with Ms. Harris for the term officially titled “Joe Biden’s Presidency” must be well in with the E.U. plan, which I assume comes from the World Economic Forum, because none of them have any original ideas of their own that haven’t been fed to them by Mr. Bill and Mr. Tony—I mean Gates and Fauci, not Blair, but also possibly Blair as well, because he’s now hard at work behind the scenes writing Starmer-Trooper’s frightening policies.

Who knows who rules us, and who cares anymore? Even when we think we know, it turns out it wasn’t them anyway. So unless it’s Trump next time, you may as well call the next U.S. president “Ubik,” because that’s all you will know about what or who they are, really.

But back to Euvabeco, which is the way forward for getting more vaccines into you.

It’s being piloted in Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Latvia, and Greece from September.

Since Covid, we need “better preparedness,” explains Vaccines Today. Oh, I think a lot of us realize that Covid was the big opportunity—sorry, game-changer—and that they’re determined to use that opportunity—sorry, game-changer.

The new vaccination card, or EVC, is a “key tool” that will “empower individuals by consolidating all their vaccination data in one easily accessible location….” Yeah, easily accessible for the authorities.

“It will be available in various formats, including printed cards, mailed copies, and digital versions for smartphones.”

Listen, we all know they don’t give a toss for mailed copies and print versions. I think we all know the digital smartphone hoo-ha is what this is about. But yes, sure, throw in a paper version to make people think there are options.

It then shows you a prototype of this vaccination card, which has a pretty picture of a blonde, healthy-looking young lady (glowing with health, she is, because she’s vaxxed to the hilt) with a long pin number on it and a QR code for scanning.

Handy for airports and benefit entitlement appointments, and if you get stopped by the police who want to check up on you, but let’s not go into that now.

What the site does say is: “Consider the example of Anna, a 27-year-old nurse who recently moved from Bremaria to Morvania….”

These are made-up places, names lifted from a World War II German tobacco and a Marvel comic fantasy land, reassuringly. But anyway:

“Anna needs to provide her vaccination history to comply with local regulations….”

Hang on, what? Since when? Is this in Marvel land, or actually in reality? “Using the EVC, Anna can seamlessly transfer her records. She also needs to create an EVC for her son, Lucas. She sets up his EVC using her account, transferring information from his paper child health book. Both EVC’s are then validated by her doctor….”

And the welfare office and the airport, and the train station, every time she needs to go somewhere?

“Your vaccine card, please?” or maybe just “Papers!” barked at her by Marvel cartoon-style authorities.

When I said I can’t find any questioning of this, I meant not in the mainstream. I did find something on Catholic World Report, to its credit.

“Father Elmar Nass, chair of sociology at the Cologne University of Catholic Theology, highlighted potential data protection issues. He cautioned against allowing health insurance companies access to this information, warning they could use it to discriminate among customers.” You betcha.

“The professor also expressed concern about the possibility of foreign powers or governments accessing the data and using it to restrict the freedom of sick individuals.” Well spotted. “Nass cautioned that such access could lead to discrimination or even exploitation of individuals based on their health status.” Yes siree Bob.

I agree. But then, I’m a conspiracy theorist. I’m one of those anti-vaxxers who told everyone who would listen that the vaccine passport business begun during lockdown would come back with a vengeance. These cards aren’t for Covid jabs, they’re for every jab.

They’re talking about vaccines such as MMR, Covid, and the new mRNA triple vax they’ve put tetanus into, which is tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis), and diphtheria.

The state will end up owning your ass, literally, if you’re not careful, because if you need a load of jabs on a digital card or on your phone in order to relocate from one place to another for work like our Marvel heroine Anna, it’s not hard to see how you will have to have whatever mRNA concoction the Deep State and Big Pharma come up with.

According to Vaccines Today, the EUVABECO project will provide “other innovative tools,” including “a clinical decision system that provides vaccination recommendations….”

Are you getting this? That is 100 percent proof that I, anti-vaxxer, am not delusional. They are planning to tell you via a digital system what new and interesting jabs to get, as well as “…a screening tool to identify and invite vulnerable populations….” So some of us will be told to get more vaccines than others, depending on how we come out on the old Minority Report of what individual risk our bodies might pose to society.

It concludes: “By leveraging the lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic and fostering innovations in vaccination management, Europe is taking crucial steps….”

Oh, there’s leveraging, alright. And they’re definitely taking steps. Beyond Covid is where the game is, or where it always has been, if you want to go down the conspiracy route, and I do. And I wish more would.

Perhaps you have already tried to get a tetanus jab—entirely reasonable if you have dogs and horses and work outside a lot—and you could only get the new mRNA triple jab? Well, that’s enough to make you wonder, surely?

Since when did adult tetanus prevention have to come with a nanotechnology whooping cough vaccine?

But this is all presented as a “new tool,” an opportunity, an empowerment, something you will very much want. And if you do want it, after reading Philip K. Dick, then I give up.

But maybe you read a Philip K. Dick novel, or a Kurt Vonnegut novel or George Orwell’s 1984, and you wax on about what it all means without conceding that it means what’s happening now.

Dick and other sci-fi writers predicted corporations bigger than governments or countries running the world.

But what no one predicted, that I know of as an English-lit graduate, is almost everyone in the so-called rebel fraternity, including writers themselves (at least in the mainstream media), working with big corporations and big government to support and usher in the advent of such a regime, either by taking part or by not saying a thing as it happened. Troublemakers who would vehemently inquire into, say, GM crops, said yes to GM injections into their own bloodstreams. And now they ignore the results, and they ignore the problems, and they ignore Euvabeco.

Philip K. Dick’s former wife Tessa remarked that Ubik was a metaphor for God. “Ubik is all-powerful and all-knowing, and Ubik is everywhere. The spray can is only a form that Ubik takes to make it easy for people to understand it and use it. It is not the substance inside the can that helps them, but rather their faith in the promise that it will help them.”

I think this is also very true of The Vaccine, and its relentless rollout. Maybe faith in The Vaccine is what They are pushing on us. And in terms of mind control, it’s clearly working.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s exit from the Democratic Party (or was he booted out?) is only the latest sign that there are no more JFK Democrats left in positions of power in the Democratic Party.

President John F. Kennedy was a staunch anti-communist who fought against union and government corruption. He was a pro-life Catholic. He was laser-focused on faster growth (“we can do bettah”) and saw sweeping tax rate reductions as a step toward achieving 4% to 5% growth.

Democrats are now for higher taxes: They ignore and excuse union and government corruption and they don’t even talk about growth. It is all income redistribution.

“Democrats are now for higher taxes: They ignore and excuse union and government corruption and they don’t even talk about growth.”

They should listen to the words of wisdom of JFK circa 1960 to 1963. In 1962, he famously declared: “It is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now.”

Sadly, today you could count on one hand the number of Democrats in Washington who believe that. JFK called for a reduction in income tax and capital gains taxes. Kamala Harris wants to raise every one of these rates — including doubling capital gains taxes.

