January 16, 2015
Source: Shutterstock
Dzhokar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev have been described as “losers” and “pawns.” Tamerlan looks like what we used to call Ginos (even when they weren”t Italian). The worst guys like him would do is give you a wedgie and grab your girlfriend’s ass. After graduating high school they”d end up owning an auto body shop and become an okay guy to grab a beer with.
In today’s tolerant society, dumb jocks like him grab their wimpy beta male brother and sign them both up for jihad. Didn”t anyone make fun of them? Can we at least key their car? When it was all over, the cute one made it to the cover of Rolling Stone and American girls swooned.
Michael Adebolajo was a nice Christian immigrant from Nigeria who loved “music and football and girls.” Michael Adebowale was born in the UK and studied sociology at the University of Greenwich. I find it noteworthy that both kids were named Michael. The parents obviously hoped for some kind of assimilation. Unfortunately, in the new wild West, we have Muslims who are “218 percent more criminal in second generation than first.” Adebowale met Choudary and soon after he was tearing through the flesh of Fusilier Lee Rigby’s neck with Adebolajo.
Yet another British-born terrorist to be radicalized by Choudary, “John the Beatle”” aka Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary“was an aspiring rapper who went by the name L Jinny. Was he mocked when he swapped his microphone for a sword? Absolutely not. He traded in a cool fashion trend for a cooler one and was likely praised for it. In a nauseating twist of irony, James Foley, the victim, had also converted to Islam and read the Koran “without interruption.” It’s likely he understood what it was all about right as everything faded to black.
Martin Rouleau called himself Ahmad LeConverti (“the converted”) and he fatally ran over Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent in the name of jihad because the man was wearing a Canadian military uniform. Sen. Angus King (I-Maine) claims the real problem here is unemployment, and it’s true that Rouleau had just lost his job, but unemployment is down in Canada, America, and Britain, while these jihadist cases are shooting up like an asymptote.
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau’s mother worked for Immigration Canada and his father was a Libyan businessman. The Canadian media keeps calling him a mentally ill crack addict and consistently refuses to acknowledge the assassination of Corporal Nathan Cirillo is related to Islam. “¨
They successfully did this with Montreal Massacre gunman Marc Lépine, who was born Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi to an Algerian father and is rumored to have yelled “Allahu Akbar” at the shooting (part of a chant Duke University wanted to remind you to repeat every Friday).
Cherif and Said Kouachi grew up as orphans and like John the Beatle, moved from rap to Islam when the latter became the in thing. Amedy Coulibaly, the black guy who was shot at the kosher supermarket with the Kouachis, is rumored to have been radicalized in prison, where he met the brothers originally. His bikini-clad girlfriend Hayat Boumediene claims he was “not really very religious” though it’s not clear when she became radicalized. She’s still on the run.
In the song “Crazy Train,” Ozzy Osbourne says, “Maybe it’s not too late to learn how to love and forget how to hate.” It’s way too late. In fact, the only way to get off this crazy train is to relearn how to hate. We tried tolerance; it only fostered more intolerance. From now on, we need to heed the words of Rotterdam’s mayor and tell Islam to “pack your bags” and “fuck off.”