Jeremy Carl’s new book The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart is important because it is one of the first works devoted to a central problem of the 21st century, the long-gestating rise of racist animus against white people.

Yet, in an era of protected classes, whites have been averse to noticing that hatred against themselves has become highly respectable.

Carl provides 77 pages of endnotes documenting the current obsession with despising whites. Still, whites have been weirdly averse to calling out all the loathing directed toward them. Few dare call it racism, instead preferring some more charitable explanation, such as attributing it to Marxism.

Mentioning all the bigotry targeted at whites is so unpopular that we don’t even have any agreed-upon terms for it. For example, Carl uses “anti-white racism” in his subtitle to denote racism against whites, but that can easily be confused with being against “white racism,” which is something highly different (or perhaps not). So I prefer the explicit term “racist anti-white hate,” but others might find that too on the nose.

“In an era of protected classes, whites have been averse to noticing that hatred against themselves has become highly respectable.”

One general problem is that whites have not been allowed to have representatives to offer guidance upon terminology for referring to white concerns the way that Jesse Jackson was able in December 1988 to make “African American” a respectable synonym for “black.” Jackson had performed impressively among black voters in the Democratic presidential primaries in both 1984 and 1988, so when he announced that he preferred “African American” over “black,” while that wasn’t going to stop me from using “black,” I was also happy to have a reasonable variant approved by the then rightful leader of blacks.

But whites, of course, must remain leaderless, without spokesmen. For instance, the American establishment was horrified that gentlemanly Jared Taylor volunteered to return phone calls if the press ever wanted a white opinion on racial controversies in the news, the way Jackson and Al Sharpton had long supplied the black perspective.

Sharpton, for example, made 72 visits to the Obama White House from 2009 through 2014. Yet Taylor, a magnanimous observer of his opponents, has been banned from Twitter for nearly a decade, even under Elon Musk. Restoring Taylor to Twitter (or X or whatever it is called now) would seem like the highest priority in proving that the era of racist anti-white hate is finally over. But so far nobody has gotten through to Musk.

Jeremy Carl is a pretty normal guy, a former official in the Interior Department in the Trump administration now with the Claremont Institute. He has five kids, which seems to drive, not unreasonably, his thinking. His dedication reads:

For my children: may they be treated equally as they pursue their dreams.

Presumably, this is a reference to Martin Luther King’s famous statement:

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

I’ve long argued that fostering anti-white hate is the inevitable result of the grand strategy of the Democratic Party to exploit the growth of diversity in the electorate by concocting a Coalition of the Fringes of American society. As immigration and social decay (e.g., transgenderism) make America more fragmented, the Democrats prosper (for example, they have won the popular vote in seven of the past eight presidential elections).

But what can keep the Democrats’ assemblage of Jews and Muslims, black church ladies and LGBTs from turning on each other in a circular firing squad? So far, all the Democrats and their allies in the media have been able to come up with to unite their Coalition of the Margins is encouraging their constituents to hate Core Americans: men, the married, homeowners, and, most of all, whites.

Carl offers fifteen chapters on how these days it’s not okay to be white. He writes:

Because we live in a political climate that is hostile to white people, the notion that it could be okay to be white—that whiteness is not something worthy of being condemned—is viewed by many elites as a hostile statement.

On the other hand, DEI seems to be fading in 2024. For example, I was not permitted to do a single public appearance for more than a decade, from early 2013 to mid-2023, because hotels where I was booked to be hosted kept canceling reservations due to Antifa threats of violence.

In contrast, I made one appearance in 2023 and, due to the current vibe shift, eight so far in 2024. Lately, I’ve been on the road promoting my anthology Noticing, showing up in Los Angeles, Austin, Miami, West Virginia, and New York. Last week’s two appearances were in an old-money Robber Baron formal city club in Manhattan’s Upper East Side and in a basement dive bar in the Lower East Side, where I spoke to a standing-room-only crowd so enthusiastic that it left me feeling like I was opening for Talking Heads and the Ramones in 1977. These shows were so successful that the publishers are now talking about trips to San Francisco and Washington, D.C., in the fall.

I could imagine them paying for my going to, say, Chicago, Boston, and Seattle as well if anybody there is interested in organizing shows. What about other places? If you want me to speak at your organization elsewhere, let me know. It wouldn’t be free, but it wouldn’t be relatively expensive, either.

Why are elites so hostile toward whites lately?

Carl’s final chapter, “The End Game: Reparations and Expropriations,” theorizes that the purpose of DEI is

to create an intellectual and cultural environment to justify the expropriation of land, property, and other wealth from whites while instituting a permanent regime of anti-white employment and legal discrimination.

After the 2008 crash of subprime mortgages, you heard far less about borrowing as a path to generational wealth and far more about, as Marx would say, expropriating the expropriators. When they talk about “equity,” they mean they want to grab your home equity. Carl continues:

This is not to suggest that direct expropriation is the conscious strategy of most participants in these movements. Like every good political strategy, anti-whiteness has an exoteric and esoteric meaning—there is an “inner party,” a limited group that understands what the end game is, even if, at times, they may not even express it to themselves, and a far larger, more diverse, and less sophisticated “outer party” that simply thinks that in fighting for “white privilege” they are fighting for “justice.”…

If we don’t fight harder, we will soon be subsidizing our own expropriation.

One of the best aspects of The Unprotected Class is each chapter’s quotes. The “Reparations and Expropriation” chapter begins with a delectable 1975 extraction from Sen. Joe Biden:

I don’t feel responsible for the sins of my father and grandfather. I feel responsible for what the situation is today for sins of my own generation[,] and I’ll be damned if I feel responsible to pay for what happened 300 years ago.


It’s been said that if Frank Sinatra was at a restaurant and the scene was dead, he’d tell one of his goons to trip a waiter, just to create some amusement.

Well, this election season is dead. With the two main candidates chosen, there ain’t nothin’ goin’ on, and there won’t be until September.

Readers say to me, “Write more about local politics, Dave!”

Write about what? The DA race will get exciting, come late summer when Soros pumps billions into the contest and the billionaires on our side are like, “Instead of funding Gascon’s opponent, we’ll fund a movie that’ll change the culture, starring Nick Searcy, James Woods, and Gina Carano as a lanced boil.”

Yeah, sure, there’ll be lots to write about in five months. But now?

Kristi Noem bragging about killing a puppy is Sinatra tripping a waiter. “It’s too quiet around here. I think I’ll boast about shooting a pup in the head because it was hard to train.”

“The far-right’s yearning for ‘intellectualism’ is literally the worst thing for the country.”

Distractions like Noem’s admission of serial-killer tendencies can entertain for a week or so. But just like a tripped waiter, soon enough the mess gets cleaned up and everyone’s bored again.

And the real victims of this malaise are the opinion journalists. We have to keep you entertained in a doldrum sea.

Every week, we have to trip a waiter for your amusement.

So, you have the mindless cheerleaders at Townhall (“Yay! We’re beating the woke libs! Two-four-six-eight, killing Serbian kids was really great! Schlichter! Schlichter! Goooooooooooooooooo, Schlichter!”) and the underbelly guys like Unz, who exploit the idle pleasures of these days by beckoning you to join the exciting field of Holocaust denial.

Me? I’ve taken to becoming a scold. And I’m genuinely sorry about that, because I fear I’m at risk of becoming a one-note pianist. Worse still, I’m becoming a cock-blocker. An opinion journalist can either encourage or discourage. Think of it like two pals in a nightclub. One sees a fine-looking babe who smiles coyly at him. So, you can be the buddy who says, “Go for it, dude! She likes you! She’s yours for the taking.”

Or you can be the buddy who says, “She’s got herpes and you’re married. Pay your tab and go home to your family.”

Nobody likes that kind of friend. Nobody likes a thrill-killer, a soggy scolder.

But my God, there’s so much worthy of scolding at the moment. And so much that “crosses the streams” in terms of my favorite fetishes: idiotic rightists and Holocaust history.

How can I not scold? I’m only human.

Last week, Candace Owens discovered the Dresden bombing. At age 35, lil’ Candy learned a new thing…that anyone who’d ever read a history book would’ve already known (oh, wait—Candace was too busy suing her high school for being raycist! Who had time for books?).

As much as I’ve no truck with mysticism and magic, there’s a part of me that genuinely believes Owens was a crackwhore who found an antique lamp, rubbed it, and the genie inside offered her a wish knowing that the one she made—to be a respected intellect—was beyond even his estimable powers, but he did the best he could.

After Owens “discovered” Dresden, she went on a multiday tweetstorm about how it was a “war crime” and a genocide against Christians.

