January 18, 2016

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren

But passage wasn”€™t the point. It was a field marker: Who supports voters having a say over the nation’s monetary policy, and who gives deference to unaccountable bank presidents?

Surprise, surprise, Elizabeth Warren stands by centralized banking and against working folks. Her national reputation as a populist fighter is based on a lie. She’s as much in the pocket of the banking class as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Shaking a pitchfork at the well-heeled financial elite is a noble American tradition. But few pols are willing to take on the fat cats who flood our electoral system with boatloads of cash”€”including Senator Warren’s campaign. Anyone who refuses to be a marionette for J.P. Morgan is derided as conspiratorial, ornery, or unhinged.

Our country would be better off with more public figures who actually care about working men and women. We need more crusty old socialists like Bernie Sanders. We need more class traitors like Donald Trump. In short, we need more scrutiny paid toward the 1 percent of the population who, like it or not, control the reins of the global economy.

Too bad Elizabeth Warren won”€™t step up and be the Wall Street sheriff she promised to be. Let’s hope her refusal to bring accountability to the Fed will be her Wounded Knee in 2018 when she’s up for reelection.


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