Haley Vows War with Iran, China, Russia and TikTok

GOP mega-donors are appalled that Gov. Ron DeSantis prohibited kindergarten teachers from sharing anal sex cartoons with their students. Must be some kind of fundamentalist nut. But a candidate who wants to entirely ban a social media app as bad for children? That's our gal! Nikki Haley has vowed to shut down TikTok, right after she declares war on the entire world. In case you are not one of the 150 million Americans on TikTok, it is a China-based video-sharing app, primarily used by teenagers to post short reels of themselves lip-synching, pranking, dancing and creating optical ...

Stacey Dash

The Blacklash Against Stacey Dash

Actress Stacey Dash, star of Clueless, is a black woman from The Bronx who says she voted for Obama in 2008. After she recently Tweeted that she planned to vote for Romney, ...

Invisible Children's Jason Russell

Menilik dengan cara mendetail Kelebihan dari web Bandar Q

waktu seluruh orang sibuk bersama aktifitas & aktivitas masing-masing, itu mesti dipakai sbg kesempatan yg baik bagi pembisnis buat mampu menambah area target pasar mereka, ...

It Shouldn”€™t Matter What They Were Thinking

This week, NATO personnel accidentally burned a pile of Korans while trying to dispose of incendiary propaganda. One account says the two workers who set the fire "€œwere ...

Metal Thieves: Vultures of a Fallen Empire

The once-mighty industrial giant called America, this formerly muscle-bound striding imperial colossus, these days more resembles an emaciated Gulliver lying dead in a weed-choked ...

Republic of Hysteria

hysteria"€”conduct or an outbreak of conduct exhibiting unmanageable fear or emotional excess in individuals or groups [fr. Gk. hystera womb] "€”Webster’s Third New ...

Should We Kill the Fed?

For the financial crisis that has wiped out trillions in wealth, many have felt the lash of public outrage. Fannie and Freddie. The idiot-bankers. The AIG bonus babies. The Bush ...

This is Just the Beginning

The intense scrutiny recently paid to my investment strategy in the immediate wake of the financial crisis of the last six months has unfortunately obscured the central element of ...

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