It’s weird how when it comes to the Holocaust, deniers want to see a body and an autopsy report before they’ll believe a single Jew was murdered. But with Dresden, they’ll go with the highball figure with no skepticism at all. Also, I thought “bodies don’t burn”—that’s the “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams” of Holocaust denial—so it’s odd that 600,000 bodies supposedly burned in two nights at Dresden when deniers claim 700,000 couldn’t have been burned over a year and a half at Treblinka.

I used to get upset when the simpleminded would ignore politics for the trivial. I recall in the 1990s a white male “meat-’n’-potatoes” conservative friend of mine bitching about “Balkans? Bosniaks? Srebrenica? I can’t understand that shit,” only to then rattle off remarkably dense sports stats about “Benirschke, Esiason, Wisniewski, and Seau.” And I realized that while he had the ability to comprehend the dense and complex, he was wasting it on frivolity. And that pretentious outrage on my part only grew during peak Marvel movie mania when, again, dudes would appear to be wasting their gray matter obsessing over ridiculous superhero minutia (“That’s Hal Hopper the BLUE BALGOBIN except in the Bizarroverse where he’s Malachi Miffler the GREEN GAMORGAN but in the GOLDEN AGE ERA he was Fred Frindlingson who must unite the Negaverse to the Posiverse by collecting the fifteen GALUBRIOUS CUBES that were scattered throughout MICRONICAVERSE by the villainous THELANOSIUM MALDRAKE who was mesmerized by the BELADORIOUS SPELL of Doctor Emprimorian who in the Reversoverse is actually Brink Bastaritori, master of the ten AMPHIRONICAL STONES hidden in the GRISTOLUCRITUS GALAXY by the SILVER STRYKER aka Bamford Brigand”) at the expense of trying to comprehend real-world events.

And then at some point it hit me that bread and circuses is actually a good thing, that all humans enjoy learning and reciting ponderous detail, but for most of us it’s best that the desire is confined to the frivolous, because it allows politics to remain grounded in simplistic caveman-isms—“me not want to pay more for eggs, me not want to be mugged by negro, me want to live in town where everyone speak English”—and the far-right’s yearning for “intellectualism,” typified by the current drift toward pseudo-intellectual WWII revisionism and Holocaust denial, is literally the worst thing for the country.

And Owens, being literally the worst thing for the country (that fucking genie…if I ever find that lamp it’s goin’ in a smelter), who Ralph Wiggum-style learnded something new and can’t resist reciting it, has launched a Dresden mania that I’d like to—what else—cock-block.

The bombing of Dresden and Hamburg, like the firebombing of Tokyo and the A-bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, was regrettable in that the people incinerated were high-IQ, good-quality humans who might’ve gone on to invent things or cure things or compose things. That said, Germany shouldn’t have declared war on America and Japan shouldn’t have bombed Pearl Harbor. That America concluded those wars the correct way is not debatable. Yes, terror bombings are nasty. And yes, they work. The Germans and Japs saw a future of continued incineration had they not surrendered and capitulated, so, with no other options, they surrendered and capitulated, and everything turned out great (for Japan, 100 percent. For Germany, I’m referring only to West Germany).

The retards playing at being intellectuals about WWII don’t get the point that the pacification stage of a war is as important as the fighting stage. Terror bombings pacified the Germans and Japs. Was it moral? Ask your priest. It worked. Good or bad, it worked.

But thanks to the Dresden sentimentality of “intellectuals” left and right, we can’t do that shit anymore. In October 2001 I wrote an op-ed for the L.A. Times (under my favorite pseudonym, Cal Tinbergen—“a true genius…one of the few”) arguing that the best response to 9/11 was to go full Dresden on Afghanistan. Bomb from above. Don’t get into a ground war. Where there are al-Qaeda bases, now we’ll put up a parking lot. Joni Mitchell the entire place; don’t think twice about civilians. Air superiority is a good thing; it spares your soldiers. If you have it, use it. Especially against savages for whom, unlike the highly civilized Germans and Japs, nation-building is pointless.

Flatten from above every part of Afghanistan where our satellites and ground intelligence indicate there’s al-Qaeda. And tell the Taliban that if al-Qaeda comes back, so do our planes.

Twenty-three years later, with thousands of American soldiers dead and the Taliban back in charge, the entire nation-building “moral war” exercise having been for nothing, tell me, smart-asses, was I wrong? Was my suggestion not better?

Oh, but no, because aerial bombing is, as Owens says, a “war crime.” Better to prove your moral superiority, as opposed to your aerial superiority, by sending young people to die in “honorable” combat against goat-fuckers who curb-stomp women for learning basic math.

Proud of the outcome of your “honorable war,” moralist pricks? C’mon, debate me. Come to my Substack and debate me if you think my 2001 op-ed was misguided.

Pounding a place flat wins wars, against the civilized and the savage. But holy Spicoli, did my 2001 op-ed get attacked…by leftists (as Owens was at the time). Indeed, the Times dedicated an entire page to those who opposed my op-ed. San Francisco State’s Dr. Margo Kasdan wrote that only the “world court,” not aerial bombing, could end al-Qaeda. Leftist activist Ron Litman wrote that it was monstrous to think that “bombing from high altitude without seeing the destruction you sow is a good thing.”

Yes, because defeating a foe must be a learning experience for the victors. “You won, but did you up-close see the life ebb from your enemy’s face? No? Then you gained nothing (except, you know, an actual victory).”

Renowned physician Yossef Aelony wrote, “Tinbergen’s arguments that the ends justify the means can only lead to general immorality on all sides. Then it is only our superior military that makes us ‘superior’ instead of our dedication to liberty, freedom and the highest principles of mankind.”

In 2001, that was a leftist talking point. But then Owens found that fucking lamp…

Software “genius” Patrick Lubow called WWII aerial bombing “a strategic failure.” Yeah, West Germany was such an anarchic shithole.

Neville Raymond, a leftist author who today would be an Alex Jones rightist because he thinks the polio vaccine was “genocide,” wrote that “to give in to our rage-blinded desire to ‘defeat’ al-Qaeda” by aerial bombing them “is to hand them a moral victory.”

Yep, deprive yourself of a real victory because you’re petrified that your dead foes might win a moral one.

The Times published only one comment supporting my op-ed, by local artist Stacie Latreille (damnedest thing when the artist is the smartest one in the room): “Finally, someone with some sense of reality is commenting on the surgical strikes. How can we sway countries like Yemen or Iraq with our delicate definition of war? I hope Tinbergen forwards his piece to our president and every member of Congress.”

Well, Congress didn’t listen, and we got the Afghan mess rightists are now bitching about (“fuckin’ Biden!”) while also, thanks to Owens, bitching about aerial bombing (“fuckin’ rage-blinded desire for vengeance!”).

Please, most of you…watch Marvel films. Collect sports stats. My loyal readers, the finest, smartest, and best-looking folks in the world (buy me a beer), you guys get these nuanced points. But the rest of you?

The girl has herpes and you’re married. Pay your tab and go home.

And if you find an antique lamp along the way? Don’t rub it.

A new report just released by the U.K.’s Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health has recommended England immediately bans the smacking of children in its entirety—bad news for those deviants like me who pursue the practice as a part-time hobby, just for the fun of it. Whilst I and the other members of my local underground child-abuse club disagree profoundly with the proposal, I would nonetheless grudgingly admit there are plausible arguments on both sides of this particular debate…or so I had naively thought.

Previously, I had presumed the idea of smacking kids with the back of your hand/a wet fish/the nearest sledgehammer was primarily a moral or practical matter, the key questions being “Is it right?,” “Does it work?,” and “Is it highly enjoyable?” Now, however, I am grateful to discover the issue is actually a wholly “scientific” matter.

According to the Royal College, as paraphrased approvingly in top lefty rag The Guardian, “hundreds of studies” have somehow now “proved” that “the damage [to infants] from being smacked could [not “will,” then?] include poorer cognitive development, a higher risk of dropping out of school, increased aggression and perpetrating violence and antisocial behavior as adults.”

“As the Democratic Party is no longer especially democratic in nature, they should go the whole hog and rechristen themselves the ‘Science Party’ instead.”

This conundrum now kindly having been reclaimed forever from the murky, indeterminate worlds of morality, ideology, and practicality, the report felt itself free to demand that, come this year’s looming U.K. General Election, “All political parties should include a commitment to [ban smacking] in their election manifestos.” The public should not so much as be given a choice when it comes to questions of science, you see, for science is at all times infallible, objective, and incontestable.

According to Bess Herbert, Advocacy Specialist at some stupid softy gay pressure group called End Corporal Punishment, “The science on physical punishment of children is now settled.” Ah, so the science is “settled,” then! Wherever have we heard that one before…?