Which brings me to RFK Jr. I don’t agree with many of the positions that he takes, but he is right that the party undemocratically excised him from the ballot in many states. He is right about the incestuous relationship between big government and big business.

At a dinner party, I recently asked him about tax policy.

“I learned from my uncle [JFK] that cutting taxes increases prosperity,” he replied.

Harris has never learned that lesson. She should take note. After the JFK tax cuts — from as high as 90% to 70% and a 30% capital gains tax reduction by 30%, the economy boomed and tax revenues soared. The budget was balanced.

Harris and my Democratic friends should educate themselves by reading Larry Kudlow and Brian Domitrovic’s wonderful book, “JFK and the Reagan Revolution.”

That book also shows that tax revenues rose after the Reagan tax cuts, which were modeled after the JFK plan. What was remarkable about both these historical events is that the share of taxes paid by the rich rose after tax rates were cut. That was the “paradoxical truth” that JFK foresaw.

JFK also was famous for talking about “a rising tide of prosperity to raise all boats.” That’s far different from the “soak the rich” message of Democrats today.

RFK Jr. was right that he hasn’t left the Democratic Party. The party has left him. And it has sadly left behind the policy legacy of his famous uncle — who also would likely be a Republican today.

The biggest problem Democrats have this year is the mess they’ve made of the border. No matter how many cartwheels the media do for Kamala Harris, immigration remains a top issue for voters — and they blame the Democrats. (I have a theory as to why: Probably because Democrats intentionally flung open the border and let in 10 million illegal immigrants.)

The media-Democratic Party complex has tried all manner of lies to hide the crime, but those deceptions crumbled on the slightest examination. (Kamala was NOT the “border czar”!)

Apparently, the lie they decided to stick with is the one about Trump ordering Republicans to oppose AN INCREDIBLY TOUGH BORDER BILL! Why, it’s draconian! The harshest immigration bill this century! But Trump opposed it only so that he could keep the border as a campaign issue. What a cynical, heartless bastard.

“Shouldn’t someone tell them that most immigration bills are designed to discourage illegal immigration?”

As Harris put it in her acceptance speech:

“Last year, Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades. … But Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign, so he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal. Well, I refuse to play politics with our security. And here is my pledge to you: As president, I will bring back the bipartisan border security bill that he killed, and I will sign it into law.”

In fact, the “strongest border bill in decades” was nothing of the kind: It was a mandate for open borders. Future presidents wouldn’t have to violate federal law to fling open the border, as the Biden administration has done — they would be required by federal law to fling open the border, as the Biden administration has done. That’s pretty much the only thing the bill did: codify the Biden administration’s disastrous immigration policies.

The left claims this bill is tough because it massively increases the amount of money spent on border patrol — which is how they purchased the BP union’s support for the bill. The agents still wouldn’t be allowed to do their jobs, but they’d get paid more.

Needless to say, every conservative group, publication and member of Congress had trashed the bill before Trump even mentioned it.

On Jan. 3, Speaker Mike Johnson said that if Biden wanted more Ukraine money for national security, “it better begin with defending America’s national security,” meaning a “closed and secured” border.

On Jan. 9, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky said on Fox News that the border deal was “a sellout. … It’s saying, ‘Oh, we’ll let 5,000 people come illegally a day, and then after that, we might try to stop the next 5,000 that day.'”

Discussing the bill the very same day, Democrat negotiator Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut said the Democrats would refuse to stop Biden from unilaterally releasing millions of illegal immigrants into the country. (Which, by the way, he’s doing in violation of existing federal law.)

In response, the Washington Examiner‘s Conn Carroll tweeted: “ok then well that’s ballgame. guess Dems don’t want to end the border crisis after all.”

On Jan. 12, Breitbart published all the gruesome details under the headline: “Senate GOP Border Deal Leaked: Migrants to Get Work Permits, Lawyers, Green Cards.” And, as Sen. Murphy had promised, Democrats had rejected all proposals to secure the border — no fencing, no end to “catch and release,” and no return to Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” program.

Shouldn’t someone tell them that most immigration bills are designed to discourage illegal immigration?

On Jan. 13, Gov. Ron DeSantis said the border bill would be “dead on arrival” if he were in the White House.

On Jan. 15, liberal Democrat (who doesn’t hate his country) Mickey Kaus tweeted: “I mean, what is [Sen. Mitch McConnell] thinking? … He really thought the House would buy this sh*t sandwich? … Has he lost it? … McConnell really should step down.” (In response, McConnell’s chief of staff assured reporters that the senator was “sharp as a tack” and that they could “barely keep up with him.”)

The bill was scorched on Fox News, in The Washington Times, in the House and Senate and all over Twitter. Congressional switchboards lit up like a Christmas tree. Before the bill was even officially released, at least six senators came out against it — Marsha Blackburn (Tennessee), Mike Braun (Indiana), Tim Scott (South Carolina), Josh Hawley (Missouri), Mike Lee (Utah) and Ted Cruz (Texas).

But according to the media’s telling — that is, the lie — this bill was sailing through Congress until Trump bigfooted it. After all, why would it bother any Republican that it required Americans to accept at least 1.8 million illegal aliens every year, would grant asylum to anyone who asked for it, provided even more free benefits to illegals and funneled billions of dollars to the NGOs helping illegals into our country, while doing absolutely nothing to strengthen our border? Forget a wall — this bill did nothing.

That’s the Democrats’ idea of the “strongest border bill in decades.”

Trump’s very first comment on the bill was on Jan. 17 — following two weeks of the conservative media tearing it to shreds. He posted on Truth Social: “I do not think we should do a Border Deal, at all, unless we get EVERYTHING needed to shut down the INVASION of Millions & Millions of people, many from parts unknown, into our once great, but soon to be great again, Country!”

Whereupon Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., claimed Republicans were blocking the bill “on orders from Trump.”

By now, this politically motivated lie has been repeated thousands of times, with the same assurance — and by the same people — as their claims that Trump colluded with Russia, called neo-Nazis “very fine people,” and told Americans to drink bleach.

They know it for a fact, as surely as they knew Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation” and Biden was sharp as a tack.

Okay, kids, Kamala was a joke, a punch line, but suddenly she isn’t, and by a long shot to boot. We no longer have an old stuttering gaga making a fool of himself in the White House, but a new Jeanne d’Arc, defender of America, capitalism, socialism, blacks, Jews, Eskimos, even Palestinians. It’s the latter’s mention by Kamala in her acceptance speech that caught my ear, as I didn’t watch any of the ludicrous, megalomaniacal, boastful, and basically dishonest goings-on in Chicago. I’ve until now thought Kamala a total phony, but the P-word she uttered got my attention. I only hope she meant it. Kamala is big on equity, claiming in a year-old speech that whites start out on first base, even on third base, whereas blacks have to begin at home. Her vague gestures to specific problems show her to be an empty vessel, but the P-word had me listening.

