September 08, 2015

Source: Shutterstock

As you read this, far too many young Americans are getting ready for their first day (back) at college, the most expensive mistake of their lives (unless they are male, get married, and end up divorced.)

I presume all these students, whatever their major, are forced to take at least one class called something like “€œIntroduction to Feminism.”€ At least, back in the early 1980s, at my decidedly non-ivy-covered community college, “€œWomen’s Studies”€ was an elective.

I learned a lot of stuff that wasn”€™t true, although I didn”€™t find that out until much later.

Take: “€œCorsets warped women into painful, unhealthy and unrealistic shapes.”€ Susan B. Anthony and her comrades campaigned against tightlacing using the science of the day to claim the practice caused gallstones, TB, and cancer. (Hey, it was in the New England, uh, Medical Gazette!)

Turns out the famous illustration of a corset wearer’s warped rib cage and mashed intestines that appeared in my women’s-studies textbook (and who knows how many others) is merely “€œbased on conjecture.”€ Basically, it’s the “€œhockey stick“€ of gender studies.

“€œEvidently all these twats got their faux history and junk science from their professors”€™ faded photocopied handouts, and they”€™re sticking to them.”€

And do they still teach the “€œone in four”€ rape myth? Ah, I see it’s now “€œone in five.”€ Poor Christina Hoff Sommers: She’s been chipping away at that and other feminist crud since this century began. Well, at least she’s moved up to doing it in Time magazine.

Sommers”€™ other pet peeve is the “€œwage gap.”€ How galling it must be to hear a statistic you keep trying to flush down the toilet of history bubble back up in a recent presidential speech.

What about Super Bowl Sunday”€”that it’s “€œthe biggest day of the year for violence against women”€? That pernicious rumor began, and was quickly debunked, in 1993. Yet I see“€”hardly a bastion of right-wing lunacy”€”saw fit to post an admirably thorough “€œFalse”€ entry as late as 2014. So it must still be going around.

Then there’s the less familiar “€œWomen own less than 1% of the world’s property”€ lie. That one got started by known irritant Robin Morgan”€”a kind of C-list Gloria Steinem”€”back in 1984. Almost 30 years later, a writer in The Atlantic felt obligated to tear it to shreds.

In my experience arguing with leftist idiots, they don”€™t read The Atlantic or Time. They”€™ve never heard of The Washington Post‘s “€œPinocchio rating.”€ A tiny minority know about Internet institution, but they only read the entries that make conservatives look (deservedly) stupid.

Nope, evidently all these twats got their faux history and junk science from their professors”€™ faded photocopied handouts, and they”€™re sticking to them.

They”€™re blissfully unaware that scholarship about, say, the Crusades and the Inquisition has advanced since their profs went to school. (These are, of course, precisely the same dorks who”€™ll tweet “€œEDUCATE YOURSELF!”€ at degree-free me with palpable smug satisfaction.)

On the subject of scholarship, a Stanford historian has just discovered that “€œfeminism”€ was more or less invented by some Italian guy in the 1700s.

And his name was “€œMacchiavelli.”€

Could you make this stuff up?

Well, the latest Stanford Report proudly touts one of its own, historian Paula Findlen, as saying that “€œfalsified medieval history helped create feminism”€:

Through a close examination of these texts, Findlen found that these early modern writers were so passionate about medieval women that they sometimes fabricated stories about them….

They were described as having law degrees or professorships, claims that turned out to be fictitious….

“€œEarly modern forgers used stories of women to create precedents in support of things they wanted to see in their own time but needed to justify by invoking the past,”€ Findlen said….

Alessandro Macchiavelli, an 18th-century lawyer from a Bolognese family…was passionate about finding evidence to support Bologna’s reputation as a “€œparadise for women.”€ He created stories and footnotes about learned medieval women from the region….

So what, you ask?


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