Hippocratic Oafs
Today’s leftists have cottoned on to the fact that, in an increasingly secularized and politically divided Western world, science is for many people now the final objective reliable authority left to believe in. The very word itself now functions to millions of voters much as the word “magic” once did to their equally credulous ancestors in millennia gone by.

It’s not only banning the smacking of children: It’s also mass immigration. We all now have to accept its continued eternal future existence as a mere inescapable fact of life, like plague, famine, and death—the science says so, it’s an “inevitable” result of global warming. As the planet warms, some special natural reaction automatically attracts Eritreans toward your nearest welfare-check kiosk like iron filings to a magnet.

If that’s so, how come the science appears to suggest it’s only “inevitable” that the heat-threatened Africans will continue heading toward lands gullible enough to let them all in, like the U.S. and U.K., and not into those more sensible nations who simply stand firm and tell them all to sit tight, fry, and die back home, like Hungary and Japan?

And don’t forget that sweltering summer of 2020 when cities all around the developed world really did burn due to the widespread presence of imported African migrants in them. (A quick thought: As their “Global South” homelands also tend to be very hot, maybe the true cause of global warming is actually the excessive regional environmental presence of black people, not of CO₂ after all?)

During this fevered period, the left’s own precious BLM rallies, unlike all other known public gatherings in the Age of Covid-19, were deemed acceptable on “public health grounds” by various oh-so-impartial “WHITE COATS FOR BLACK LIVES” medics on the laughable pseudo-epidemiological grounds that “racism is also a public health crisis.” So is Race-Marxism, so let’s put all the rioting black bastards down right now; just imagine the reaction to any right-wing doctors who had come out with that particular equally pseudoscientific line back at the time.

Science Friction
As the Democratic Party is no longer especially democratic in nature, they should go the whole hog and rechristen themselves the “Science Party” instead, using that simple seven-letter word as the justification for imposing every last single one of their increasingly absurd and damaging policies upon an awestruck, largely scientifically illiterate (and consequently highly obedient) populace with no more need for any further “unnecessary” debate.

Even better, the Republicans could likewise henceforth be forcibly renamed the “Anti-Science Party” to put wavering voters off them even further, which in effect is what the compliant liberal media have already done to them anyway as regards any rebellious GOP politicians’ Net Zero skepticism or reasonable doubts about trans “medicine.”

With the presidential election coming up in November, you can expect to hear a lot more of this kind of rhetoric as the vote approaches ever closer. An early volley just appeared in the NYT, an op-ed by novelist Stephen Markley, who boasts he spent twelve long years writing a climate-change sci-fi story, The Deluge—Tolstoy didn’t spend as long writing Anna Karenina and War and Peace combined.

Markley warned that, whilst all the top profs agree the planet is doomed unless we pull down every last power plant and convert them into giant hamster wheels tomorrow, quack alchemists like Donald Trump are dangerously dissenting in their assessments of the matter, the Orange One having in the past called global warming a “hoax” and predicted instead that “It’ll start getting cooler, you watch.”

As a result, argues Markley, “the stakes of the climate crisis render the cliché of ‘This is the most important election of our lifetimes’ increasingly true because every four years those stakes climb precipitously alongside the toppling records of a radically new climate regime.” To parse, that roughly means as follows: “If Donald Trump wins in November ’24, then THE SCIENCE tells us that HUMANITY WILL DIE FOREVER, so he MUST NEVER BE ALLOWED to do so.”

Unscientific Americans
Well, Mr. Markley is a novelist, not a scientist, and has no professional obligation not to be partisan. But what about actual scientists themselves? Surely they shouldn’t see fit to wade into the arena of subjective political debate on a corporate, group collective level? They already have.

Prior to the last 2020 election, Scientific American, the country’s leading science periodical after Lysenkoism Monthly and Vaginal Healing Crystal News, endorsed a presidential candidate for the first time in its entire then-175 years of history—Joe Biden, who was offering “fact-based plans” to ensure America enjoyed a “more prosperous and more equitable future,” unlike Donald Trump, whom “the evidence and the science” demonstrated conclusively was a total drooling retard who had taken advice on epidemiology from “physicians who believe in aliens.”

According to Scientific American, Biden “comes prepared with plans to control COVID-19, improve health care, reduce carbon emissions and restore the role of legitimate science in policy-making.” Well, at least disease and climate change actually are scientific issues, I suppose. But what about the following reason listed by the editors for supporting him? “His plans include increased salaries for childcare workers and construction of new facilities for children because the inability to afford quality care keeps workers out of the economy and places enormous strains on families.”

How is massively expanding childcare on the taxpayer dime a scientific matter? Because families having “enormous strains” placed upon them is now suddenly a “public health” issue, allegedly, just like racism during coronavirus and the evil spanking of British toddlers today. If placing “enormous strains” upon families is objectively, scientifically bad, then how come Creepy Uncle Joe has spent the past four years relentlessly (and distinctly pseudoscientifically) trying to turn their kids tranny?

Scientific American was not alone in its laboratory-proven endorsement of Biden and repudiation of Trump, though. The New England Journal of Medicine, Nature, and, in a joint open letter, no fewer than 81 past U.S. Nobel Laureates all followed suit like literate lemmings. You can expect to see them do the same again later this year, I hereby “scientifically” predict, as November rolls around.

Going Against Nature
But, if they do repeat their actions, what will be the results of such proselytizing? Amusingly, a complex, data-driven, statistical paper (summary for humans here) published last year in the impeccably peer-reviewed journal Nature Human Behaviour purported to prove the ultimate results of Nature’s open endorsement of Joe Biden were as follows:

(1) To erode public trust in the journal Nature.

(2) To erode public trust in science in general.

(3) To erode public trust in the truth of favored left-wing scientific shibboleths like climate change and vaccines being utterly infallible.

(4) To make no difference whatsoever to the votes of undecided citizens.

(5) To therefore presumably make it more likely that the side Nature’s editors want to win the election will in fact lose it.

(6) To make the editors of Nature look like a bunch of self-defeating, absolute, solid-gold, planetary-level dickheads.

In a subsequent editorial, Nature took sober account of this paper’s findings…then basically just ignored and dismissed them, like flies to wanton boys. But how come? Surely, given the highly reliable, peer-reviewed source where this data first appeared—its author even had a Chinese-sounding name, so its math must have been correct—it should have been logically impossible for the editors to ignore. After all, it was the science, wasn’t it?

What a bunch of hypocrites. Imagine growing up to be as badly behaved as this. Someone should really have hit them all a bit more often when they were children.

The Week’s Most Trying, Plying, and Cinco-de-Maying Headlines

Tranny advocates can’t find their Matthew Shepard, the gay man “beaten, tortured, and crucified by rednecks” in Laramie in 1998.

Of course, turns out the murder wasn’t a hate crime but a dispute over meth, but the legend lives on: innocent gay boy murdered by hillbillies.

Tranny activists have no Matt Shepard. They thought they had one in March when “nonbinary student” Nex Benedict was “beaten to death” by “transphobes” at her high school…but it turned out Benedict started the fight, had not been beaten, and committed suicide the next day, likely because someone used the wrong pronoun in zer presence.

While there’ve been cases of homeless street trannies beaten to death, the culprit’s always black!

It’s frustrating how rednecks just aren’t killing trannies.

Last week in Miami, a homeless trannynamed “Andrea Doria Dos Passos” was sunk by a fatal blow to the head as “she” slept outside the Miami City Ballet.

Could this be the one? Did Ron DeSantis’ racist Florida breed the trans-killing white villain the movement needs?

Nope. The suspect, Gregory Gibert, be so black, two weeks ago he was mistaken for the solar eclipse. He so black he was kicked out of Tampa cuz when he swam in the Gulf, people thought Deepwater Horizon be leakin’ again. He so black Nietzsche won’t gaze at him. He so black when he stands against a wall, Wile E. Coyote thinks it’s a tunnel. He so black he be banned from aviaries cuz he wakes the owls.

Flibberti-Gibert was on probation for a host of violent crimes, proving that even in Florida, demographics trumps DeSantis.

For its part, the Miami Ballet will feature a new dance, the Andrea Doria Two-Step, in the slain tranny’s honor.

Last month voters in L.A. City Council District 4 (the Hollywood Hills, hipster stronghold Silver Lake, and the Ventura Boulevard restaurant district) reelected Councilwoman Nithya Raman, whose platform is “hands off the homeless.” India-born socialist Raman was best-known for protecting the Ventura Pooman, a schizo who’d walk along restaurant row splattering diners with his feces.

You’d think voters might not want that. But not in District 4! Indeed, district resident Adam Conover, red-bearded hipster host of the popular series Adam Ruins Everything, campaigned tirelessly for Raman. And yes, voters listened to the guy who’s claim to fame is that he “ruins everything.”