Sticking up for the deracinated Palestinians is not a great vote-getter in America. But as I’ve written so many times before in these here pages, I’ve been to Jordan and the West Bank and have witnessed firsthand the deprivations and daily humiliations the average Palestinian endures by the all-conquering Israelis. Gaza is another hell altogether, indescribable in its horror while Israel is hard at work making it even more hellish. Israel began as a state in 1948 by hardworking pioneers who actually did make the desert bloom but have ended up as cruel and murdering occupiers and land grabbers. Yes, there are Palestinian terrorists galore, but I wonder what Americans would have become had they been occupied and their land taken away from them and made to endure daily humiliations by a foreign power? If they didn’t turn to resistant terror, I’m Kamala Harris.

“Woke demands are outrageously elitist, and Kamala and her supporters in government will hide them until the day after the election.”

Be that as it may, if Kamala does win and does something to curb Israel’s cruel occupation by actually cutting off arms to Israel unless it reins in the Nazi-like settlers, she will go down in history as the first American president not to surrender to Israeli and Jewish blackmail. Well, here’s to wishful thinking and all that. But she did mention the Palestinians and the horrible massacre of Gaza, which is more than Trump did, something that poses yet another dilemma for the poor little Greek boy, me. Trump is not beholden to Jewish voters, although he has some Jewish backers with bulging wallets, so why can’t he say something positive about Palestinian rights? Jewish voters have not in the past and will not vote in the future for Trump, or any Republican for that matter, so why the radio silence over Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands?

America’s leaders have an almost Faustian bargain with the Jewish state. They struck it back in 1948 when Israel was the savior of a long-suffering people who had been nearly wiped out by Hitler. America continues to play Faust, and the pact with Israel’s Mephistopheles is always on. Who would have thought these two nations would strike such a malevolent bargain, and who is responsible for it? That’s an easy one to answer: extremist religious fanaticism in Israel, and a very rich and powerful Zionist lobby in D.C.

Israel aside, here’s what’s too real in America today: The Donald is abrasive and has coarsened debate, but he is the one standing up against outrages such as the defunding of police in the name of BLM, to the promotion of radical gender ideology. Radical causes have little to do with the concerns of most Americans. Woke demands are outrageously elitist, and Kamala and her supporters in government will hide them until the day after the election.

Let’s face it, woke is trying to change human nature, resulting in the new rules, driving the old ways underground. Here’s Kamala’s favorite, equity, which means that inequality of outcome between groups can only be explained by injustice. I thought about that when I watched the Olympic men’s 100-meter final. Not a single white runner was among the eight black finalists, hence white runners had been victims of injustice.

Well, we all know that’s hooey, but what about MIT? The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has practiced affirmative action until recently, when a Supreme Court ruling did away with black students gaining places because of the color of their skin. Now Asian student numbers have shot up, while black numbers have slumped. Look for more dirt dished on the Supreme Court by The New York Times and The Washington Post, both papers incidentally no longer practicing journalism but Kamala boosterism.

While reading a new study by Lukas Althoff and Hugo Reichardt, Jim Crow and Black Economic Progress After Slavery, about how it is better for African Americans today to be descended from ancestors who were freed before slavery and/or lived after the Civil War in the north or upper south rather than in the Cotton Belt of the deep south, I got to thinking about geography.

First, though, here is the economists’ abstract:

This paper studies the long-run effects of slavery and restrictive Jim Crow institutions on Black Americans’ economic outcomes. We track individual-level census records of each Black family from 1850 to 1940, and extend our analysis to neighborhood-level outcomes in 2000 and surname-based outcomes in 2023.

For example, in 1860, 99 percent of blacks named “Du Bois” were free, while only 5 percent of blacks named “Lincoln” were free. Not surprisingly, blacks named Du Bois remain more likely to be members of W. E. B. Du Bois’ “Talented Tenth” today than are blacks named Lincoln.

Du Bois (1868–1963), himself, was born in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, which is currently a ski resort town in the Berkshire Mountains, which sounds nice.

“I now think that the middle of the country’s current troubles with homicides may have deeper roots than technological and policy changes that have left industrial cities washed up.”

Whether Du Bois’ titanic career under difficult circumstances was a product of nature or nurture is of course worthy of debate. But clearly he benefited from an unusually benevolent climate for the times in which his college tuition was paid for by his fellow Congregationalist congregants, and he was mentored by great academics such as William James at Harvard and Max Weber in Germany.

We show that Black families whose ancestors were enslaved until the Civil War have considerably lower education, income, and wealth than Black families whose ancestors were free before the Civil War.

Of course, blacks who were free before the Emancipation Proclamation tended to be northerners, plantation owners’ children, extremely enterprising slaves who earned enough to purchase their own and their loved ones’ freedom, or daring runaways.

For instance, in Zora Neale Hurston’s first novel, Jonah’s Gourd Vine, set in the late-19th-century south, the main character, modeled on Zora’s father, is a tall, handsome, broad-shouldered light-skinned black youth whose mother tells him to look for help from her former owner, a tall, handsome, broad-shouldered white planter. Although the two never seem to quite notice that they are obviously father and son, they immediately take a liking to each other. The rich plantation owner repeatedly comes through with cash in Zora’s dad’s times of need.

The disparities between the two groups have persisted substantially because most families enslaved until the Civil War lived in states with strict Jim Crow regimes after slavery ended. In a regression discontinuity design based on ancestors’ enslavement locations, we show that Jim Crow institutions sharply reduced Black families’ economic progress in the long run.

For example, blacks growing up during the Jim Crow era near the Louisiana-Texas border did worse in life if they were born in Louisiana, a hard-core Jim Crow state, than if they were born in Texas, a state that cared more about making money than imposing a weird, Hindu-like Jim Crow caste system.

A simple measure of how much white voters cared about Jim Crow is the share won in the 1968 presidential election by third-party candidate George Wallace, the segregationist governor of Alabama. Wallace, running on a “preserve Jim Crow” platform, won Louisiana with 48 percent of the vote, but earned only 19 percent in more modern Texas. Under Richard Nixon, the south’s last major vestiges of Jim Crow, segregated schools, were swept away by 1970.

The south has advanced economically without Jim Crow holding it back.

Students of American history have long been obsessed, not unreasonably, by differences between the north and the south, or, secondarily, between the rainy east and the sunny west beginning at about the 98th to 100th meridian on the edge of the Great Plains.

But in studying the homicide rate, I’ve become interested in a pattern less often remarked upon. Of course, the murder rate correlates closely with the black share of the population, but in this century the black homicide rate is particularly high in the middle of the country, whether south, border, or north, such as the cities of New Orleans, St. Louis, and Milwaukee: in other words, the vast Mississippi and Great Lakes watersheds.

In contrast, black murder rates in recent years have been lower in some places in the east, such as Boston, New York, and Charlotte, and some fast-growing Sunbelt states, such as Texas and Florida.

