October 08, 2024

Source: Bigstock

Years ago I wrote about how, among “race realists,” there are essentially two extremes: David Duke and Jared Taylor.

Team black and team Jew.

To paraphrase the Taylor position (and I stress that I’m paraphrasing here; my friend Jared is far more erudite than I): “Jews are white. Yes, they can be a pain in the ass politically, but they contribute to civilization and they don’t rape your grandma or shoot your daughter after a fender bender.”

Then you have the Duke position: “Yee-haw kikkity-kike gyuckity-gyuck hatey-hebe neighborly-nigga cornpone casino embezzly-mezzly nose jobbery-robbery shitkickery-koo.”

That was not paraphrasing; that was a direct quote. So I’ll interpret for “Dr. Duke”: “Jews corrupt the West and must be physically removed, as our European ancestors realized. Blacks might do the odd rape and murder, like, daily, but they’re Christians and our Deep South neighbors, and if we return to Jim Crow we can tame them again. But we can never tame Jews.”

“Hill’s fame did not cow those fascist frijoles; there was zero deference in how they treated him.”

It’s a pointless debate, of course. Jews aren’t going anywhere, and even if they did, antiwhite policies enacted by self-hating palefaces wouldn’t end (or have you learned nothing from Ireland?), and blacks will never return to Jim Crow (nor should they).

Now, if you wanna go where the real “choose-a-side” action is, jump on the beans vs. blacks bandwagon.

Question: What’s black America’s worst nightmare? Cold fast food? An inch-deep puddle? An embargo on weave hair?

No. We saw the black nightmare last month during the Tyreek Hill traffic stop. A black man…not just any black man, but a black sports hero at the top of his game, a mighty black man, who got all da leprechaun gold and all da bitches and paparazzi and da billion-dollar paycheck. That black man, being bossed around and treated with zero respect by a bunch of Hispanic cops. I don’t want to go into the specifics of “Should he have rolled down the window?” or “Were the cops too aggressive in dragging him from the car?” Everyone else is debating that.

I just want to talk about the nightmare. “Reek’s” fame did not cow those fascist frijoles; there was zero deference in how they treated him.

Once thrown to the ground—once the “hard stare” failed and was replaced by the “pwease be nice, occifa, I’ze jes’ a poe black boy” backup routine, Reek of course invoked race, whining about how he jes’ be a black man in ’merica tryin’ to drive Miss Daisy to da stow.

And one of the beancops replied, “We’re dark too, brother. We’re people of color too. Don’t play like that’s special.”

Yes, this is black America’s worst nightmare. Blacks, whose steely cold merciless stare is the last thing a thousand whites and Asians a week see before being relieved of their possessions or their lives, the people whose “did you jes’ disrespect me?” hard glance can freeze a boardroom full of tiny-dicked whites or a movie set full of jittery mommy-fetish Jews, coming face-to-face with a race of masculine brownies who don’t freeze, and who don’t care.

Reek wasn’t abroad. He weren’t in no Messico. He was in his city, being disrespected in his place of residence, his place of honor. And to be honest, I’d have some sympathy for him if not for the weekly murder death toll at the hands of American blacks and the arrogance of that demographic, which always votes one way: “Quit policing us; let us kill you with impunity.”

What we saw in the Reek incident was the black man hitting a wall. Every tactic that would’ve worked against a white cop failed. The brownies didn’t care, and they had badges and guns and a license to use ’em (a point I’ve repeatedly made—here in SoCal, the LAPD and LASD are 50 percent Hispanic).

Indeed, the Reek incident wasn’t just a Miami Cuban thing. We saw the same attitude expressed in 2022 in Los Angeles by the City Council members (Mexicans) when they were caught on tape saying exactly what they thought of blacks. They dismissed them as monkeys. Loud, ignorant monkeys.

And beyond politics, Hispanic business owners in Cali treat blacks worse than whites treated blacks in the Jim Crow South. At least in segregation Selma, blacks had jobs. Maybe Cletus didn’t like the nigras, but he employed them. He had to.

Mexicans don’t want blacks anywhere nearby, not even lugging boxes in a warehouse.

Beans really hate blacks. And they’re shy about it only to the extent that whites are still in charge, that whites can still arbitrate disputes and send disobedient children to their rooms. Mamma Whitey is all that stands between no-nonsense beans and the blacks neutered of their hard stares. And Mamma Whitey ain’t gonna be in charge much longer. Not with birth rates and immigration what they are.

It’s a future so bleak, most observers are in denial. Especially the Jews and whites who brought about this dynamic. Most mainstream news outlets used the Tyreek affair to recycle old bullshit about “driving while black” and “police bias.” Even conservative outlets seemed reluctant to dive into the bean vs. collard green aspect of the matter, focusing instead on Reek’s lack of traffic-stop etiquette from a “back the blue” perspective.

Well, forget “the blue.” This controversy is purely black and brown.

Blacks love pretending they’re hated…

Oprah: “Open this pricey boutique just for me!”

White Dude: “I’m sorry, the store’s closed. We’re doing a private event.”