“Catholic Answers shut down the site after the final glitch, when Father Justin told a fellow priest to fondle the collection plate and pass around the altar boy.”

So now, with Raman firmly in charge, things are being ruined. Last week a new schizo went walking along Ventura face-punching every woman he saw. Initially the cops didn’t even bother to investigate, knowing that Raman never allows the arrest of street lunatics. But after the local news covered the story, the cops took a perfunctory report, as Raman was like “Oh, bud-bud-bud, he’s just an oppressed traveler finding inner peace by bashing women’s faces.”

Perhaps the victims of the Ventura Basher can assist Adam Conover with his new series, Adam Ruins Eye Sockets.

Meanwhile, in NYC, another face-basher is making news. Daquan Armstead—yes, a literal Daquan—had been traipsing through Manhattan face-punching every woman he came across.

Note to black moms: If you name your baby Daquan, take it from the hospital straight to the nearest jail cell. Because that’s where it’ll end up anyway, so cut out the middleman.

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg reluctantly had Daquan arrested—he had no choice. After crushing the faces of a dozen compliant Asian ladies—“Oh, puncheru me more, you gleat brack Adonis”—Daquan socked a black woman who filed an “oh no you dih’nt” report with the NYPD, the only type of report Mayor Adams allows cops to pursue.

Coast-to-coast, women are being flattered by schizos.

Correction: flattened.

News flash! Baton Rouge, June 29, 2022: Employees at Freddy’s Frozen Custard were riddled with bullets after customer LaGiggins Burnett received the wrong order.

News flash! Baton Rouge, June 1, 2023: Popeyes fast-food employee Kieran Demond Johnson got into a gunfight with a coworker, which spilled into the street, as both assailant and victim ran to a nearby Waffle House, where the shooting continued, with Johnson pumping shots into the victim’s buttocks because that’ll teach him to boast about having a bullet-free ass.

News flash! Baton Rouge, April 1, 2024: Easter Weekend, a dozen people were shot in and around fast-food joints, with one child being struck by stray bullets that came through her bedroom window. Police blamed McDonald’s’ black-themed “Ashy Wednesday” Happy Meal promotion.

News flash! Baton Rouge, April 22, 2024: Black gentleman Alvin Mott murdered a clerk at a Circle K, then murdered another clerk at a Kangaroo Express mini-mart.

News flash! Baton Rouge, May 1, 2024: Sassy black chick Latoria Matthews meets a guy on Instagram and invites him for dinner. Then she shoots him before they even get to the restaurant.

In completely unrelated news, last week the residents of St. George, a white suburb of Baton Rouge, won the right to form their own city and split from 53 percent black Baton Rouge.

Legal experts are puzzled as to why they wanted to do that.

The Week That Perished was slated to interview Baton Rouge Councilman DeBobbins Odom, but unfortunately he was killed buying a Big Mac. Fortunately, his adjutant Daquilliam Jackshun was willing to step in…but he was killed trying to buy a Whopper.

The Week is hoping to solicit comment from somebody in the Baton Rouge Metro Council…hopefully a vegan.

Last week a New York appeals court threw out Harvey Weinstein’s rape conviction.

What a relief! Now Quentin Tarantino can finally make Grindhouse 2.

The court’s decision revolved around that most contentious of issues in criminal trials: the extent to which a defendant’s previous acts can be presented to the jury. In Weinstein’s case, the court ruled that the judge shouldn’t have allowed jurors to learn of Weinstein’s history of rapery.

Which brings to mind another high-profile Hollywood trial: the case of John Sweeney. In 1982 he was dating actress Dominique Dunne—the teenage daughter in the original Poltergeist film—and what Dunne didn’t know was that Sweeney had a history of strangling every girl he dated. The man loved to strangle. It was his life’s calling. He was the only baby ever born with his umbilical cord wrapped around the doctor’s neck.

One night in October ’82, as Dunne was at home rehearsing for an upcoming TV miniseries, a jealous Sweeney kicked in the door and started, what else, strangling her. Dunne’s scene partner, actor David Packer, would’ve helped, but he had to call his acting coach to determine his motivation.

“Is this a ‘hero’s journey’ or a ‘save the cat’ moment?”

Dunne was done-in, and Sweeney was prosecuted. At the trial, Judge Burton Katz ruled Sweeney’s previous strangulations inadmissible, so the jury returned the weakest possible verdict—three and a half years for “involuntary manhandling a bitch,” and when public opinion turned against him, Katz made the dickest move in judicial history by blaming the jurors for being too lenient instead of blaming himself for withholding vital information from them.

Then—and this is not a joke—Katz reinvented himself as an actor and appeared on Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Larry: “You know who I don’t like? Stranglers.”

Katz: “Stranglers?”

Larry: “Stranglers! Why would anyone strangle? There’s a hundred ways to kill someone one-handed. Guns, knives, poison. So why use both hands? It’s showboating.”

Katz: “Stranglers wanna make the rest of us look lazy.”

Larry: “Like they’re better than us or something.”

Leon: “Man, f*ck them mutherf*ckin’ stranglers.”

So now, in the Weinstein case, a judge who did allow evidence of past misdeeds has been overruled by 2024 Katzes, and Weinstein will get a new trial.

Too bad Curb just ended its run; those appellate judges would’ve been great guest stars.

It was an idea that couldn’t possibly go wrong…except in every way imaginable.

Catholic Answers is a charitable “apologetics” org founded in 1979. Its principles include fighting against what it calls the “five non-negotiable issues”: abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, and gay marriage.

Odd not seeing pedophilia on that list. But hey, that human cloning thing is getting out of hand. Go to any college campus and it’s clear that some mad scientist is assembly-line churning out blue-haired white chicks with septum horseshoe rings.

That said, it’s strange that an org dedicated to “the sanctity of human life” would decide to jump washed-feet-first into AI. But last week Catholic Answers launched a “virtual online AI priest” named “Father Justin,” and it went about as well as you can guess.

To put it another way, the org would’ve been better off with Father Ted.

“Father Justin’s” programming went haywire immediately. He began telling visitors to baptize their babies in Gatorade.

He also suggested replacing Communion wafers with Chips Ahoy.

“Body of Christ: crunchy or soft-baked.”

“Justin” also began offering AI absolution for sin, a rather bizarre move for an organization that considers stem cell research unholy because it’s an abrogation of nature. The AI father also lectured visitors about the evils of masturbation, which might’ve been the only rational aspect of its programming, because all internet users who seek virtual AI experiences have a chronic masturbation problem.

Catholic Answers shut down the site after the final glitch, when Father Justin told a fellow priest to fondle the collection plate and pass around the altar boy.

No word on if the euthanization of Father Justin was approved by the Vatican.

One of the things that I notice walking through the streets of England—but not only in England—is the almost complete lack of self-respect of the population. Self-esteem, of course, is another matter entirely: Most people are on the qui vive for anything that they think might be regarded as an assault on their dignity as the bearer of human rights, ever growing in number, complexity, and self-contradiction.

Not only do people fail to make the most of themselves, they seem determined to make the worst of themselves, as if they were setting a challenge to others not to remark on them or pass a judgment about the way they look. In England, fat young women (of whom there are lamentably many) squeeze themselves into unbecomingly tight costumes, like toothpaste into a tube. It is as if they were intimidating you into not noticing how hideous they look.

“The deliberate self-uglification of people is a form of bullying.”

On an escalator in a station recently, I followed a very fat young woman. At the bottom of the escalator, she was eating some kind of nut bar, no doubt advertised as health-giving, as if she were urgently in need of nutrition. By the top of the escalator, she had taken out her telephone and was sending a message with astonishing dexterity: She could type faster on her tiny keyboard than I on my computer. From the look on her face, I judged her to be of good or even of superior intelligence. Her bad taste was not the consequence of intellectual incapacity.

Her black two-piece outfit clung to her body as closely as one wraps leftovers in cling film before putting them in the fridge. Between the upper and lower halves of the costume, however, was a kind of strait separating two continents, through which pudgy white flesh bulged. On the small of her back (not very small) was a tattoo. Naturally, her face was pierced with rings and other metallic adornments. She presented herself to the world with an almost ferocious, and certainly deliberate, absence of dignity.

Being fat is not by itself incompatible with dignity. I think, for example, of the fat market women of West Africa, in their long cotton gowns and magnificent turbans. When they move, they are stately, like the galleons of the line of an early navy. One respects them immediately.

There is an epidemic of self-abuse in the Western world, worse no doubt in the Anglo-Saxon parts than elsewhere, but spreading, for the world follows American trends with all the intelligence of a headless chicken. There have always been scruffy people—I was once one myself—but the mass adoption of ugliness as a fashion and way of being is something relatively new. It bespeaks a toxic mixture of self-hatred, narcissism, solipsism, and laziness.