My initial explanation for this has been that the now-decaying industrial Rust Belt was located on water routes so barges could bring heavy raw materials like coal and iron.

Of course, today, prosperity doesn’t care about water transport. For example, four decades ago I lived on the 21st floor of a Chicago high-rise with great views of Lake Michigan. In those three years, I saw a single freighter go by, compared with tens of thousands of sailboats. By the yuppie era, sailing’s appeal to white-collar executives appeared to contribute far more to Chicago’s prosperity than did that lone freighter.

But I now think that the middle of the country’s current troubles with homicides may have deeper roots than technological and policy changes that have left industrial cities washed up.

Looking at this map, it appears that in 1860 there were far fewer free blacks in the cotton-growing slave states that had opened up in the 19th century than in the older states, slave or free.

My guess would be that free blacks tended to accumulate in a place generation by generation, due to masters freeing their children, manumissions by humanitarians, and self-buyouts.

But the south-central Cotton Belt was populated by a large-scale migration from the southeast as the Indians were pushed out in the 19th century. This migration from the Eastern Seaboard west appears to have served as a selection event, with free blacks and blacks with the most sophisticated urban talents being left behind.

The authors argue that there wasn’t selection of slaves who were forced to migrate by their masters’ moving west to plant cotton. But, in truth, there was clear selection on the black population as a whole, with very few free blacks and other members of the Talented Tenth moving into the Cotton Belt.

Further, there was probably selection among urban slaves being left behind, with relatively fewer city-dwelling masters than plantation masters moving west to grow cotton, which likely made the Cotton Belt slave population more rural and less urbane than the Eastern Seaboard slave population.

For example, say you are a Virginia tobacco plantation owner who is moving to Mississippi in 1850 to cash in on the King Cotton boom. One of your slaves has perfect pitch, so you’ve been letting him live in Richmond and find work for himself as an expert piano tuner in return for a cut of his income. Do you drag him off with you to rural Mississippi to pick cotton?

Of course not. Where’s the profit in that?

This cotton migration selection event probably had some effect on the post–Civil War trajectory of Jim Crow, with whites in states like Mississippi with black majorities and virtually no Talented Tenth bourgeois black pre–Civil War freedmen to act as intermediaries being especially extremist about rigging Jim Crow laws to keep blacks down.

Further, when immigration from Europe was cut off during the economic boom of World War I and blacks started moving north in large numbers, southeastern blacks tended to move to the northeast, helping set off the famous Harlem Renaissance.

In contrast, south central blacks from the cotton states tended to take the Illinois Central railroad to the north central region.

These initial internal migrants from the cotton states were hardworking people looking for a better life in northern factories.

But after a couple of generations, the generous welfare fad of the 1960s attracted the sluggards of Mississippi to, first, Chicago. Then, when the Windy City’s Irish politicians woke up in the 1970s to what was happening, the Mississippi tide surged into German Milwaukee, and then finally into Swedish Minneapolis, with consequences that are still playing out in the 2020s.

In June, Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson separately went on odd tangents about how the U.S. shouldn’t have dropped the A-bombs during WWII. So I wrote a piece about it and figured, why not sit on it till August and run it the anniversary week of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?


And then I spent all of July really, really drunk, and I forgot I’d written it.


Fact is, the piece was outdated by August anyway, as Tuck ’n’ Candy had moved on to other manias. Still, I hate wasting an essay, but as I’d never run anything stale at Takimag, if you want an extra Dave column this week go to my free Substack and you’ll see the “lost” A-bomb piece.

That said, I ain’t done with Candy Owens. And I want to make a point about Owens and Jews that I’m not sure anyone else has made (yet…Richard Hanania will make it next week).

As I’ve mentioned multiple times over the years, I attended majority-black public schools in the early 1980s. This was L.A.’s “black period,” and its “crack period,” and I had the time of my life; not a single problem.

Blacks were never mystifying to me. They were neither objects of fear nor awe. They were just…there. Black was normal. My friends, my peers. Smart kids, dumb kids, sober kids, crack kids. Whatever they were, I called ’em what they were, with no hate or idealization. Blacks have never been a novelty to me. No living vicariously through them or viewing them as an ideal of “cool.”

As a Jew, that makes me rare as a tiger that hasn’t lost its dick to a hungry Chinaman; I’m something not typically found in the wild.

Because “political Jews” have a black problem.

“Rightist Jews may have just created the greatest golem ever.”

One of my recurring themes is Jews and golems. A tale told literally in the legends of old and enacted figuratively every day in America, Jews have an unfortunate habit of building the monsters that destroy them. In past pieces I’ve covered this from a leftist perspective: Democrat Jews flying in planeloads of Somali mouthbreathers who “thank” their patrons by passionately hating them…Soros giving BLM LaQuedas millions to wreak havoc on whitey, only to see the thick-thighed beasts spend the dough on lavish mansions and mulberry silk weaves.

That’s the thing about monsters…you can’t trust ’em. That’s why they’re monsters. But leftist Jews have a fetish. In 2022 I recalled the case of Herb Aptheker, one of the most prominent American communists of the 20th century and a funder of the “black power” movement. A benefactor to Angela Davis, Aptheker (per his daughter) “substituted black people for Jews in his work. That is, he made black people larger than life by erasing their foibles and failures.”

So I’ve already looked at this issue from the left. This week let’s examine it from the right.

Because rightist Jews may have just created the greatest golem ever.

And it all started with David Horowitz.

Horowitz is one odd bird. I knew him at Friends of Abe, to whatever extent any of us “knew” him. He moved like an OCD autist, not touching anything, never shaking hands. He reminded me of a schizo you’d see at Kmart using Kleenex to pick up his items.

Horowitz’s story is well-known; a “red diaper baby” raised by commies, he tried desperately to fit in with black revolutionaries, eventually allying with Huey Newton and the Black Panthers. Horowitz was aware that the blacks he hung with hated Jews with a passion, but, as he detailed in his autobiography, he thought he could channel that bloodlust into positive revolutionary action. Because in blacks he saw the purity of the revolution. Uncorrupted, “real.”

Having attended white schools, Horowitz lacked the day-to-day black experience that Jews susceptible to black-worship require in order to come down from idealization.

Once Horowitz was in with the Panthers, he tried to persuade Newton to adopt a more “nuanced” take on Israel. “The Zionists had created Israel as a ‘raft (lifeboat) state,’ and it had to be defended as such,” he told Newton. When Newton allowed him to publish those views in the Panther newsletter, Horowitz was ecstatic. “Having Huey’s ear made me feel politically powerful in a new way. For a political intellectual like myself there was a seductive aspect to a partnership with Newton (even in so modest an enterprise) that was also grandiose. If we were successful as a team, we would create a model that others might follow.”

A “team,” Huey and Jewy.

Sadly, ’twas not to happen. The Panthers killed one of Horowitz’s female friends—someone he had introduced into the circle—and that started his eventual rightward shift.

