September 09, 2014

Source: Shutterstock

Instead, our experts threw a hairy fit, screaming for “€œmore sex education,”€ even though we”€™ve already had that up the wazoo for decades. In fact, the only study participants who could consistently “€œlocate their vaginas”€ were those 60-plus. That is: the very ones who”€™d come of age before wall-to-wall sex-ed.

Have no fear, though. The paradox of “€œSchrödinger’s Pussy”€ is close to being cracked:

“€œFeminists at the University of Glasgow held vagina-drawing classes with a life model to help women become more comfortable with their own bodies.”€ Except you”€™re all drawing someone else’s, right? Maybe it is time to let Scotland go, Britain…

Anyhow, Rick (and his wife) and I don”€™t go to poetry readings any longer. He and I prefer emailing each other and our friends cute cat videos, which is not a euphemism for anything, by the way.

Sometimes we send along “€œCan you believe this?”€ stories we”€™ve found on the web, as you do.

While writing this column, I remembered one article he”€™d emailed our little group back in the spring:

“€œDoctors Can Now Grow Engineered Vaginas in Women.”€

I think Rick’s subject line was something like, “€œHa! Take THAT, ladies!!,”€ but I can”€™t remember.


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