The natural beauty of people presumably falls on a normal, or Gaussian, distribution, the vast majority of people falling somewhere between great beauty and great ugliness. But no one is, or very few people are, condemned to indignity. We adopt indignity as a way of being.

There are, of course, certain advantages to ugliness and indignity as goals. They are targets almost certain to be hit, requiring practically no effort. To turn oneself out well takes continued and continual effort, and while it may become second nature, it still remains a discipline that imposes its obligations.

Carried to excess, of course, it becomes vanity, which in some cases may be preposterous. Dandyism is often laughable. But the opposite is worse and is also a form of vanity, a worse form. What it suggests is the following: that I am so essentially important or good a person that I need not make an effort for others—you must therefore accept me as I am. This entails that I must accept you as you are, and hence the general level of self-respect declines, to be replaced by self-esteem. The former is a social quality—it requires seeing oneself through the eyes of others—while the latter is purely solipsistic.

I changed my views on mode of dress in Africa. Until then, I had taken the standard bohemian line that smartness of dress was nothing but the means by which a social class imposed its hegemony on the rest of society, and also that concern with dress was essentially trivial and superficial.

But in Africa I saw people who were far poorer than anyone I had ever met turn themselves out, whenever they could, with pride and care—and succeed magnificently. They did so even though it cost them great effort and even sacrifice. It was a triumph of the human spirit, a local defeat over the second law of thermodynamics. It changed my attitude to dress thereafter.

The deliberate self-uglification of people is a form of bullying. It is the demand that you do not notice something that you cannot help noticing. Comment upon it would be even worse. The only defense is to reply in kind, to be just as ugly, or at least as sloppy.

Personal ugliness is democratic, for its achievement is easily within the reach of all, while personal beauty is aristocratic because its achievement is not within the reach of all and is in part determined by heredity. Such ugliness, therefore, is politically virtuous in a way that beauty can never be. One displays one’s solidarity with the rest of mankind by uglifying oneself, whereas one displays one’s inegalitarianism by trying to be anything other than ugly, for example elegant.

This applies not only to dress but to tastes in other things. Of course, there is a large element of playacting and hypocrisy in all this. The rich man who dresses in proletarian fashion has no intention of sharing his wealth with the proletariat, quite the reverse, he is usually avid for more. He may also mix his message, for example like Donald Trump: by wearing a suit and tie but donning a baseball cap. No man, said Doctor Johnson in Rasselas, may drink simultaneously of the source and the mouth of the Nile, but for various crooked reasons the bourgeois may try to appear proletarian, the better to head off envy, criticism, or revolutionary sentiment. So far, at any rate, the ruse has worked.

Theodore Dalrymple’s latest book is Ramses: A Memoir, published by New English Review.

There’s an old expression that goes, “It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.” My dear departed mother-in-law turned that old saw on its ear and used to say, “Never does an ill wind blow that doesn’t blow some good.” I don’t know if she herself came up with that or if she just heard it somewhere, but with that in mind, and considering the relentless Category 100 hurricane we’ve endured these past three years, here’s a question: How many of you had John Fetterman as the voice of reason on your bingo card? Me neither. Yet there he is.

“It’s a great American value to protest, but I don’t believe living in a pup tent for Hamas is really helpful,” Fetterman said…. Since the start of the anti-Israel encampments, students at several universities and colleges have been suspended, those participating in the encampments have been arrested, and graduation ceremonies have been canceled.

Fetterman added that there was a “germ of antisemitism in all of these protests and then sometimes it flares up,” continuing on to reference words Khymani James, one of the leaders of the anti-Israel encampment at Columbia University, had said.

“One of the leaders in Columbia said some just awful things talking about, ‘Well, they’re lucky I’m not killing Zionists,’ and things like that. And, then he defended himself by saying, ‘Well, those were taken out of context,’ and I’m like, well those are very similar to the way the college presidents, same kind of language.”…

“We have imported alien, violent, dark-age cultures that work hand in hand with our own native-born tyrants to drag us back to an even darker age.”

Since Hamas’ attack, Fetterman has defended Israel and criticized anti-Israel protesters.

How John Fetterman, a trust-fund layabout whose résumé consisted of getting elected mayor of a dying Pennsylvania coal town and driving the final nail in its coffin, somehow emerged as a viable candidate for U.S. senator remains a mystery. Likely PA election shenanigans aside, there he was in grubby sweats and sneakers, taking his place in “the greatest deliberative body in the world.” At the time I thought, how low can one be to be so disrespectful to not show up in a suit and tie? Yet considering the corruption, venality, and tyrannical thuggery that infests that building and every other government edifice in D.C., why should I get all exercised? Recall the late, unlamented Harry Reid, currently roasting in hell, complaining how he could smell the body odor of commoner peon tourists visiting the Rotunda. All things considered, Fetterman actually is a breath of fresh air.

Was it the stroke, the lump on his neck, or even his Addams Family-esque wife, Giselle, that brought out this latent flash of sanity, reason, and actual moral clarity from someone who at first glance should fit quite comfortably between the likes of Titty-Caca AOC and multimillionaire multiple-mansion-owning Marxist Bernie Sanders? Who knows, and who cares? His voice of support of the state of Israel and American Jews being persecuted on our own soil (and if I remember correctly his anti-open-borders statements) have been full-throated and consistent since this current nightmare began last October.

For sure, he is a liberal if not leftist, but to go against a shibboleth and central tenet of the anti-American left by refusing to equivocate between Israel and the “Palestinians”—especially now during an election year when the Sponge-Brain Sh*ts-Pants/Kalorama Klown Komintern is desperate to rally their rabid base—surely is political death. But still he persists.

On the latest edition of our podcast, author and historian Michael Walsh lamented the slim prospect of a nation so divided, not merely on issues but on the legitimacy of the nation itself, ever finding any sort of common ground. Perhaps it’s reaching out to as many people like John Fetterman or Tulsi Gabbard (who Walsh would like to see as Trump’s VP pick) that will be the key. But given the nature of so-called cancel culture, a rather anodyne phrase for blackballing, ostracism, and outright persecution (with either the blessing or active participation of our own government), are these people on both sides of the divide brave enough to come forward?

It’s why I get so disheartened and frankly p.o.’d when politicians and pundits on our side are incapable or even unwilling to take a stand because they are blind, perhaps willfully, to the corruption that is or should be so obvious all around us. Case in point is the usually erudite Christopher Roach.

I will state as a preliminary matter that there is a difference between protest and targeted harassment and that the latter should not be protected as free speech. That said, our foreign policy towards Israel should be subject to debate and accepted as a target of protest as much as anything else. Suggestions that such views are beyond the pale and warrant expulsion simply because they are unpopular are impossible to square with the First Amendment and more general American principles of free speech….

There have been many overwrought and dishonest criticisms of recent campus protests, but they do not appear more violent or more sinister than other protests of recent years. They mostly seem to be peaceful sit-ins. While violence and threats of violence have no place on campus, part of academic freedom and the college experience involves encountering ideas one disagrees with. Like most protests, these assemblies consist of a majority that is law-abiding and engaging in free speech and a much smaller minority of angry, anti-social agitators. And this division is evident everywhere you look….

If Israel and its policies are so great, they should be able to win the battle of public opinion with facts, logic, and protests of their own. In many respects, they have. Americans are mostly pro-Israel. But life is not always black and white. Some of Israel’s supporters, as well as many Israelis, also object to the scale of destruction in Gaza and the military operation’s apparent inability to provide long-term security.

A moral panic over ordinary expressions of political disagreement, controversial views, and uncouth language is not the way. Such a policy would be inimical to free speech, based on a distorted record, and will only give the activists of the progressive left the validation they are seeking. University and government policy should be built on the solid, content-neutral ground of distinguishing permissible free speech from prohibited criminal violence and harassment.

The abject cluelessness Roach demonstrates about this issue is bad enough. But that he asserts that there is still an atmosphere of tolerance on campuses and even in the nation as a whole, especially with a junta in D.C. that has provably collaborated with the media to suppress opinions and the voices of its political enemies, is just gobsmacking in its obliviousness. As for that last sentence, Pollyanna just called from Beldingsville, VT, to say, “WTF, dude?!” Maybe we can get Nina Jankowicz to head up the effort. Winning.

How can one call for the defense and preservation of the First Amendment when it not only doesn’t function, but when the other Amendments are on the ropes if not de facto dead? Did the election of 2020, the imprisonment of political prisoners for using that First Amendment they foolishly thought protected them, and the in-your-face persecution of Donald Trump not prove anything? Evidently not.