Horowitz might’ve changed ideologies, but his black fetishizing remained. He still sought validation through blacks. And in 2016 he discovered Candace Owens.

“I started my career, my political career, on YouTube making just funny, satirical videos, and I got an email from David Horowitz inviting me to [his] conference, and let me just tell you what a big deal it was for me. I had no connections whatsoever.” —Owens

Owens was a race-hustling low-IQ former leftist, but she “talked white,” which is vaginal rabbit pheromone to political Jews. They cannot resist it. I, on the other hand, learned in my youth to “resist it” easily. I learned early on that the most dangerous crackheads were the verbally skilled ones. Forget the stereotype of the word-slurring gaunt crack-zombie. They were never a threat because you saw ’em coming. The ones to look out for were the charmers. I lost 80 bucks to one once, by my own foolishness in allowing him into my home; worth it for the life lesson.

I also learned that there’s zero connection between white-talking blacks and IQ. It’s just learned behavior from early childhood.

But to political Jews, a white-talkin’ sista is worth her weight in gold teeth, and soon enough Candace became a pass-around whore to every rightist Jew too blind to see that this woman was unstable and stupid (in general, I never trust day/night converts who have sudden right/left or left/right shifts as opposed to slow conversions over time. People like that can always “snap” again).

Just as Owens picked up her vocal style by mimicry, she learned every beloved rightist cliché, and she could spout them with mastery. Practically overnight her Jew benefactors made the monster into a superstar, as they ignored the lesson of the golem tale, which is, you cannot control the mud you mold.

Every sign was there that this was to be a golem saga. Owens’ history of sudden ideological shifts, combined with the fact that black women in general are hard to contain (many are afflicted with completely unearned self-esteem, so if you feed that—as Owens’ Jews did by platforming her to the tune of 5 million followers—you’re fueling the beast), combined with the typically Jewish conceit of people like Shapiro and Horowitz that their “guidance” and “correction” will be taken with gratitude instead of resentment (“Oy, I’m sure she’s grateful for our wisdom!”), tied with the bow of her exceptionally low IQ (never mistake mimicry skill for intelligence)…this was a recipe for disaster.

Indeed, Owens has that mix of low intelligence and high narcissism that leads to what I call Narcissistic Confirmation Bias (NCB). In normal conformation bias, the subject selectively chooses from outside sources (newspaper articles, TV clips, etc.). With NCB, the subject feels no need for outside sources; they think so highly of their own brain, once they have an idea, any idea, they assume it’s correct, because if it’s not correct how could they have thought it? Their mega-minds are incapable of error. That they thought it is confirmation it’s true.

That’s how a retard like Owens can convince herself that Stalin was Jewish and the Jerusalem Muslim Quarter is where all Muslims in Israel are “forced to live.” She thought those things, so they must be correct.

And when she’s called out by the press, all she has to do is parrot your favorite clichés—“Media bias!” “Yellow journalism!”—and you defend her errors.

NCB is prevalent among American blacks because of the high occurrence of low IQ combined with whites/Jews constantly telling them that their every thought is golden. Exactly what happened with Owens and her Jews. And those (to crib my term from a previous column) rabbinical Rain Men shoulda seen it coming.

But that damned Jewish black fetish is stubborn, that combination of seeking validation through blacks (like having that “cool friend”) and the savior complex Jews have always harbored regarding American blacks. Again, that shit is alien to me. At my high school I was voted best actor in the yearbook and won the 1986 radio station KDAY rap contest (judged by a young Ice-T), so I never saw blacks as being any “cooler” than I. And as far as “saving” them, none of my friends needed saving. And the crackheads who did? I learned to say fuck ’em. And our country would be 100 percent better if more whites/Jews learned to say that to unsalvageables.

And now here’s Horowitz, Shapiro, and all the Jews who “made” Owens watching helplessly last week as she crossed a line that goes even further than Holocaust denial: She declared that Jewish ritual murder exists, and the State of Israel was created not because of the Holocaust but as a haven for Jewish ritual child-murderers and pedophiles.

And those right-wing Jews are stuck now. Their golem has their cut little cocks in a clamp. If they balk, it’ll be dismissed as “Jews protecting Jewish interests.”

“Jews closing ranks, heeding the tribal call.”

Last week some minor U.K. “race realist” named Nathan Cofnas (a man I found hopelessly dishonest when we clashed in 2020 regarding Covid origins) tried putting a non-Jewish, purely ideological spin on Owens’ descent into madness: “David Horowitz Freedom Center, which played a key role in launching Candace Owens’ career, denounces her for being a dumb grifter I wonder if there’s a lesson re giving unqualified minorities positions based on race—something conservatives say they oppose.”

Dozens of Cofnas’ own followers ridiculed him for trying to make it into a liberal/conservative thing instead of a Jewish thing:

“No, they’ve turned against Candace for being less than 110% submissive to Jewish interests.”

“The *Horowitz* center coincidentally denounces a former associate as a grifter right after she deviates from the pro-Israeli narrative and this is your best explanation?”

“Imagine! The audacity of a Black women getting off the zionist plantation and putting America first!”

“Wow jewish influence started a ‘unqualified minorities’ career but wants to take it away cuz she doesnt deep throat Israel”

Nice rescue attempt, Nate. Sorry it failed, dipshit.

Me? I ain’t here to rescue blacks or Jews. Let the ghetto golem and the retarded rabbis clash. Maybe someone, somewhere, will finally learn a lesson from a 2,000-year-old tale.

Yeah, right.

Imagine being stabbed by a man with a big knife, who then offered to sell you some handy bandages at half price, before expecting you to be grateful for it. Here in the U.K., that lovely generous binding-peddler is David Lammy. The nation’s new Foreign Secretary in more ways than one, Lammy is a very large black gentleman of proud Guianan heritage who is built like Idi Amin, and is every bit as mentally acute.

Following the recent race riots across England, Lammy laboriously scrawled out an article on his favorite Etch A Sketch and submitted it to The Sunday Times to be typed up by a secretary in which he blamed “the Far-Right” for the disturbances and advanced the novel theory that the best way to prevent native white English people from feeling like aliens in their own ancestral homeland was…to make them feel even more like aliens in their own ancestral homeland:

I believe passionately that people of all backgrounds need to integrate and need to live with their neighbors. The Far-Right has forgotten this need to integrate. It has forgotten about what it means to be English. The north star of our values is tolerance and our beautiful country is held together by a constellation of values [the Far-Right] has rejected.

This comes perilously close to saying that, in Anno Stultus 2024, “what it means to be English” is in fact to be Guianan. White people now “need to integrate” with their non-white colonizers.

Nursing a Grievance
According to Lammy, Britain just couldn’t function without amazing non-white people like him, once explaining to some U.K. Black History Month propagandists that:

After World War Two, the NHS [National Health Service, aka Nigerians Healing the Sick] was desperate for a workforce. Despite the abuses, despite the exploitation, and despite slavery, our forefathers heard the call. From 1948, with dignity and pride, [and desiring higher wages than on offer in their homelands, but Lammy doesn’t mention that] our parents and grandparents worked for this country’s sick and injured…. [Black immigrants] did the low-grade and poorly paid jobs that kept Britain running—the jobs everyone else in Britain refused to do.