Oprah: “Aaaargh, I am slain! I am lynched! My name is Toby and I wear the mask and my caged bird withers like a raisin in the sun.

Jeffrey Wright: “Open this restaurant just for me! I’m a big-shot actor and I’ze be hungry.”

Minimum-Wage White Waitress: “Sir, it’s after-hours; the kitchen staff’s gone.”

Wright: “You ofay devil bitch! You whore! I’ve been Emmett Tilled by Mary KayKayKay. May my emaciated remains serve as an eternal call to justice.

Blacks love playing that game, because whites are too chickenshit to call them out on it and blacks know this all too well. But when blacks encounter a group that really hates them, not the faux hate of “I’m sorry, our restaurant’s closed” but the real hate of “your skin color makes you worthless and disposable in my eyes,” it freaks them out.

A child might get scared watching a horror movie, but it’s a “fun” scare. Deep down, even a kid lost in the illusion of a movie knows it’s just a DVD that can be turned off. Frankenstein, Jaws, Godzilla, these are fictions.

Try putting that boy in a room with Albert Fish. Now you’ll get real screams, real fear.

Millions of American blacks who for years have pretended to be afraid of being shot by whitey “just fo’ leaving they house,” millions of blacks being “pretend spooked” by whitey like a 6-year-old watching Dracula, are genuinely scared after seeing the Reek footage.

Bye Frankenstein, hi Fish.

“Bishop” Talbert Swan, the white-hating black “influencer,” immediately saw the black/bean angle in the Reek story. But even he, a man of the cloth-eared, was unable to face a truth that’s too frightening:

Let’s stop beating around the bush and say what we all know, these Miami-Dade Latino officers would’ve never dragged a white man out of his car, abused, handcuffed, and put him face down on the pavement the way they did #TyreekHill. They would’ve never disrespected, verbally abused, and handcuffed a white man the way they did #CalaisCampbell. Anti Blackness runs deep in non-white communities among those who align with and long for proximity to and acceptance from our oppressors.

See what he did there? See the defense offered up by his feeble brain? Yes, beans are racist, but only because they want to suck up to whites.

Swan doesn’t have the giblets to face the truth, that Hispanics despise his people. They don’t want to be near blacks, they don’t want to ally with blacks, they don’t see any value in black lives. Far from pretending to be racist to please whitey, beans pretend to tolerate blacks because they know that pleases whitey.

A hard fucking truth: America’s fastest-growing nonwhite community, which dwarfs blacks nationwide and has already come to dominate many of the former “jewels in the crown” of black America in the Southwest (Watts, Compton, Inglewood), and which has already taken over law enforcement in many of the areas from which blacks are fleeing, is only lagging in its political conquest because beans don’t vote in appreciable numbers and the Democrat Party is careful not to push bean voter participation too strongly because blacks are a more reliable constituency, and the Republican Party doesn’t do outreach to beans because in California you can’t become a GOP party official unless you can prove that your IQ is under 60 (applicants for California GOP positions must first take the “is it Gatorade or Lysol?” exam. If they drink the former, they’re forever banned as too intelligent).

The point is, everyone’s in a state of denial regarding where this is going for blacks.

Why do you think the government never settles Haitians in L.A.? Our Mexicans would slaughter them, and I’m not talking about on the fútbol field. There’d be none of that Ohio white-guy “we must be kind to the newcomers” bullshit. The “newcomers” would be carved up like the Santeria chickens they worship.

Nobody wants to admit this, but it’s true.

Pompous Red State conservatives love acting all brave when whites vote poorly—“hyuck hyuck them libtards dun voted fer it; let ’em live with the consequences.” But they’ll never affect that smarmy arrogance with blacks: “Oh, you poor dears, you innocent lambs are suffering from Democrat abuse and trickery! Oh, Daquan! Oh, Lafreeksha! You are but abused victims. Join us, comrades!”

In fact, it’s literally only blacks who deserve the “you voted fer it, you live with it; I got no sympathy for you” routine, because no other group in America votes in such an eternally predictable bloc. Even in 2003 when Schwarzenegger won in a landslide, beans—who’d been told Arnold wanted to genocide them, and who had a fellow bean in Arnold’s opponent Cruz Bustamente, still gave Schwarzenegger 31 percent of their vote. Blacks? Just 17 percent. They chose the open-borders bean against the action film star.

But it’s hanging on the wall of every “conservative” organization head office: “Never hyuck-hyuck a black.”

They’re sacred, don’tcha know.

But not to beans.

So forget Duke vs. Taylor, black vs. Jew. Old hat, fellas. Eventually, whites are gonna have to decide between Team Black or Team Brown. Me? I’ve had the benefit of living long enough to see major demographic change occur in my city. I’ve seen black L.A. expire, becoming gentrified white/Jew/Asian/Persian on the Westside and bean on the South and Eastside.

And it’s made the county better. Sorry, I’m just being honest.

My little corner of America has been through the whirlwind, and we came out okay.

Best of luck to you in yours.


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