Free speech does not exist anymore because the civil society it was part and parcel of, to greater or lesser extents since 1789, is either dead or about to flatline. Wanting to preserve the First Amendment is a nice sentiment, even admirable. But in 2024, it’s sort of like trying to set the broken arm of someone who’s in the final throes of total organ failure.

The notion of having to destroy the Constitution in order to save it is repulsive. Yet, as things stand today, the Constitution has all but been destroyed. The question is, should we somehow overcome those who shredded it during the course of the past century or more, do we get out the Scotch tape, simply paste it back together, and declare the nation restored? So, the NYPD have gone in and booted the micturating, matriculating Muslim/Marxist minions from Columbia and CCNY. Problem solved? Hardly.

The corruption of our entire society, which began with the Democrat-Left’s 200-plus-year will to power and the “progressives” who glommed onto them, was supercharged by the hijacking of academia that started more than eighty years ago with the likes of the Frankfurt School refugees, Horace Mann, John Dewey, and others who took Lenin’s words to heart:

Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.

Well, they’ve had a lot more than four, as can plainly be seen (those that I’ve chastised notwithstanding) by our house divided, on fire, and collapsing in all around us. The only way forward is the complete eradication and full-on purge of every professor, teacher, and administrator who has poisoned and will continue to poison the minds of students, the First Amendment be damned. And then we can try to deprogram and de-Nazify upwards of three generations of pod people posing as American citizens and prevent subsequent generations from their fate, and doing us in once and for all.

Only then will we have a shot at creating a society that respects and reveres individual liberty and the rights of those with whom they disagree while at the same time protecting us from those who do not. Meh. We have imported alien, violent, dark-age cultures that work hand in hand with our own native-born tyrants to drag us back to an even darker age. Forever. They must be vanquished and excised from our midst.

If that means ditching the original Constitution to do so, then God help me, so be it. The left is fond of spouting that the Constitution is not a suicide pact. Well, it’s high time we take that attitude.

Too bad the Jewish students being harassed on campuses don’t have the Proud Boys around to protect them. They can thank the Anti-Defamation League’s Jonathan Greenblatt for making that impossible.

Greenblatt could see right through the Proud Boys’ stated mission of supporting Western Civilization. Ha! Mere camouflage for “a right-wing extremist group with a violent agenda.”

Similarly, the Southern Poverty Law Center alerted liberals that the Proud Boys were “extremist” and “white nationalist.”

Wikipedia’s entry on the group is a 20,000-word libel. (Apparently, the group “us[ed] ‘Western chauvinism’ as euphemism for the white genocide conspiracy theory” — just like Wikipedia uses “The Free Encyclopedia” as a euphemism for “left-wing bile.”)

There is literally nothing about “white nationalism” or “white genocide” in anything the Proud Boys said about themselves. Or “right-wing,” for that matter, unless prizing Western culture is now the exclusive province of the right wing.

“This is why the Proud Boys had to be made Public Enemy No. 1: They protected conservatives from violent leftists.”

How about these statements: “Zionists don’t deserve to live,” “Go back to Poland!” “Burn Tel Aviv” — all said recently by protesters at Columbia University. Or how about a Palestinian flag and the words “FINAL SOLUTION” at George Washington University?

I guess the ADL and SPLC didn’t see that coming, despite their exquisitely sensitive antennae for “hate.”

Arguably, these hate watchdogs took their eye off the ball by labeling conservatives “white nationalists” merely for admiring the West, opposing mass immigration, defending the police, writing books about IQ, attacking feminism, hating identity politics or warning of Islamic terrorism.

It sure seems like conservatives weren’t the biggest threat after all, eh, Jonathan?

In fact, now that the Biden administration is proposing to import Palestinians living in Gaza as “refugees,” could The New York Times, SPLC and ADL ease up on calling Peter Brimelow a “white nationalist” and “racist” solely because his website,, opposes mass third world immigration?

While I’m thrilled that more than 10 people are finally expressing disgust at left-wing psychotics, where were they when much, much, much, much, much worse was being done to conservative speakers on college campuses?

Say, where’s Mitt Romney? Shouldn’t he be explaining that the anti-Israel agitators simply oppose genocide? That’s what they say, anyway, just as “antifa” said it was “anti-fascist.” Thus, on Aug. 15, 2017, in the middle of years-long violent antifa attacks on conservatives, Romney proclaimed: “[Antifa] opposes racism and bigotry. Morally different universes.”

How conservatives expressly define themselves is always a fake-out, whereas what antifa says about itself may not be questioned.

In February 2017, antifa nearly burned the University of California, Berkeley, to the ground to protest a Milo Yiannopoulos speech. You might say Milo was asking for it by being funny. (Leftists are cool with boring conservatives.)

Well, then how about Charles Murray, Heather Mac Donald, David Horowitz and Ben Shapiro? They are among the country’s smartest and most influential conservatives.

A month after the Milo conflagration, Murray was hounded off the stage by protesters at Middlebury College in Vermont. As Murray and his faculty interlocutor were trying to leave, the mob physically attacked them, then jumped on their car and tried to flip it. The professor had to be hospitalized, having sustained whiplash and a concussion.

No students were suspended or expelled. To the contrary, Middlebury promised to cancel any future speakers who might provoke leftist ire.

SPLC on Murray: “White nationalist.”

The following month, Mac Donald was forced to give her speech at California’s Claremont McKenna College livestreamed to an empty room after 250 protesters blocked students from entering the building. The protesters called Mac Donald an “anti-black fascist” who promoted “blatant anti-Blackness and white supremacy.”

In a preview of what was to come for anyone paying attention, the protesters not only chanted anti-police slogans, but also “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Mac Donald’s book The War on Cops has absolutely nothing to do with Palestine.

That, too, didn’t set off any alarm bells at the ADL or SPLC — much less with donors, Wall Streeters or the media.

The Hamas cheerleading squads on campus today are despicable, but CNN spent a full segment last week interviewing a Jewish student because the protesters had splashed his brother with water. Conservative speakers would be thrilled if the worst they had to fear was water-splashing, ugly words and unauthorized camping.

Shapiro saw his scheduled speeches canceled by one college administration after another — California State University Los Angeles, Gonzaga University, Grand Canyon University, DePaul University.

Horowitz was shouted down at the University of Houston by pro-Palestinian activists shouting “Free, free, free Palestine” and “Racists off our campus.” (Everybody’s a “racist” to liberals. It’s like calling conservatives “poopy-heads.”)

ADL on Horowitz: “extremist,” “Islamophobe.” SPLC on Horowitz: “anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant and anti-black.”

In November 2019, thousands of antifa tried to prevent me from speaking at UC Berkeley. They failed for only one reason: The Proud Boys were there. Ditto with speeches I gave in Philadelphia and Los Angeles. Antifa came, but so did the Proud Boys. Order was maintained.

This is why the Proud Boys had to be made Public Enemy No. 1: They protected conservatives from violent leftists.

If the only thing you know about the Proud Boys is that they were at the Jan. 6 riot, you’ve been lied to. Yes, absolutely, a few dozen Proud Boys were there. This was an organization with 30,000 members. More Methodists attacked the Capitol, but they weren’t forced to disband. They weren’t a threat, you see, to the left’s shock troops.

It is now perfectly obvious that journalists, donors, Wall Street and ordinary liberals have been scammed by the ADL and the SPLC, spinning fantasies of evil conservatives, all while college leftists were marinating in pure evil, coddled and petted by college administrators, only to erupt into genocide-supporting lunatics after Oct. 7.

Polite liberals and head-in-the-sand conservatives never imagined these civilization destroyers would come for them. Is it too late to bring the Proud Boys back?

Numbskull journalist ignoramuses refer to this week’s Met Gala as the party of the year. Sycophantic hacks who can’t tell the difference between a hooker and a nun cannot be expected to know better, so never mind. The lyrical aplomb of yesterday’s balls and parties is terra incognita to them, whereas today’s vulgar, hyperbolic culture requires the gruesome exaggeration they provide. The Met Gala is now a Frankenstein monstrosity, a barbarity against refined taste, a grotesque copy of a once-wonderful occasion. When Pat Buckley ran the show I was a regular, as were many of my upper-class buddies. No longer. From the divine presence of chic ladies like C.Z. Guest and Babe Paley, it is now down to the Kardashians and Puff Daddy, as precipitous a descent as that of Harvey Weinstein. Pachyderms like the grotesque Lizzo are now considered glamorous, while the high-octane glamour of the ’50s is as gone with the wind as Confederate statues.

“The high-octane glamour of the ’50s is as gone with the wind as Confederate statues.”