Like being nurses, presumably. Here’s an interesting fact, though: In 1948, when the Negro Health Service was founded, there were an estimated 125,000 nurses employed in it, doing the jobs most British women apparently “refused to do.” How many of these were white? The vast majority of them, because Britain was still an overwhelmingly white country, as it always previously had been. By 1955, according to one celebratory U.K. newspaper profile, headlined “These colored nurses are happy,” “Nearly 2,000 colored nurses work in 300 hospitals in England and Wales”—for those of numerological bent, that’s an amazing but satanically sinister average of 6.66 per hospital.

“I think this is what is generally called ‘swapping one problem for another one.’”

There really was a sizable shortage of NHS nurses post-WWII, and official attempts were indeed made to steal some from saving the lives of expendable darkies abroad, but really, 6-and-a-bit race-traitor nurses per hospital won’t have made that much difference to the overall standard of U.K. health care, will it? We are often told these days that, during the NHS’ first perilous decade, it would have collapsed completely without the vital contribution of all those wonderful black nurses. If so, then how well would it have managed without all the white ones?

Today, one in five NHS nurses are non-white, although, the NHS tells us, this rises “to much higher levels (up to 40%) in some regions and parts of the country, such as London.” This would be the same London where, as of 2021, only 36.8 percent of the population were still classed as being “White British” on census forms. Therefore, in such places, won’t most of these modern-day non-white nurses now be treating mostly non-white patients? So what was the actual long-term benefit to London’s original white population of importing these people, Mr. Lammy?

Swallowing Anything
I think this is what is generally called “swapping one problem for another one.” Readers may recall the nursery rhyme “The Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly,” in which a pensioner accidentally ingests a bluebottle, then swallows a spider to eat it, then swallows a bird to eat that, and so ad infinitum, until eventually she swallows a horse to eat a cow, and promptly dies from sheer equine indigestion. Well, in 1948 Britain swallowed a few harmless-seeming fly-size black nurses to fill a limited but manageable labor shortage and, eighty years later, ended up choking to death on David Lammy as its big, fat, horse-size Home Secretary.

In return merely for some slightly better-staffed hospitals, factories, and suchlike during the 1950s, the United Kingdom ended up being transformed into a completely foreign country where, as Lammy recently put it, our “north star” value of “tolerance” is now so widely adhered to and successful that there have just literally been mass race riots on the nation’s streets.

Wouldn’t it have been easier to have simply increased nurses’ pay a bit more back at the time to entice more native white British women into the profession, rather than saving a bit of cash in the short term by importing West Indians and Pakistanis to the long-term detriment of the nation? Individually, I’m sure most did a good job, and knew precisely in which end to shove their respective thermometers, but collectively, their people’s presence here has been a civilizational disaster.

Of all people, you’d think nurses would recognize a sticking-plaster solution when they see one.

Trevor and His Pussy Wagon
Another black-skinned knifeman peddling cheap bandages in Britain today is Sir Trevor Phillips, a former Head of the Commission for Racial Equality body under multiculturalism-loving PM Tony Blair. In 2005, following some unfortunate minor incidents involving Mohammedans creating yet further work for the NHS by vibrantly placing bombs on London buses, Phillips famously about-turned and warned that the country was “sleepwalking into segregation” based upon race and religion, as just evidenced once again by the 2024 riots. So what is Trevor’s current solution to the problems substantially caused by his former government paymasters, who carelessly threw open the borders to all comers even more after being elected back in 1997? More mass immigration, please!

In his regular Times column following the riots, Phillips called the white rebels “thickos and sickos,” his article being headlined “Rioters long for a Britain that never existed”—i.e., a fundamentally white British one, without Sir Trevor Phillips in it. And yet such a polity did exist in this country, as recently as 1951, when only 0.1 percent of the population were non-white. By 2021, around 25 percent were.

Phillips’ current argument is that this level of unprecedented ethnic transformation is necessary, because white couples are no longer having enough children to fill all the gaps in the workforce, so all these Africans and Arabs flooding into the land are doing it an immense favor—the same argument tried about non-white NHS nurses back in the 1950s, but on a far vaster scale. In another 2024 Times op-ed, headed “Ministers must stop moaning about migrants,” Phillips argued that consequent mass diversity would end up being a boon for the British economy on the dubious grounds that “in global markets, failure to understand other cultures can be make-or-break for your product.”

For “evidence,” Trevor cited the case of the Japanese car giants Honda, who, unaccountably having a board full of actual Japanese people, had decided to brand one of their new models the “Honda Fitta,” unaware that, unlike in Tokyo, the word “Fitta” means “pussy” throughout Scandinavia. As Honda’s marketing slogan went “small on the outside, big on the inside,” this led to poor sales in the region amongst everyone other than literal fans of auto-erotica. Phillips’ conclusion was “there’s no point scrambling to hire a Swede after you’ve made the multi-million dollar mistake.”

So, by this logic, Japan now somehow needs to be inundated with millions of Scandinavians, just so they don’t accidentally call their next car the Honda Clitoris in Norwegian or something—meanwhile, Scandinavia itself is being swamped with millions of Muslims, just so Syria and Iraq don’t accidentally end up being sold a new Volvo Vulva. Would a better alternative not just be for the Japs to either buy themselves a dual-language dictionary, or else quickly run the name of their next car past some local Nordic business agents living in Scandinavia first before they launch it, rather than inviting in a full-on neo-Viking invasion of Nippon?

Existing on a Knife-Edge
A classic example of immigrants being lauded for supposedly solving problems they themselves help cause occurred in London recently, when an 11-year-old Australian girl was badly stabbed in Leicester Square, allegedly by a Romanian immigrant “of no fixed abode,” which I presume means he owned a caravan. In light of several recent prominent stabbings by other “Britons of nontraditional background,” as they say, the media were eager to stave off any further stabbing-motivated riots from angry white people by emphasizing the convenient fact that the main bystander who stepped in to save the girl was a brave Muslim security guard named Abdullah.

On a personal, individual level, Abdullah doubtless deserves much credit, and immediate access to 72 virgins in Allah’s Heaven as soon as he, too, is one day randomly stabbed to death by a passing resident of Transylvania who has been brought over here by Sir Trevor Phillips purely to prevent the accidental release of a Dacia Minge compact family hatchback onto the nation. But this is rather to miss the wider (knife-)point.

As Canada’s leading truth-teller Mark Steyn put it in his own summary of this case: “the not-so-subtle subtext of the [many admiring media] reports was: You get it yet, you lousy Islamophobes? We need immigrants to come here to do the jobs Britons won’t do—like saving the little girl from being stabbed by some of the other immigrants we let in.” Yes, and no doubt the even braver nurses who stemmed her wounds were themselves all brave black Romanian Muslims too.

