July 31, 2017

RIchard Dawkins

RIchard Dawkins

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Although Muslims don”€™t currently hold the reins of power in America, I don”€™t think it’s unreasonable to say that Islam is the nation’s de facto religion because it’s held as beyond reproach. It is sacred. You cannot criticize it without being accused of blasphemy. The most prominent form of “€œIslamophobia”€ in America today is one that the pundits and paid professional tut-tutters never discuss”€”the understandable fear of being called Islamophobic, because being tarred and feathered with that sin can ruin you.

In the intersectional status wars that are arranged by the cult of progressivism, the atheists have lost to the Muslims. But the progressives will eventually capitulate to and be swallowed up by the Muslims for the simple reason that progressives are weak and Muslims aren”€™t. However inbred they may be and despite rather unimpressive mean IQ scores, Muslims aren”€™t nearly so dumb as to come up with a concept such as “€œprogressophobia.”€ At least they”€™re smart enough to have a survival instinct.

I”€™m not quite sure why people can”€™t just be honest and struggle for power without having to hide behind half-assed notions such as good and evil. As I see it, all this finger-pointing and moral status-jockeying is nothing more than a primordial struggle to seize power by claiming some imaginary ethical high ground, which then magically affords the winner to act like a complete asshole with impunity. When you have so much power that you can dictate what’s good and evil, you get to abuse other people and it’s “€œjustice”€ rather than sin. When you can successfully tag your opponent as the bad guy, it allows you to disable and crush and destroy him with a clean conscience.

When it comes to atheism versus religion, I don”€™t see either option being any less deadly. Communism should have forever proved that you don”€™t need religion to slaughter people by the millions”€”you just need to be a fanatic.

As a believer in nothing but someone who suspects many things, I suspect that agnosticism is the only honest way to go. I think the idea that everything sprang from nothing is roughly as nonsensical as the idea of a God who creates a universe that constantly pisses him off and has him perpetually lashing out at his own creations.

Unfortunately, societies can”€™t cluster together without desperately clinging to collective myths, which is the primary reason I”€™m so antisocial.


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