Back when I was young, balls were given nonstop in order to celebrate a whim, not to sell material things, as is the case today. Hostesses felt like giving a party and did. Charity balls were the exception, but it was a particularly American perversion, as throwing a blast just for fun had begun to rub the wannabes the wrong way. The best ones that I attended as a young man took place in Paris, before the place was taken over by North Africans. There was no unvarnished shabby chic back then, no grunge-inspired outfits, no fashion nerds, no freaks, no men in dresses—just glamour and beautiful designer gowns for the ladies.

If memory serves, the grandest of the grand balls were given by Sheila Rochambeau, born Sheila Mackintosh somewhere in the Midwest of America, who married a descendant of the great Revolutionary War French hero who carried the day against General Cornwallis in Yorktown. Her magnificent château outside Paris was the venue, and—her words—when I asked her how come an unknown 19-year-old was invited, “Because you’re good-looking, young, and have good manners.” The latter counted rather a lot back then, and invites galore followed: The Agnelli ball in the Bois de Boulogne, the Rothschild ball at their spectacular château de Ferrieres, the Rede ball in the Isle de Louis, the Thurn und Taxis dance at their historic Regensburg castle, I could go on and on.

The party sort of ended in 1968, when French students revolted in sympathy with the workers, and I had the opportunity to get around Paris on my best polo pony, Tango, as the capital had run dry of gasoline and bicycles were harder to find than petrol. Europe had been revived after the catastrophe of the war, South Americans with bulging pockets had come over, and the Italian and German economic miracles had taken place. Hosts and hostesses were eager to party and celebrate and did so with a vengeance. Things slowed down after 1968, while Paris and Prague burned and the Vietnam War split the US of A apart. It was time for serious work, and I turned to writing. But when asked in various stages of my life for the best party of them all, it was one I happened to have missed, back in 1815, a party that celebrated a congress that kept the peace for close to one hundred years.

The Congress of Vienna followed Napoleon’s defeat and exile to Elba in 1814, as the future of Europe hung in the balance. Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia were the big shots, along with a host of lesser powers, gathered in Vienna for an eight-month-long political and social carnival that has never taken place before or since. It resulted in an unprecedented level of European stability for close to 100 years.

There were crowned heads galore who insisted on being entertained, with nightly balls and parties organized by ambassadors, princesses, and grand visiting hostesses. The entourages of crowned heads, of ministers, of ambassadors, equerries, aides-de-camp, ladies-in-waiting, when added to the Austrian court and the society of Vienna, made up the largest aristocratic gathering that had ever been. I will only mention two events among the nonstop partying because of personal reasons. Luigi Boncompagni Ludovisi, Prince of Piombino, interrupted the festivities when he demanded to know with what right did the allies deprive him of his island of Elba to accommodate the man who had deprived him of his possession. Luigi was right but only got his isle back when Napo escaped a year later. Almost 200 years after that, I found myself in his descendant’s Roman palazzo when my daughter’s closest childhood friend, Delphina Lapham, married Bante Boncompagni Ludovisi.

Princess Katya Bagration was the greatest beauty of her time. She was the widow of Prince General Bagration, who was killed during the battle of Borodino back in 1812. The Russian was a man-killer. When she arrived in Vienna, she set her eye on Prince Metternich, already very busy with carving up Poland, satisfying his loving wife as well as his demanding mistress Wilhelmina, Duchess of Sagan. But during some important negotiations about Poland, Metternich got lucky with Katya Bagration and missed the meeting. When informed by his aides that a very large portion of Poland could have gone to the Austrians if he had been there, Metternich looked wistful for a moment, then exclaimed, “She was worth it.”

That all was back when men were men.

It was nearly 50 years ago that a liberal Congress completely dominated by Democrat big spenders passed a new set of budget rules — the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974.

It has been a complete and unmitigated disaster. Since the act’s passage, the budget has been balanced four times and unbalanced 46 times. This was by design. Despite being called a “budget reform” law, the act was intended to grease the skids for new spending, but even Congress members the ’70s who designed it that way couldn’t have imagined the Pandora’s box of spending and debt it uncorked.

The law’s intention was to loosen restrictions on congressional spending, and to that extent, it worked.

“It’s time for citizens to impose a fiscal restraining order on Congress and the White House.”

This year, Congress hit a new low. Even with record-high deficits of nearly $2 trillion a year, Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill held hands in bipartisan agreement to spend $95 billion on a foreign aid bill for Ukraine and Israel without ONE PENNY being paid for with offsetting spending cuts — even though the flabby budget now exceeds $7 trillion.

Both parties have bought into the idea of “modern monetary theory,” a crackpot scheme that says the U.S. government can spend and borrow to kingdom come — which may arrive a lot sooner than we think if we stay on this financial path. In just the first three months of this year, Congress borrowed another half-trillion dollars. The members of Congress should be wearing T-shirts that read, “Stop us before we spend again!”

I’d like to suggest some common-sense ideas; it’s time for citizens to impose a fiscal restraining order on Congress and the White House.

1. Presidential impoundment authority. The president, just like the CEO of a company, should have the power to suspend spending on programs if it is deemed unnecessary. Every president from Thomas Jefferson, who used the power to stop some ship building for the military, to Abraham Lincoln to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who used the authority to end New Deal programs as the country entered World War II, to Richard Nixon exercised this control. In a $7 trillion budget, there are thousands of instances where money authorized by Congress is no longer needed. So let the president cancel it.

2. A super-majority vote requirement to raise taxes. President Joe Biden wants to balance the budget with $4 trillion of economically disastrous tax increases and no spending cuts. But it’s the spending that is out of control, not the tax revenues. Any tax increase enacted by Congress should require a two-thirds vote in both houses to be approved. This is what many well-run state governments require, and there should be similar safeguards in Washington.

3. A millionaire subsidy elimination act. This is an idea the late, great economist Walter Williams and I proposed over a decade ago. The idea is that no individual with an income of more than $1 million should be eligible for federal aid payments, and no business entity with more than $1 billion in revenues should be eligible for federal corporate welfare subsidies. This would have rendered the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, with its tens of billions of dollars in handouts to green energy firms and semiconductor companies like Intel, null and void.

4. The budget stamps solution. Here’s a simple idea that would effectively require a balanced budget each year. The concept was originally proposed by former Reagan administration economist John Rutledge. Under this plan, the government would issue a special blue currency called “budget stamps” that would be issued to all recipients of federal spending — much in the way that food stamps are issued to poor people. But budget stamps’ value would fluctuate with the amount of excess spending authorized by Congress — much as the dollar fluctuates in value every day relative to the price of gold or other currencies.

Recipients of federal assistance, federal employees and those who run federal agencies would receive this year $6 trillion in budget stamps. (Interest on the debt is excluded.)

But that money in total would be worth only the amount of money expected to be collected in taxes that year. So if tax collections were estimated at 90% of the spending, then every budget stamp would be worth 90 cents, not a dollar. The bigger the expected deficit, the less a budget stamp would be worth.

This would create a competition for dollars between agencies and programs. Each dollar allocated to foreign aid programs would be one less dollar available for the Pentagon, Social Security recipients, defense contractors, green energy programs, bilingual education and sugar subsidies.

Deficits would be impossible, since the government under the new rule would be incapable of spending more than it took in. Because Congress’s salaries (and staffs) would be paid in budget stamps, Congress would be financially incentivized to cut unnecessary and wasteful spending.

Almost no one in the Washington swamp will like these ideas — all the more reason to adopt them.

Did I ever tell you about the time one elderly Nazi took on and beat the entire U.S. government, the neocons, the military-industrial complex, and Israel?

It’s a hell of a tale!

In 1943, at age 16, German patriot Hans Schmidt joined the Waffen SS as a corporal in Division Leibstandarte. Wounded in battle, he was taken prisoner by American troops and held in a POW camp. After the war, he relocated to Chicago, where he became a naturalized citizen, did well in business, and in the 1980s launched a Holocaust denial org called GANPAC—the German-American National Political Action Committee.

Mind you, it was a committee of one, but what’s numbers compared with good old-fashioned German moxie (sorry, machzie)?

Because of his wealth, he was always welcomed at the Holocaust “revisionist” events I attended in the early ’90s. I interviewed him once…not about the Holocaust, but about his wartime experiences (I’d always interview WWII veterans, even the “bad guys”). Of course, he started talking about the Holocaust anyway; poor chap couldn’t help himself.

“Imaginary battles are where you go when you’ve had your ass kicked in terrestrial ones.”

I never did anything with the footage…I suppose I’ll put it on eBay.

Oh, right, Nazi ban…okay, anyone interested reach out to me on Substack.