You know another non-white philanthropist who used to work in the NHS? Bashar al-Assad. Before becoming a mass-murdering Syrian dictator, Bashar trained as an ophthalmologist in London. And, in the latest non-white NHS nurse-related news, the U.K.’s Royal College of Nursing has just announced that it is fine with its members refusing to administer treatment to any patients they arbitrarily deem to be racist. It will be fun to see what happens if a white nurse should happen to let David Lammy die on the floor one day if he turns up bleeding buckets in her clinic on such grounds.

Unassimilable cheap-labor non-white immigrants from genuinely foreign cultures can solve many short-term problems. But they can also cause equally as many long-term problems too—far worse ones than short-staffed hospitals or slight cumulative downturns in overall national GDP. But still we are told by our lying governments that we absolutely need these people by the boatloads and could never possibly exist without them. Disturbingly, many voters still actually believe them.

I know an old lady who swallowed a lie, I don’t know why she swallowed the lie—perhaps she’ll die? I’m afraid that, in Old Mother Britannia’s case, she already has. Largely of immigrant-inflicted stab wounds.

Watching events unfold in England, as a dangerously polarized country edges ever closer to conflict, brings me no joy despite the fact I consider myself a victim of British political perfidy. Nothing that is happening there now surprises me; in fact, the only surprise is that it has taken the native English so long to take to the streets in anger.

It is virtually impossible to conclude that the situation that now presents itself will be resolved peacefully; once a government resorts to extrajudicial methods (such as banning protest and suggesting political dissent is synonymous with terrorism) in order to try to maintain the peace, you’ve already lost the battle. Ironically, faced with growing resistance to white rule, it’s what the Nationalist Party did at the end of apartheid, and it was loudly denounced in the British parliament. Now they’re doing it to their own citizens.

Regrettably, the deadline for conflict-free resolution passed many years ago when the number of migrants might have been more tightly controlled and limited to those applicants more inclined to assimilate into the indigenous culture and be more receptive to the fundamental values of the British people.

“The only surprise is that it has taken the native English so long to take to the streets in anger.”

History might well show us that the last chance was lost in late 2019 when Boris Johnson, despite a massive mandate from an electorate desperate for decisive action on immigration, proceeded to do little other than lock his country down for two years on a false premise, failed to remove the U.K. from the legal stranglehold of the European Convention on Human Rights [ECHR] and repeal the egregious 1998 Human Rights Act, and then added heft to escalating the war in Ukraine.

Instead, successive British governments have left the doors wide open to millions of foreigners who receive state benefits, who reject British culture, values, and history, and who maintain their separate political and religious identities. While all are far from militant extremists, 4 million Muslims (nearly 7 percent of the population of England) constitute a potential force for violent transformation, not to mention other ethnic migrant groups, notably from Africa.

Just how a populace repeatedly elects politicians who have resolutely led the country down the road to self-destruction is difficult to understand, but while guilt, stupidity, and apathy are important factors, I see this tragic conflation of events from a somewhat different perspective coming from where I do and having experienced what I have.

Having been born and bred in what was then Rhodesia, it was a galling and bewildering period of time in my young life, and that of many of my countrymen and -women, being exposed to a hostile world and scapegoated and scorned by a multitude of British politicians, journalists, and religious leaders who saw me as a “privileged” white member of a community that was endemically racist and prosperous only due to the suppression (invariably described as “brutal”) of black people.

This was simply not true. Most whites were very decent people, acutely aware of the fact that their future could only be assured if a formula was found for improving the quality of life of all races, and strenuous efforts in that regard were being made, but none of this mattered to the politicians riding the anti-colonial, anti-racist, anti-white bandwagon.

The problem for us then, as it is now for the rump of the British working class, is that the facts matter not; what is more important is political posturing, and this explains the current behavior of the Starmer administration, the press, and the clerics. All are committed to demonstrating their nauseating piety in defense of “minorities” and utter indifference to the plight of the people who have belatedly discovered they have lost their country and fear for the lives and future of their children.

Just as we, as a minority in Africa, were denied the opportunity to plead our case to the world, those in Britain who feel strongly about shutting the borders and better protection for them and their families are being arrested and imprisoned for voicing those fears under “hate-crime” laws. This silencing, which Elon Musk rightly compares to the way the Soviet Union was run (in the past year some 3,300 people have been arrested in the U.K. for social media posts), has increased frustration and exacerbated tensions; the knifing to death of three little girls in Stockport was the trigger that led to violent upheaval—not least because the authorities refused initially to provide any information about the killer, creating a media vacuum that fed intense speculation and helped to spawn conspiracy theories.

The response from the authorities to the recent riots was quick and harsh, and within days many of the so-called “far-right” perpetrators were behind bars commencing lengthy prison sentences. While they broke the law and deserve their punishment, opposition mobs, many armed, calling for the radical transformation of the country to fall more in line with their ideologies, appear often to be encouraged, protected, and condoned. Law enforcement appears to be far from evenhanded, and the prime minister has acquired the sobriquet “Two-Tier Kier” as a result.

Looking at this from afar, I believe it was politicians of precisely the same ilk—cowardly opportunists who vilified a productive European minority in Africa, destroyed them, and used their power and influence to bring Robert Mugabe to power—who wield power in Britain today. God help the good people of England!

The Week’s Most Straining, Paining, and Summer-Waning Headlines

Turns out it didn’t take boycotts, DeSantis, or screaming “groomer” on X to finally snap Disney out of “woke.”

It just took a billion dollars.

The success of Deadpool & Wolverine—which crossed $1.1 billion at the global box office last week, was only “unexpected” to the DEI hires at Disney and Marvel who were certain that superhero films about tranny feminist Latino cripples and their obese queer black sidekicks would revolutionize the genre.

Instead, it damn near bankrupted both companies.

The hypermasculine fan-favorite Deadpool & Wolverine has now become the highest-grossing R-rated film in history, and Disney and Marvel have apparently responded by cleaning house of DEI.

Amazing the psychological effect on corporate heads once they’re reminded what a billion dollars looks like.

“Amazing the psychological effect on corporate heads once they’re reminded what a billion dollars looks like.”

Word has it that Disney even built a special version of the Space Mountain ride to physically launch Ibram Kendi and Nikole Hannah-Jones into space, to rid the world of them for good.

Kevin Feige at Marvel has scrapped the studio’s “phase 4” woke projects, including Gaffman (about an everyday dude who becomes a superhero by wearing penis-compressing underwear) and Bindergirl (her flattened breasts give her abscess power!). And last week Disney canceled The Acolyte; the streaming Star Wars spin-off about black lesbian space witches will end after only one season, much to the chagrin of black/Danish star Amandla Stenberg, who only a few months ago recorded a rap ridiculing those who called the show “woke”:

Last I recall, woke is something we created,
Speak truth to power, keep an eye out for you silly racists.

