May 23, 2013

Frank Borzellieri

Frank Borzellieri

It has been nearly a hundred years since Sir James Frazer completed his tremendous work of anthropology The Golden Bough. The book scandalized many Christians, suggesting as it did that the theme of a divine person sacrificed and then reborn has been common since deep antiquity and across all agricultural societies. That theme, argued Frazer, often found expression in the annual killing of a king at harvest time, his spirit then resurrected in the spring.

Cultural Marxism, the current state religion of the West, seems to be reverting to that notion of an annual sacrifice, though with only two percent of us employed in agriculture nowadays, we’re not adhering very strictly to the proper seasonal schedule. Nor, alas, have we yet figured out the resurrection feature.

All that came to mind while I was watching Jared Taylor’s interview with Frank Borzellieri.

Borzellieri (“borza-lerry”) was principal of a Catholic elementary school in New York City for the school years 2009-2011. Before that he was Dean of Discipline at a Catholic high school in the city. His record in both jobs was spotless, and that is astonishing when you consider that both schools were heavily NAM and Frank is white, so that the faintest scintilla of a hint of prejudice on his part or even a careless word would have cost him his job for “racism.”

“It’s getting to look uncannily like a pattern, isn’t it? Who will be the 2014 goat?”

On July 31, 2011 the New York Daily News published a story about Frank under the headline “White supremacist principal running Bronx school with majority black and Latino students.”

The story was a routine piece of Cultural Marxist character assassination by a reporter named Corrine Lestch, who, like the rest of her foul hypocrite breed, lives in a tony Whitopia (average list price for homes in her zip code: $781,657). Breathlessly Ms. Lestch informed her readers that Frank Borzellieri had written for American Renaissance, which she tendentiously described as “white supremacist.” (According to its mission statement, AR advocates “the study of all aspects of race, whether historical, cultural, or biological.”) Frank had, she further swooned, “a history of controversial writings and campaigns.” That was true enough, if you take “controversial” to mean “hostile to Cultural Marxist goals.” Frank had, for example, tried to get a homosexual activist removed from classroom teaching.

Ms. Lestch supplied disapproving comments about Frank from teachers she did not name, parents she did not name, a principal she did name but whose school she misidentified, and the thuggish money racket known as the Southern Poverty Law Center. The New York Archdiocese fired Frank the day after the article appeared, and his ecclesiastical employers shunned him thereafter. He told me that a six-page letter to then-Archbishop Timothy Dolan went unanswered.

Eight months later, in 2012, I myself was the goat for having pushed back against black journalists preening their cherished victimhood at the time of the Trayvon Martin affair. Then, one year on from that, Jason Richwine was hauled up to the sacrificial slab on account of a Ph.D. dissertation that mentioned (gasp!) different race profiles in IQ scores.

It’s getting to look uncannily like a pattern, isn’t it? Who will be the 2014 goat?

In all three cases the goat had some association with an organization keen to maintain its credibility with what we Dark Enlightenment types call The Cathedral. In Borzellieri’s case the supplicant organization was the Roman Catholic Church (proprietor of many actual cathedrals); in mine it was National Review; in Jason Richwine’s it was the Heritage Foundation. All three of these organizations, hearing the mob’s rising ululations, fell to the ground, curled into a fetal position, and squealed: “Take the goat! But for pity’s sake don’t call us ‘racist’!”


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