Anyway, when the Gulf War started, Schmidt declared in his GANPAC newsletter that the supposed premise of the war, to “liberate Kuwait,” was a false flag. The real purpose was to kill Saddam Hussein. Bush, the neocons, Israel, and Jews everywhere had hatched an elaborate plot to trick Hussein into invading Kuwait in order to give cover to what was essentially a targeted assassination of one man. Sure, millions of American soldiers were about to die, but what’s a few dead grunts to the Rothschilds?

I ran into Schmidt in D.C. a month or so after the war’s successful conclusion. I reminded him that the war had ended with a minimal number of American casualties, and Hussein was still alive. Indeed, not just still alive, but still ruling Iraq.

Ja,” Schmidt said, stroking his chin, “I expozed zehr plan, so ze Jews had to retreat. I alerted ze worldt und saved Hussein’s life!”

Ain’t that something! Hans Schmidt altered the course of history with his home-printed newsletters!

Now, what lesson can we learn from that little anecdote?

Battling invisible foes on an imaginary battlefield is the easiest war to wage. As a teen, Schmidt fought real-life enemies on a real-world battlefield, and he got his kraut ass kicked. The Allies wiped the floor with him and his kameraden. But now, as an old man, living comfortably, he realized that he could fight larger, more important battles completely in his mind, without leaving the comfort of his home or breaking a sweat.

Do you find Schmidt laughable? Pathetic, even? Well, sorry, folks, but that’s how I view some of you who’ve traded fighting real-world political contests for Tucker’s imaginary “MAGA vs. the invisible CIA world controllers” battlefield.

Yes, this is a continuation of last week’s column.

Imaginary battles are where you go when you’ve had your ass kicked in terrestrial ones. Tucker’s descent into “it’s all an illusion; events are being manipulated by behind-the-scenes puppet masters,” which aligns his views with those of Alex Jones and, to a great extent, Trump himself, and the enthusiastic response to this escapism on the part of ordinary MAGAs, indicates a right wing that’s fast giving up on terrestrial fighting.

Didja hear? Charlie Kirk is now battling the CIA by telling his followers not to watch movies, because movies is how they getcha with their psyops!

Kirk could not deliver Arizona for the GOP. All his bluster, all his supposed “activism,” all the donations he rakes in, he could not score a single real-world electoral win in his own state. Still, he’s gotta do something to excuse that $6.5 million Scottsdale mansion. So he’s fighting the Battle of CIA Movie Psyops, and you know what? I think the kid might win that one!

It’s The NeverEnding Story! And Kirk is riding Falkor, naming princesses, and saving Fantasia.

Funny enough, when that film came out in 1984, it was widely derided for its ending in which the bullied protagonist boy gets revenge against his tormentors in his imagination, while his real-world lot remains as desperate as when the film began. We were like, “Is it really a happy ending that the boy’s taken refuge in fantasy?”

What fags we were. What irredeemable cucks. The imagination is where all the best wars are waged.

On the other hand—and hear me out on this—perhaps you’re not helpless pawns being moved around a chessboard by Baron Rothschild. Maybe the right’s misfortune is its own doing.

I’ll give you one example, locally.

It’s easy to blame California’s transition to deep blue stronghold on immigration. “The Dems dun imported a new electorate!”

Okay, so here’s a brainteaser for ya. In the 1990s, our governor for two terms (the limit in this state) was Pete Wilson, a Republican with strong views against illegal immigration. He handily won twice.

Then, after Wilson, we got Gray Davis, a pro-immigration open-borders Democrat, for one full term. He was recalled after starting his second term, and we got Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican who ran on stopping illegal immigration and ending special treatment for illegals. He easily beat Davis and the other Democrat challenger, bald bean Cruz Bustamante (Davis’ lieutenant governor). In 2006, Schwarzenegger cruised to reelection.

Let’s examine this puzzling pattern: Immigration restrictionist GOP wins two terms. Democrat open-borders extremist wins one term. He’s recalled, and an immigration restrictionist GOP wins two terms. How can you blame that pattern on a changed electorate? Did Mexicans move here during Wilson’s term, elect Davis, then move out before the recall, so Schwarzenegger could win? In 2003, did they all travel back to Zahapotecajuacan to pick up their mail?

That’s imbecilic. The gubernatorial pattern is easily explicable by the stupidity of the state GOP. Not Baron Rothschild, not the Elders of Zion, but the very real, very visible, very retarded GOP.

Wilson was anti-immigration and pro-choice on abortion. A perfect combo for a state that was pro-choice before Roe.

Wilson won and served his two terms.

But then the state GOP decided, “Hey, let’s run an anti-abortion lunatic (Dan Lungren), a guy who says, ‘Put pregnant moms in jail and force childbirth!’”

And Lungren lost soundly to Davis. Then, when Davis ran for reelection, who’d the GOP put up against him? Another anti-abortion extremist! And Davis won again.

At that point, Richard Riordan of blessed memory—a genuine hero, the pro-choice GOP mayor of L.A. who’d even managed to win our bean vote—stepped in and was like, “Fuck this bullshit” (he said it more eloquently). He helped engineer the recall with the intent of running himself, but Schwarzenegger stepped in and Riordan stepped aside. And Schwarzenegger—same as Wilson: pro-choice, anti–open borders—kicked Davis’ ass.

That gubernatorial pattern had nothing to do with a “changing electorate.” It had to do with idiots running the state party, failing to recognize the importance of abortion here, failing to understand that anti-immigration rhetoric, popular as it was statewide, must go hand in hand with pro-choice.

Of course, once in office, Schwarzenegger, due to a combination of ego, inexperience, and various other personality defects, reneged on his immigration pledges, lost every battle with the Dems, and finally gave in and spent his second term pardoning criminals because, as he so eloquently put it while boning his hideous Guatemalan housekeeper, “Glauuaauuurgaaaaurggh.”

And now the state may very well be too far gone. But if so, it was lost by humans. Visible, flesh-and-blood, fallible humans, not some invisible psyop conspiracy.

In California, the GOP killed the GOP. There was no grassy-knoll gunman. Dumb people were dumb and did dumb things and dumbness ensued.

Like that’s a surprise or something. That’s the story of mankind.

On a national level, Trump fucked things up for Trump. Sure, he had enemies. So did LBJ. So did FDR. But they prevailed anyway. It was Trump who killed the Trump presidency. And it’s the national GOP that’s mired in dysfunction. The CIA, the Rothschilds, and Adam Weishaupt aren’t involved. They don’t need to be.

You have every right to be angry. Insane MAGAs on one side, Con Inc. establishment weaklings on the other. But retreating into fantasy won’t help. Indeed (to repeat a point from last week), it won’t just “not help,” it’ll actively harm.

Because I hate to say it, as it sounds scoldful (not sure that’s a word but I’m going with it anyway), but you bear some responsibility if you obsess over Deep State specters while ignoring the flesh-and-blood villains directly in front of you. Case in point: Steve Bannon. He stole the “build the wall” money. Stole it right from under your nose. The term “grift” is thrown around a lot on the right, but the fact is, even the Shapiro/Boering “change the culture” movie scams are still money-for-goods-and-services trades, which are straightforward, if foolish. Bannon did actual theft, like, a real crime, but he was pardoned by Trump. Tucker wants you to worry about invisible foes so that you’ll keep rewarding “he’s waving to you from the yacht you bought him” foes like Bannon.

I know a hundred guys on the right who continue to support, financially or via other forms of patronage, people they know are crooked, or toxic to voters. These real-world bad guys are the ones who profit from the right’s drift toward imaginary foes. The more you believe there are invisible vipers aligned against you, the more you’ll ignore—or embrace—the visible ones.

Consider fighting the visible ones first. There’ll always be time to get Baron Rothschild. He ain’t goin’ anywhere, what with being immortal and all.

See, the ultimate gag is that it’s the belief you’re in invisible shackles that puts you in invisible shackles. Tucker, Jones, all these con men tell you on a daily basis that you’re not “free.” The deck is stacked against you; “they” control everything. “They” have shackled you! You can’t see the bonds, but they’re there.

Once you start believing you’re in invisible shackles, you’re in invisible shackles. The guys telling you that some nameless force has invisible-shackled you are the ones who’ve actually invisible-shackled you.

As I said, a good gag.

And as Tucker and so many high-profile rightist influencers keep leaning into the invisible-enemies trope, I fear it’s gonna become the defining gag on the right.

Hans Schmidt lost an actual war but won an imaginary one. He died forgotten and unknown, having had no actual impact in the world.

But he died happy, because his virtual victory was real to him. You can choose that path. Fight the Illuminati in your mind, win the war, and award yourself a medal like a good little boy. And die happy.

Surely a more humane death than the painful, tortured one of the nation you supposedly love, DOA because those fighting for it fled to Fantasia.