Those are the real lyrics. Satire is not needed here.

And neither is Amandla Stenberg, as the melanincholy Dane’s next rap will certainly be titled “Throw Me a Bone, Gimme a Loan,” performed exclusively at the Screen Actors Guild credit union.

Not that Disney is out of the woods. It still has to deal with the albatross that is its Snow White live-action remake. Knowing what a disaster this film was destined to be, Disney shelved it for a year, hoping the public would forget the disastrous PR of star Rachel Zegler disparaging the original Disney classic while making wacky faces and screeching “weird,weird!”

Zegler, 23, is half Colombian, half Polish.

How can you tell a Polish Colombian? At the airport he shoves his boarding pass up his ass and gives the gate agent a bag of cocaine. At the security checkpoint, he waves his heroin at the guards so he can cut to the front of the line. He purposely approaches the drug-sniffing dogs because a customer’s a customer.

So last week Disney bit the bullet and released the Snow White trailer…and it promptly became the most disliked trailer in YouTube history, even surpassing the despised “black Little Mermaid”…and that trailer showed Ariel drowning in three feet of water.

A year ago, Disney announced that, due to a protest by “little person” Peter Dinklage (“little” in terms of character; physically the freak’s a midget), there’d be no live-action dwarfs, because Dinklage hates the idea of other tiny actors getting employment. So Disney settled on CGI dwarfs, and the results, as seen in the trailer, are so abysmal, the Sharknado filmmakers were like, “It should be illegal to have effects that bad.”

Adding to the spectacle, the Wicked Queen is played by Gal Gadot, who’s far more attractive than the odd-looking Zegler (who inherited the Polish beauty of Roman Polanski and the Colombian charm of Pablo Escobar). Indeed, in the film it’s not the Queen but Snow White who asks the magic mirror, “Who’s the fairest of them all?” to which the mirror replies, “Not you, you goofy-faced ferret.”

Adding to Disney’s headaches, last week Zegler went on a tweetstorm declaring FREE PALESTINE over and over. That her costar Gadot is a proud Israeli likely means no joint press junket.

In response to Zegler’s declaration of support, Hamas leader Sinwar invited her to tour Gaza, assuring the actress that she’d be safe from rape because “even we have standards.”

As Disney prepares to take a bath (Bluddle-Uddle-Um-Dumb) on this turkey, this is one fairy tale in which the princess doesn’t “ride off” in triumph. Rather, she’s a write-off in defeat.

There’s picking the wrong pony, and there’s picking the wrong species. When Tucker Carlson passionately defended disgraced former Rep. George Santos last year, that wasn’t betting on the wrong horse; it was betting on a sloth that found its way onto the track.

Last week Santos pleaded guilty to felony fraud charges, including “stealing people’s identities and making charges on his donors’ credit cards without authorization.”

Tuck should champion Dolton mayor Tiffany Henyard next: She stole an entire town’s credit card!

Dolton, Illinois, is 92 percent black.

Dolton so black, its city fathers won’t acknowledge it. Dolton so black, everyone uses a sickle-cellphone. Dolton so black, it got its charter from Rent-to-Own. Dolton so black, the top sport is the 100-meter dine-and-dash. Dolton so black, even its natural spring fountainhead got a weave.

In a town like that, it’s not surprising that things aren’t buoyant.

Dolton’s $3.65 million in debt. Henyard ran up that debt with her City Hall credit card. In one case, Henyard spent $40,000 in one day on Amazon purchases for herself. If that seems impossible to believe, consider that that many boxes were delivered to a porch in a black town and not one was stolen.

Henyard also used city funds for her personal meals and travel.

The woman used an entire town as an EBT card. Impressive!

The town’s now bankrupt; the super’s coming next Monday to turn off the water and power.

Meanwhile, Henyard has fled as her house of “cards” comes crashing down.

Oh what a tangled weave we web.

The Age of Masks is drawing to an end, thanks not to some great epiphany about how stupid the whole mask thing was in the first place, but rather because masked Muslims are terrorizing Jews.

Last week the Nassau County, New York, legislature passed the nation’s first mask ban, in part to stem the violent pro-Gaza protests that have been rocking the state. The idea is, let the “Damaskuses” cheering the Holocaust be facially seen so that they can be doxxed to HR.

One Asian legislator warned that the new law “could lead to anti-Asian hate,” because the only way to stop New York blacks from beating Asians to death is to allow Asians to hide their identity with masks.

But c’mon…the eyes give it away.

In L.A., masks are the preferred evening wear of criminals. Last week in South Central, there was an assassination at a gas station. As Marquette Deon Scott sat in his car, an SUV pulled up next to him, and a lumbering big-bootied thick-thighed beast of a black woman exited, riddled Scott’s car with bullets, then waddled away. The killer was wearing a mask and hoodie, but the body type gave it away.

Note to black women: If you want to hide your identity during a kill, do some cardio. Or at least don’t go back for that tenth plate at the all-you-can-eat rib joint.

Scott’s mother “said the father of four was Christmas shopping when her son was killed.”

Ain’t that something? The one time in history a black man is early, he gets murdered for it.

Also, “Christmas shopping” for four kids at a gas station mini-mart might just be the most ghetto thing ever.

At least blacks, who never “masked up” during Covid, have finally realized what a gift the white man gave ’em. Considering how popular masks are with black criminals, it can be argued that the “N” in N95 now stands for something else.

Just three days into the school year, California’s already lost a principal.

What, exactly, was the man’s crime? After all, Cali ranks 37th out of 50 states in “education attainment;” only 47 percent of students can read at their grade level, and only 33 percent can do basic math.

In a state that tolerates such dismal standards, what on earth could Principal Robert Nunes have done to get suspended so early in the year?

The school’s mascot twerked at him at a pep rally.

Nunes is principal at Buhach Colony High in Atwater (“Buhach Colony” was an 1800s coastal quarantine settlement for people who couldn’t stop violently clearing their throats. Not as contagious as lepers, but way more annoying). The Buhach mascot, Thor, God of Thunder (not a joke), thrust his “hammer” at a seated Nunes, as the auditorium full of kids cheered, and then Thor and Nunes switched places, and Nunes did a “low-key” (Loki, get it?) twerk back, declaring, “What happens in Buhach stays in Buhach!”

So in the California school system, not being able to read or make change for a $20 is fine; just don’t dare have fun with a mascot at a pep rally.

Also, at least the mascot wasn’t an Injun; forget suspension—that would’ve been a fireable offense.

The press is inaccurately reporting that the principal got a “lap dance” from Thor, but in fact it was just a standing twerk. Lap dances from mascots were outlawed in California after an unfortunate incident involving the San Diego Chicken’s pecker.

Atwater is 60 percent Hispanic and 30 percent white non-Hispanic, so perhaps the greatest shame of the incident is that there were so few black kids who could not only appreciate the twerk, but who, as per state educational standards, would earn credits in African-American Studies by viewing it.